Author Topic: I'm pretty sure i will need a second lipo (3 weeks postop lipo+excision)  (Read 3848 times)

Offline gynespain

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Hi everyone

The thing is that, ive seen the development of the surgery
during the beggining i was laying down, and i was impressed about the inmediate change, but now i had some little swelling, that already was gone afer removing the vest
I KNOW IT'S TOO SOON, but i have a bad feeling about how it looks now i got used to the new look
for the moment, if what i see now is the best result i can get, its like 60% achieved, its not the change i was expecting (even being realistic, my chest stills bigger than 70% of the people), maybe surprisingly it gets amazing and what now looks fat becomes flat eventually, because it was not really fat, but stational swelling
the gland excision looks amazing, totally flat when i put my hands up, but the lipo... i have my big doubts

anyway, its been a huge improvement, and i wont stress much because my PS wont charge me extra money for his job, i will have to pay as much about 1000 euros to have it finally complete, in terms of team, anesthesia... but lets hope i dont need it
EDIT: i cant go again under the knife due to financial problems, problem solved, whatever is the result, is the final result wether i like it or not

i can wear clothes that i wouldnt even imagined before, and walk straight without worring that much (THAT'S AWESOME, BUT NOT WITH ALL MY CLOTHES, AND MOST OF ALL, ITS NOT RIDICOLOUS ANYMORE WHEN IM SHIRTLESS, AND ALSE VERY NATURAL FORMS FOR JUST A POST OP), but still looking wierd because the bottom and border of the chest keeps swollen.

But i dont feel 100% confortable with the current looking, my hope is the way i feel the tissue in my chest, it feels much softer than the fat on the abs (for example) and i cant take a "primary" soft pinch and secondly pressing it it properly i take a "secondary" pinch maller that has the same density as the fat in other parts of the body

experiences and suggestions about the development

question for doctors, it would be ok after 4 or 6 months with the final result, or 90% of it, to go for another lipo, or i should wait more

this time i wouldnt need to have excision, so i guess the risks of hematoma are less, and the recovery woudl be easier this time??

wish me luck, im the last one willing to go a second time for a surgery, but now i started i want to pptimize the result

« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 04:12:45 PM by gynespain »

Offline anogyne

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I don't think you should make a decision based on how it looks 3 weeks post-op to be honest.
I know what you feel man, you take the big step of surgery and you want the results to be good immediately. But it's only a few more months of suffering and thinking about your posture etc.


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I must ask-Do you use spell check or read before you post? Give it time to heal. I know you are concerned, however, healing stage is the longest part. Just be patient and don't make a decision until you are fully healed. Also, try to be realistic with results. Things will improve and your concern will fade.

Offline gynespain

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I must ask-Do you use spell check or read before you post? Give it time to heal. I know you are concerned, however, healing stage is the longest part. Just be patient and don't make a decision until you are fully healed. Also, try to be realistic with results. Things will improve and your concern will fade.
english is not my first language, and... no, i don't
the day i posted i was really affected because the swelling came just after removing the vest only in one afternoon, it was a shock, because even knowing that swelling is normal, during 3 weeks i didnt experienced anything, so i thought i was being lucky about it
also sometimes im writing while listening music loud, i live with my family, brother included, and when hes at home, door to door, he has to complain about the minimum sound, and he actually is wasting most of his time, but i respect his freedom, so whenever hes out i put on the speakers and im in possesed by music, one of my passions!!!
sorry if u had problems to understand
EDIT: now i read what i wrote, i see u are right with the question :-*
really sorry for that piece of S**T, i changed some of it
my laptop keyboard doesnt help neither

in the other hand, good news are that before i had in my left side, a freaking huge hematoma and a little pocket of seroma, now looks sensibly better than my right side, in terms of countur, while pressing and the nipple is wierd, but the contour now is better
what indicates actually that everything is setting up faster now, since las check on Tuesday, the improvement has been incredible, almost 90% of the hematoma is gone, since then i had like 60% resolved
I WILL BE PATIENT with the results, i saw in the forum experiences and pictures of people who suffered swelling even months after stopping using the compression, so im more concerned now
i just had that shock of seeing a perfect flat nipple and very acceptable contour in the beggining, and suddenly a soft, swollen and hanging countour around the nipple just hours after, i couldnt take it, even kind of prevented about that, i had to ask myself, and now what if it doesnt come to normal again?

thanks for the answers, im very optimistic now, because yesterday i went shoping for new clothes and everything suits me quite good, apart from my muscular body, there is stuff i cant wear with or without gynecomastia, but for the rest and normal clothing i like, before i couldnt and now i can, even with the swelling

« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 09:45:37 AM by gynespain »


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Great news!! Hope things keep improving. I still have a little puffyness, however, it is much better than it used to be.

All the Best,


Offline gynespain

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Great news!! Hope things keep improving. I still have a little puffyness, however, it is much better than it used to be.

All the Best,

thanks a lot, now i feel the tissue inside very soft, and gravity makes its job, but anyway it looks smaller than a week before just after removing the vest
i think is some scar tissue going on aswell, combined with soft fluids what causes the puffyness, but i have a good feeling, because now is the most intense time of healing and its not growing that much, i felt some tissue growing behind the stitches, next where it should be gland, but now it seems stable

anyway the clothes are suiting me better and better everyday, its a fucking relief!!! and as u say, even with some puffiness, nothing to do with the preop situation, then i looked ridicolous, i REALLY HATED it
now i can dress just like i want, thats the best sensation ever

only unconfortable thing is that i would like to do sports properly and i cant yet, my PS told me just soft cardio, i dont even bother, i try to eat less and healthier meanwhile

thanks and best wishes for you too
how long its been for you so far?


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It has been only about 5 weeks for me since my surgery with Dr. Dr. Schuster. I have some puffyness which concerned me at first, however, I reminded myself I still have a lot of healing and things will improve. As far as working out, It is good to get your heart rate up a bit even if it is just a brisk walk. Increasing blood flow aids in your healing. Of course be sure not to over exert yourself in the chest area. I plan to wait 8 weeks at least until I start working out my chest again. I have avoided the gym because of the way I felt I looked in t-shirt and other work out shirts, etc. I am getting back to the gym for light cardio now and I don't concentrate on hiding my chest. Great feeling and I actually get a good workout now.

I love being able to wear clothes which i would have never gone out in public wearing. I also try to keep my shoulders back and stand up straight. I have been slouching for so many years that it is hard to break habit even though I have nothing to hide now. I still like the way my chest looks when I am colder and the muscles in the nipple are contracted. When they relax the nipple gets a little puffy. No worries, It is great improvement. I posted my preop pics in the photo section. I plan on posting my postop photos at the 6 month point.



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