Author Topic: New to forums - do I have gyne?  (Read 2097 times)

Offline abcdlr

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Hi everyone.  I'm new here to posting, but have been reading the threads for a few weeks.  I am in my mid 20's, and have had chest issues for as long as I can remember.  In early grade school, I remember being called 'boob boy,' and ever since then, I have been uncomfortable with my body.  I hoped that it would go away as I got older, but the man boobs have stayed and now I am at a crossroads. 
I am in a relationship with a very special person, and I fear this is going to end it.  I avoid situations that could lead to a romantic encounter because I am afraid to take my shirt off.  I am mortified and ashamed of my chest, and I don't know what else to do. 
I am attaching a picture of my chest, I am pretty sure I know what the answer is going to be...but does it look like gyne? 
What are the treatment options?  At this point, I am fully convinced that the only way I can live a normal life is through surgery.  I am sick of not being able to wear a t shirt or light colors.  I haven't been swimming since I was probably 10 years old.  I am SICK of letting this ruin my life.
What do you guys suggest?  Going to a consultation with a plastic surgeon?  Any advice for finding a reputable surgeon with gyne surgery experience? 
To end, I would like to say thanks to everyone in advance.  This website and these forums have given me hope, and that is something I haven't felt in a long time.


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First, I would like to welcome you to the group! You don't need to worry about anything here as everyone here is here for the same reason, some worse then others.

I would say that you do have a mild case of gynecomastia, however, with only the one front picture it is hard to tell how mild or if in fact it is worse.

The only way to remove it is surgery. If you would decide to do that, be sure to go to someone with gyne experience and don't base it on price.

In the mean time. Stop letting those bump control who you are. I know it isn't easy, but lets work on the fact that, fat, breast tissue, and skin do not make you the man that you are! Look deep inside yourself. Are those bumps on your chest really going to control your life, or are YOU THE MAN going to control it.

I know what I just said is not easy! If you can't have surgery today or tomorrow, lets work on that self esteem. Building self esteem, will help you everywhere else to! If you want to do this, today is the best day to start!

I hope that I can help in some way.

Bob aka Hammer

Offline abcdlr

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Thanks for your response.  I will try to post a few more pictures of different angles after work this afternoon. 
Thank you also for the words of encouragement.  I am trying my hardest not to focus on these bumps on my chest, but recently it's become all that I can think about.  It makes me feel not worthy of other peoples attention because I feel so disgusting.  I probably need to see a therapist about this, but I'm definitely hoping that surgery will give me the boost of confidence that I am definitely needing.
I am going to start doing my research as far as surgeons in my area.  Would it be helpful to go to an endocrinologist first, or go directly to a surgeon for a consultation?  Any advice is greatly helpful.


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It would be best to see an endocrinologist first. As for your feelings, I understand, everyone on this forum including myself have been there. At 54 I have learned there are a lot of things in life that are worse then boobs and at double "D"s I have boobs! I have given my story in stories if you care to read, it is "my story after all these years".

If you need to see someone to help you through this, there is no shame in that! If you can find a good doctor that works with this problem and can get the surgery, that may even be better in your case. Some of use decide to live with it, or can not have surgery, so we can help those that want to learn to live with it. There is help for everyone here.

If you ask for someone in the general area that you are in to refer a doctor in your area, there may be someone, or one of the fine doctor on our forum already here that can help you out.

Bob aka Hammer

Offline corvette09

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First thing first. Get your hormone checks. Testosterone and your E2. There is no sense of getting surgery if your hormones are out of range. I had the surgery done about 6 months ago. Let me tell you at 35 this was the best decision I've ever made. Good luck.

Offline abcdlr

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I had my testosterone checked last month and it was normal.  Because of the fact that I've had this problem most of my life and it will not go away, I do not think it is a hormone problem.


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