Author Topic: Questions regarding Side Effects  (Read 3297 times)


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Hey guys,

Let's face it. Surgery's impossibly expensive. $3000-$7000 is a lot of money to pay for something that can complicate your life as much as simplify it. Pills are a much more inexpensive alternative, and I don't really have a TERRIBLY serious case, so I think it may work. There are some success stories, that's not what I'm worried about though.

So I'm assuming that these products intend to treat Gynecomastia by balancing out hormones- mostly increasing testosterone. This is something most people don't really have a problem with- my only problem is music. I'm a singer, and I have a Tenor voice that I'm currently building a career around and would therefore probably like to keep.

So my question is, to anyone who has tried these pills or knows from some experience, would they have the effect of changing somebody's voice? Come to think of it, anything else associated with testosterone - increase in height, muscle production, body hair, etc. would be good to know.

Please, nothing on how the pills are a scam and don't work. I am not at the point where I am willing to try surgery yet and I would like to give the pills a shot before I try to do something so dangerous and expensive.

Offline joltera

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taking some sketchy pills that will have an unknown and most likely detrimental effect on your body sounds dangerous to doesn't work like that with hormones, its not like a vitamin deficiency. Think of it like a car.. there are systems in place to keep the car from overheating, like the oil and coolant systems, but these levels have to be exact or it may cause damage worse than what you were trying to prevent in the first place. Your body has systems in place that closely regulate your hormones, altering this with foreign substances that are not exact to your body's needs may cause a reverse effect making your problem even worse. Please, do not take anything unless given to you by a real doctor, who specializes in this area, after he or she has done a series of test. The dosages and what not have to be specific to you as an individual, there is no generic anti-gyne meds.. Remember, while legal drugs often have a legitimate purpose, it is still a huge money generating industry, and they have people working full time who's job is to get in your head and make you believe you should buy their product. Seems they're doing a damn good job of it too. I've been on and off this site for about four years and I have yet to see any testimony of a reversal of stable gyne from taking pills. That should say something to you right there. Good luck! Keep us posted with what you decide to do.
f*ck gyne

Offline joltera

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BTW, if 3-7k is impossibly expensive I guess you search for alternatives for cars when you need transportation? Housing when you need shelter? Schooling when you need education? You could ride a bike or scooter, live under a bridge or in a tent, read on your own time and make your own degree on Photoshop...all of these are definitely less expensive alternatives..but are they the most practical and effective? No.. I thought the 4k I spent on surgery was "impossibly expensive" at one point. It wasn't. Expensive? no doubt, but definitely not impossible.


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Let me clarify- I'm not talking about random sketchy pills. I'm looking at well known drugs that are credited by the FDA. The drugs are not steroids, it's just a way to help your body produce what it naturally is supposed to produce and doesn't.
Aside from this, none of what you said below is anywhere near realistic. We can talk income, but $4000 is about a fifth of what my parents make in a year. It's never going to happen. At least, not until I'm out of their house. The chances of this happening in college as well (Unless I get some sort of otherworldly financial aid refund), are slim to none. Let me reiterate that I am a singer/actor, not being able to look good without your shirt on on stage can cost you roles- it has before. I know that pills may not be as effective a solution as surgery, but they are certainly more affordable and the chance that I could spend $300 and have my problem fixed sometime in the relatively near future AND save $3700? If I was going to spend $4000 anyway, why not play the lotto and spend an extra $300?

Offline joltera

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fda approval isnt saying much, look at all the fda approved depression drugs that caused birth defects in the past decade. you need years of research and human test subjects to really see all effects of a drug. i understand we're you're coming from, but with that mindset saving will be imossible. all im trying to say is dont take something based off internet will either be a waste of money or make ur gyne worse... if there was a pill that actually worked dont u think we would have all used it instead of wasting 1000's? you cant reverse it once its been stable for some years.. period. Just because something is cheaper doesnt make it a wise investment. nothing is guaranteed, but going to a qualified experienced surgeon is far from a gamble. it took me years of saving and huge sacrifices for me to get to where i am so i have no sympathy for excuses. good luck, let us know how the meds work out.

Offline Paa_Paw

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OK so you don't have a really bad case. The cost of surgery is high, and getting higher all the time. So you are willing to put some money into pills in the hope that it will work for you.

Did I get that right?

Here is my advice:

Figure out how long you would have to be on the pills before you are likely to give up on them. Because you are looking for a positive change, you might think you are seeing a positive change when there is actually no change at all so this should be well over a year. Be realistic! Multiply the number of months by the cost of the pills per month.


Take the amount of money you would have spent on worthless cures and go have a good time. Then simply ignore the little bit of chest enlargement. Men have had to do it that way for many centuries and it worked for me.

You are fortunate to live in a time when recent advances in surgical technique have made male breast reduction both safe and effective when done by a properly qualified surgeon. Even so, surgery is not for everyone. But please do not enrich the scammers who sell the phoney cures.
Grandpa Dan

Offline greatlakes

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What are these wonderful pills that will help some of us avoid surgery?  ;D

I am not a medical doctor or expert, but as someone who has complete control over his testosterone levels, and has played with such levels, and has even taken pills which block estrogen absorption - I can tell you if the tissue exists - it exists. Should you have a hormone imbalance, creams, pills, or shot may help prevent future tissue growth, but there are studies which show limited to no reversal once tissue has formed.

Increasing your testosterone can in some cases actually cause gynco (Aromatase). Increasing your testosterone can also result in increase muscle mass, weight gain, acne, rage (emotional swings), and all sorts of other changes in your body.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 06:12:03 AM by greatlakes »

Offline nvrdunit

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The problem with your plan is that gynecomastia cells change.  In stage 3 they are very fibrous
and can't be dissolved by any known medicines.  Stage 3 usually occurs after two years.  Articles in peer review medical journals all agree with this timeline.  If you have had it for less than two years (or so) try anything a doctor will prescribe.  After two years its surgery or live with it.

Offline ScotAus

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I can totally sympathize with your situation. I'm kind of in the same boat myself. Don't know exactly what pills you refer to but as of the last month or so I've been taking 60mg of raloxifene which is a SERM (stops estrogen binding to receptors in breast tissue)a day and applying 5mg of Andactrim DHT gel also.

I haven't yet seen any results and frankly will be very surprised if I do. I am trying this as a last resort and am doing so with a "I've got nothing to loose" attitude. I will give it 3 months and if I see no results so be it.
The problem with these treatments, SERMs especially is that there is just not enough research available to prove one way or another if they are effective. If nothing else comes of my treatment at least I will be able to contribute to the debate.

With regards to side effects, I have had none whatsoever and have no regrets doing this. I however am not a doctor and can not advise you on medical issues. I would recommend seeing a doc and getting your hormones checked to rule out any underlying problem.

I plan to post my results up on the forum with before and after pics when I'm done. If you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them.


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You know Ollie, some men got hair, some don't!
Some got man boobies, some don't!
Maybe God made them that way, you know Ollie.
Ya, Swen, you might me right, you might me right bout that Swen!

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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Shameless, I don't know what type of pills you're talking about but if you're actually talking about male hormones then all you have to do is look at FTM (Female-To-Male) transexuals who are taking male hormones. Chaz Bono comes to mind. His voice definitely changed once on testosterone.

If you're planning on using the over-the-counter type "natural" testosterone-boosters, those are a crap shoot, but probably have little effect on Gynecomastia in general. They might even make the problem worse, if they actually work, but perhaps a doctor can chime in.

I don't know your physical build but the only thing that would be even slightly effective, besides having surgery, is trying weight loss pills (but again those are a crap shoot and some have dangerous side effects like jitteriness etc. and many have been known to die from OTC diet pills) to get your body fat down low. Even though it won't get rid of the gyno completely, it can make it less noticeable.


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