Author Topic: question for all post surgery guys  (Read 2492 times)

Offline masked_1

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This is a strange one but my question is does it feel strange or weird to not have the breast after surgery ? I mean I've had this condition since I was 12 years old I'm 27 years old now and I'm scheduled for surgery on january 27th gynecomastia is all I've known and to me its normal  to have 2 big friggin lumps on my chest. I'm just curious if it took a little while for you to get used to having a flat normal male chest? I know it's a weird question but any and all feedback from post surgery guys would be greatly appreciated january 27th can't come fast enough my friends. My demons are about to go to hell! Lol ive never and i mean NEVER have been so exited for somthing. And other then the birth of my daughter this will be one of the best things to happen to me!!!!!

Offline rocks456

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It feels AWESOME, I just had surgery a week ago, so theres still bruising, swelling, etc.., but my chest is flat. The first time I looked post surgery, I couldn't wrap my head around what I was seeing, I couldn't believe the gyne was gone. Now its sinking in and I am so excited for the summer. ;D
Great decision to get it taken care of and not wait any longer, this surgery is a real game changer, for guys like us.


Offline masked_1

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Thanks for your input rock thats awesome brotha!  Im sooooo exited its unreal. T minus 10 days!
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 03:04:04 PM by becky »

Offline masked_1

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Offline rocks456

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I would just advise you to get as healthy as possible before the surgery, eat, sleep, and moderate exercise while you can. Try not to drink, or party leading up to the surgery. With all surgeries you want to create the best healing environment in your body for post op healing. Definitely, have someone with you after surgery for the first night, and wear a button up to surgery, cause lifting your arms to put on a t-shirt is rough the first few days. Other than that, the actual surgery is the easiest part. Keep us posted how things go for you.

Offline masked_1

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Thanks man and i will keep ya posted. Much appreciated on the advise im trying to eat healthy and slow down on the drinking. Ive also quit smoking weed too it was hard but it will be wortg it!

Offline shaknbake

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I gotta say, YES, it does seem weird at first.  I had to stay in Mississauga overnight after my surgery because the doctor didn't want me to be in a car for such a long trip right away.  That worked out pretty good, because I was to go back to the clinic the next day for a quick check up.  I got to see the new chest almost right away, and it was like looking down at somebody elses body.  It was the weirdest feeling not to see a set of boobs there anymore.  Shocking almost!  I'm getting quite used to it now, and enjoying my new look while wearing shirts.  Right now, it doesn't feel too much different because of the swelling, so I still get that "jiggle" thing going on a bit  :D  But it's going to be life changing my friend.  I'm happy for you!  I look forward to seeing you on the other side!
Shakenbake baby, SHAKE N BAKE!!  Ya, that just happened.

Offline Bikkembergs

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Masked 1,

I gotta agree with the other guys. I guess at first it is a little weird and a little painful. Im currently only 3 days post op but I went back to work today and it was utterly fantastic. It was my first real time when it went from weird to happiness and long may it continue.

To walk round corners with confidence and not slouch, tug my shirt and pinch my nipples constantly is truly wonderful.

I'm a little sore, but honestly...who cares?  :)

To add to the guys' advice, mine would be:

1) Tell your family if you haven't already and have someone there with you. I told my sister and did the journey alone. I was full of bravado the day before, I'd be fine. But by night time I was very lonely.

2) Get things ready beforehand. Food, drink, items within reach, bed ready etc. Sounds small, but you'll probably be pretty sore so make it easy on yourself.

Good luck pal  ;)

Offline art

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I'm about 3 weeks post surgery, and I can't really categorize anything I felt afterward as pain.  It was just discomfort.  Up until a few days ago, there was some numbness around my nipple area, which felt weird if I had a shirt on without the compression vest.  However, my lady has been massaging my chest every night, and that's pretty much gone away.  I still have some swelling, but for the most part my chest feels completely normal after 3 week.

Trust me, this surgery is worth it.  You'll just be amazed at how you look afterward.  The boost in confidence is unreal.

Offline masked_1

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Thanks to you all for your input! Im happy for you all! Reading your comments really helped put me at ease and confirm that im making the right choice for surgery   

Offline ozzie

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I agree..i just had the surgery done as well on January 18th, 2012 and although I take 2 Tylenol every 6 hours for pain I only feel discomfort. I am so glad I went through with it...

Although I have not looked at it yet as my drain tubes are still on...I will probably look at it next Tuesday when I get them removed. Good luck to anyone going through with it.

My only recomendation would be to get a good certified surgeon.

Good luck


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