Author Topic: Had Pre-Op visit today  (Read 8421 times)

Offline greatlakes

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Had my visit with nurse today.

Lots of forms, and a ton of money prepaid.  

Try on a vest for size.

Photos taken, but told unless I release them - they cant use them with others or on website.

For next two weeks before surgery, No vitamin E over 30 IU, and no fish oil (has E). No aspirin, no Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), No glucosamine ,and a bunch of other stuff which hampers healing. Tylenol may be used however.

My procedure will be based on the little tube insertion points (not under nipple). A combo of laser lipo and tissue grinder tubes. These holes will NOT be stitched. I am told that I will need sanitary pads for a few days around the little holes, with the first day only being noticeable in fluid in the pads.

He has me taking some homeopathic pills called Boiron arnicare a few days before and after surgery which are supposed to reduce bruising and improve healing.

I will have surgery on Tuesday and be back in on Friday for check.

Prescription for Vicodin as needed after surgery for pain.

In at 11:30am. Procedure at 12:30. Procedure to take 1.5 hour. 1 hour of recovery, then home. So 3.5 hours start to finish.

After two weeks I can switch from the vest to compression shirts. They sell the secondary stage compression shirt, but simply gave me a flyer for spanx compression shirts which they say are good enough.

After two weeks I may begin some exercise again.

I am also having (combining) some minor neck laser lipo, but not much to say there except a wrap around my head/neck for 3-4 days, then only at nighttime for two weeks.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 12:52:22 PM by greatlakes »

Offline crossfit99

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Exciting! It will be here and gone before you know it man!

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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Good luck  ;D

Can't wait to hear about the results.

Offline shaknbake

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You're well on your way now, congratulations!  I hope all goes well for you.  Keep us informed  ;)
Shakenbake baby, SHAKE N BAKE!!  Ya, that just happened.

Offline greatlakes

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Yes it is not far away now. I have a mixture of feelings as I approach this. So many different looking before and after results shown here, I wonder what mine will be like.

I am set to take a full week off work, get some rest, recover, watch movies, play some video games, sit on the back patio with a lemonade, etc. My wife is only mildly (kind of reluctantly) supportive, but I appreciate what I am getting and the timing is good for this now.

Offline crossfit99

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Yes it is not far away now. I have a mixture of feelings as I approach this. So many different looking before and after results shown here, I wonder what mine will be like.

I am set to take a full week off work, get some rest, recover, watch movies, play some video games, sit on the back patio with a lemonade, etc. My wife is only mildly (kind of reluctantly) supportive, but I appreciate what I am getting and the timing is good for this now.

Sounds perfect, I wish I had a full week off. I took Thurs-Mon off, back Tuesday. It was nice just veggin' out and relaxing. Not having ANYTHING to do while recovering is awesome.

Offline Showtime620

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Is today the day, Greatlakes?!  How did it go?!

Offline greatlakes

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Nope - next Tuesday. One more week

So many emotions.   I have lived with this condition for a long time. While I want the moobs off, and hope for "perfect chest" I know I will not end up with a sculpted chest no matter what my doctor says. My face will also change slightly with the neck lipo I am adding in. Change is scary sometimes, even when for good reasons.

Offline Showtime620

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Good stuff, man.  I look forward to comparing notes.   Change is scary, indeed, but it is for the better! You'll do great!

Offline shaknbake

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I remember the day after my surgery.  I had to stay overnight in a hotel because the doc didn't want me to drive that far immediately after.  He asked that I come back in his office the next morning so he could take a look and make sure everything was o.k before leaving.  To be honest, I was almost shocked at what my chest looked like when the vest came off.  I was so used to seeing my chest with moobs, that I was really taken aback when I looked down at myself.  I was much flatter than I expected, almost too flat to be honest.  But since then, things have changed quite a bit.  I'm no longer flat as a board like I was the next day after surgery (I prefer it that way too), I look much more natural.  This week will be a tough one for you greatlakes, hang on tight!

Offline greatlakes

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Thanks shaknbake,

Every body and gyno is different, but your before photos and surgery type are in the general ballpark to my gyno and planned procedure.  I would be generally pleased if my after photos also followed your results. I know what you mean about kind of getting used to the moobs in a way, and then having nothing or being too flat. That is a worry - too flat, as is to much left, or continued great asymmetry (which I have).  

Change is scary. I have looked at a TON of before and after photos on the web for both my planned procedures. I am trying to set myself up to not expect perfect  results with the gyno after seeing all the photos.

 I am thinking about it this way - right now I am only comfortable with how I look in a T-shirt about 20% of the time. It has to be the right kind of shirt(not too tight or thin or clingy). So 80% of the time I don't like the way I look at all in t-shirts. It is a life limitation to not just grab any t-shirt and happily head out the door.  As for bare chested - I am comfortable 0% percent of the time with my shirt off. I wear swim shirts to the pool or beach, and don't like being bare chested even in front of wife.

If after the surgery, I am comfortable with how I look in a t-shirt 80-90% of the time (as far as chest), and 25-50% comfortable (not totally embarrassed) bare chested - that would be satisfactory for me. Hey lets face it.... what guy... well into middle age... rips of his shirt and struts around anyway! ;D

That is - I will be happy to just get good "T-shirt" results. That's my baseline.

Offline shaknbake

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I think you're going into the surgery with just the right attitude.  I tried to do the same thing, and I think it's working..?  I know I had a quite noticeable asymmetry from one side to the other, and I still do to a degree.  I was honestly hoping he would remove a bit more from my left side than the right to even it out more.  Maybe he did?  I'm not really sure....  Either way, it's way better than it was.  Like you are hoping, I at least feel comfortable now in any type of shirt I wear.  I'm actually  going on vaca this Sunday to the Dominican!  I'm looking forward to taking my shirt off at the pool and beach with confidence!  I won't win any hard body contests, but at least I won't be getting any stares for having boobs anymore.  I was looking at my pictures from before, then 1 week, 3 weeks and 8 weeks after.  Things are steadily changing for the better, albeit slowly.  I figure by summertime, I should be about as good as I'll get.  I suspect though, that if I lost some weight, the extra fat I have will even out more so.  Gotta try to keep away from the excessive beers LOL!

Offline greatlakes

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Did you ever post 8 weeks? I think I saw up to 3.

Offline greatlakes

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Getting a little paranoid, sent email to doctor's admin today reminding them I am expecting both fat and tissue removal (laser lipo and cutting cannula .. fat and tissue/gland.. a combo procedure)...... and I expect the side moob stuff (reaching back towards arm pits) removed.

Called her to make sure she got email. I said I felt silly and apologized. But a few of the posters here got me paranoid on making sure I got combo procedure and that the side moob thing would be done too. I am paying enough that's for sure to get "it all".

She explained the doctor will not rush me tomorrow and there will be time to talk.

Sheesh I need a drink (but can't)

Offline Showtime620

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Ha, dude - don't worry about it.  Just replied to your on one of Crossfit's threads.  I think the side stuff is the 'tail' - almost like a sperm, the head is right in front and the tail goes off to the side under the armpit - all of which is connected, and should all come out in one piece, except of course if he chooses to leaves a little bit of gland in there.

The surgery is EXPENSIVE.  Make sure they know ALL of your concerns!!!  I did the same thing, too, man.  The days leading up to surgery, I thin I read EVERY post on this website!  I also became paranoid and sent a few of the 'horror stories' to my Dr who read them and responded.  He comforted me by saying that 'bad news travels faster than good news' but that he understood my concerns and that we would talk on the day of surgery.   I went into surgery with a list of questions, literally written down (like I had in the consult, but these questions were obviously much more specific)  He took time and addressed each one.  I recommend you doing that.  Having them written down help to put my mind at ease so that I wasn't worried about forgetting something, ya know?

Another thing I did, was try to read the "Surgery Success Stories" section.  That helps to calm you down, as does thinking about each individual moment in your life when someone poked your breast, or you couldn't wear a white t-shirt given out somewhere, or didn't want to play on the beach, etc.   You'll do great!


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