As many of you have all lived with gyne as kids all the way to adults, I have too. I have been able to ignore all the comments through the years somehow, or giving the fact that most guys were afraid of me they never said anything. In the service the comments got worse, however, I was still able to brush them off.
Sometime after my number 2 child was killed in an accident (late 80's) the moobs started to bother me some but the wife thought it was the way I was dealing with the death, but time had passed and my faith helped with that grief.
A few years later, (early 90's) she was due with number 5! We decided that 5 was enough so I would get a vasectomy. A couple years later I started to have very bad pain in the groin area. After about 6 months of doctoring going through pain clinic it was thought that I had testicle cancer! It was checked with ultra sound and MRI and then removed. It was not cancer, however it was dead and rotten. The other continued to hurt and the doctoring continued for almost another year. During that year it was discover that I was Diabetic and probably had been for at least 20 years, as I have a blood disorder that makes diabetes undetectable with the A1c test.
A blood test was done to check hormone levels. I was told that most woman have a higher T level then I did, so the other testicle was dead and should be removed. And it was!
During all this time my breast were getting bigger and hurting all the time. Trying to find a doctor that didn't think I or my wife was crazy was tough. we did got help at our university hospital. Now my endo is now my primary doctor, and has been for many years.
The doctors thoughts on my testicles going bad was either the many years of untreated diabetes or my auto immune system attacking them as they no longer worked as they did before. I also have thyroid problems is why they think this may be possible.
As time passed I would hide my feeling about my big DD's so no one knew about my shame except when it came to going swimming. I quit swimming and my younger kids (daughters) and wife would tell me "who cares", "we love you"! But no go, no swimming for me. Over the years I would think about a bra to support them and the wife and daughters even supported that idea, but I soon let the idea go for fear of being caught.
during all this time my health would take my mind of my moods for other issues. heart attack at 37, required to go on disability at 40. Both knees replaced later down the road, and major back surgery in 2009. With all this the last nearly 14 years I have not given much thought to the DD's!
They did begin to bother me again a while back. I said some things to my wife. She said you haven't said anything in a long time, they'r not that bad. When I wrapped two hands around one boob and had a lot still hanging out, and my hands not touching, she said OMG they are huge!
I am coming to terms with having big boobs. At almost 54 years old and having going through plenty of other things (to me were a lot worse then moobs) I have come to accept them. What I am working on is accepting the use of support for them, at home and in public. Both my wife and I feel acceptance for us is better, more surgery's are out of the question. It really is great to have a wife that cares about your over all health and well being then how big your boobs are, and if you need or wear a bra or not.
Thanks to all that post here! It has been very helpful to know that one is not alone with this problem!
One must remember when you look at my photos that I stopped producing testosterone two years or so before I know that my testicles had died, and I had gyne even before that!