Author Topic: Just seen UK NHS Surgeon today and this is what he said, help me please?  (Read 1729 times)

Offline worriedgynopatient

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Hi guys,

I'm new to this website, but I've read through alot of the posts over the years. Just to introduce myself,I'm 21 and have suffered from gynecomastia since the age of 13. To cut a long story short - it's ruined my teenage life. I'm of a slim build and they're very prominent.

I went to see my GP about it back in Jan this year. He recognsied it as gyno straight away and (eventually)referred to me to see a surgeon.

I went to see a general surgeon 2 weeks ago. He asked me all the standard questions etc, and said pretty much the same thing as the GP. He did say it was a ''mild form'' though, and that surgery has all these risks and blah blah... basically trying to deter me. I was adamant though, as even though I don't exactly have massive breasts, I have pronouced glandular tissue under my nipples, with fat as well and it ''hangs'' from my chest. I've had friends grab them, people laugh at them and I've never been able to wear a tshirt in public/go to the beach/swimming pool.

So the general surgeon referred me to a breast surgeon who I saw today. I had an ultrasound scan and it was confirmed I had small amounts of glandular tissue under both nipples. There was fat there too.

He again tried to deter me from it. He said that you're type of skin is prone to getting keloid scars, and that surgery will risk scarring. I said I didn't care, as long as these damn breasts are removed from me. Then he said he could do liposuction. I told him that would hardly help as its GLANDULAR TISSUE, the fat is pretty minimal !!

After a while, he finally said okay, he'll now refer me to a plastic surgeon. And that when I speak to him, I should go in with an ''open mind and not rule out just liposuction''.

Have I done the right thing people? Am I being silly for really pushing gland removal as well as the lipo? Should I just say fine, do the lipo?

I am a student and there is no way I can fork out £4000 grand to go private. This is my only option without question!

Sorry for the rant, but I feel pretty alone about this, I can't talk to my rents/friends about this as its such a sensitive issue. I hope you understand :)  

Any comments/thoughts/whatever on this would be immensely appreciated.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 01:17:37 PM by worriedgynopatient »

Offline rasputin

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Of course we understand mate, everyone here feels the same with gyne whether no matter how 'mild' the problem is. In fact it took me 4 years just to tell my girlfriend and no one else :D

First of all I would definitely look into the keloid scarring thing further just to put your mind at ease. While I'm sure he was just being over cautious (to deter or otherwise), it's still a doctor's opinion and definitely worth researching.

Someone else would be better placed to answer about lipo as I'm yet to have surgery - but as far as I'm aware lipo is there to give you the flattest chest possible. But fat can be burned off so I'm never sure why this is always recommended with surgery - perhaps the reason goes beyond cosmetic.

Sorry I haven't helped much, just felt you could do with a response :)
My Trip Report (Preop & Postop pics).

Offline thetodd

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Im surprised hes even agreeing to referring you for lipo, you've done better than most. Id say ok be referred to the plastic surgeon, and then ask him for gland excision.

The they like to offer lipo only because its easy to do, and takes 20 minutes. Take it up with the plastic surgeon he may have a different view :).
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline worriedgynopatient

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Thanks for your help guys, it's really appreciated. Shouldn't be getting my hopes up, but I can just imagine how this surgery will transform my life if all goes well.

Its ruined my confidence and even though I'm a fairly good looking guy who gets quite a bit of attention from girls, I'm a 21 year old virgin! Like I'll get attention in bars/clubs/from friends of friends but I can never go the whole way as I have this gut feeling they'll recoil in horror when they see my breasts. Shameful, I know.

Anyways, I'm going to push for gland removal as well, as that's the reason I have these puffy nipples/protruding breasts.

Have you guys had the surgery? On the NHS?

Offline thetodd

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I went private, the vast majority get rejected by the NHS and seek advice on here. I have seen some bad NHS cases in my time but this has mainly been down to them offering lipo only, and people being upset afterwards.

Gyne is a confidence killer, but try and plough through with girls for now. Once your gynes then all of those worries you had will shift onto some other body part.

If they flat out refuse excision, then go private dont waste your early 20's worring ;).


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