Author Topic: Finally am posting after 2 years, feels good  (Read 1407 times)

Offline GymAddict

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2 years ago I discovered that I had a weird puffy/saggy look in my chest, so I started to research and discovered the medical condition "gynecomastia".

After 2 years of researching I felt like I knew enough about the process of the surgery and the care needed post surgery. This was also the time when I decided to finally step up to the plate and have the surgery done.

4 weeks ago I had the procedure, bilateral gynecomastia, I had a very mild case and I am also a bodybuilder therefore in good shape with minimal body fat, which means no liposuction was needed and I only had the gland cut out.

I had drains put in after the surgery and took out the next following day, there was only tiny amount of fluid which got drained. Doctor said that this was because my case was only very mild and the area affected was not large therefore not much fluids was built up and it's a good thing. It looked absolutely amazing, I was flat as a pancake with absolutely NO swelling OR bruising, I was also given a binder to wear for a period of 4 weeks.

However 2 weeks later, I discovered that my left side looked a bit "puffy" and similar to what it looked like pre-surgery but only about 1/10 of the size, it was tiny only I could notice it nobody else. I knew from my researching that gynecomastia could not come back in such short amount of time and that it would be either swelling/fluids so I was not that worried. Plus I'd gone to an endocrinologist before hand and my hormones were fine.

Fast forward to today, 4 weeks EXACTLY post operation, I had a follow up consultation with my surgeon, the left side still looks the same as 2 weeks ago but right side looks 100% perfect. My surgeon said that I had nothing to worry about it was neither a hematoma or seroma and that it would just subside in approximately 4-6 months. I was also given the okay to finally start going back to the gym and working out. I had a very light workout, very cautious made sure that I didn't do ANYTHING which caused any pain/discomfort. However during my workout I did feel a slight pulling sensation in both sides of my chest but not enough to cause discomfort, I figured that this was normal and just carried on, 30 minutes later I started to get this mild throbbing pain in my left side ONLY, right was fine and it felt like my left side was A LITTLE more swollen after the workout, so I decided to put my compression vest back on and the pain is now gone an hour later. What do yo guys think ? Should I be concerned ? What do you guys recommend for me to do ? I have a gut feeling that it might be a seroma but I feel rude to go back to my surgeon and telling him that he might be wrong, as I'm sure he would not appreciate me doing his job for him.

Any help will be greatly appreciated and also great to be on this site !

P.s. Should I stop the compression vest cold turkey ? Or should I slowly taper it off, e.g. wear it for only 12 hours of a day for 2 more weeks and the have it off, or have I had it on for long enough now.



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