Author Topic: Planning Surgery from Dr Sandip Jain Mumbai : Suggestion & Guidance required!  (Read 4648 times)

Offline bright_horizon

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I have finally decided to go under the knife after all these years of stressful and shackled life. The anomaly manifested for the first time when I was 17 and I have been living a curtailed life since then, I am 28 now. I have to put up a fight daily as I get ready to face the world and save myself from shameful scrutiny, thanks to my noticeable protruding chest! I don thick loose shirts every day, just as if it was like an Armour , in order to combat sharp glances directed to my bulging demons.
My Case : I have a big lump protruding out from my right chest which makes it uneven. Until recently (4months back) the left side looked ok but suddenly it also has started to raise its head and developing quiet rapidly. I now have puffy nipples on my left side as well.
After resorting to strict work out and cautious diets, and apparently nothing has helped, I decide to go for the last resort..Surgery! I have picked Dr Sandip Jain as I have found his reviews to be well acceptable. I had requested price quote online by uploading my pics. He gave me an estimate of 80,000 Rs inclusive of stay and suggested that I have severe Gynocomastia which required Gland removal/ lipo and Skin tightening. I am little skeptical  about skin tightening and would like to get the feedback from members who have gone through such surgery and how did it came along?? Also would like to know if Dr Sandip is a good choice or not. He stated that surgery would be done at Nova hospital. Members please throw some light on this hospital and kindly rate it according to adequacy of Infrastructure.

Waiting for your much required suggestions and support to sail through this! feel free to mail me at
Keeping my fingres Crossed!!!   

Offline unlaky

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Could you upload some pics, youtube video etc. of your present condition.

My suggestions are very conservative, especially since I have had bad experiences.
I am very skeptical about skin tightening. That would lead to various scars - around the nipple areola and just below it. This could also mean loss of sensation around the chest area and nipples. It might even look bad in movement.

It also a tough surgery - the dr. would need to make sure that the pressure/pulling force on the aerola is equal from all sides.

Some women undergo similar surgeries during sex-change in order to become males. You could also look at their results on youtube. From what I understand, you need to be really tight skinned all around for that to look good.

Finally ask your doctor for referral and contact those patients, speak with them and understand their experience. Hope that helps.

Offline bright_horizon

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Attaching pics. Please suggest what should be the best way out. What should I choose from between Key hole surgery and liposuction. In latter a cut is made just below the areola and excessive fat and gland is removed. While in the case of former, incisions are made on the lower outer chest which would result in scars not being visible from the front view..they call it lateral pull through technique.

Also regarding the surgeon. Dr Hari Menon claim to have an expertise in the Key Hole surgery. Given that he has started his career in 2004, referring to 8 years of experience which is relatively not so rich in the field of surgery. But still somehow he looks reliable after going through his sites and reviews by patients. Please suggest.

Offline anothergyne

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hi bright horizon.I just had keyhole surgery from Dr Hari menon last week.In my opinion u should consult  Dr hari menon first through his website.Upload the pics and ask him if you require skin tightening.I would also suggest you to contact Dr susheel cleatus through mail and ask the same.I dont think your case requires skin tightening based on some of the reviews i read in the same forum.But im no expert,so better take the word of the doctor.As far as Dr Hari Menon and his techniqye goes , it has many adv as well as disadv.I would be able to comment on his results only after seeing my case after a month or so.Right now it seems pretty flat and there is no pain at all.

Offline shal

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Hi, I am planing to have gynecomastia surgery from dr. sandip jain but heard that he is very expensive. Pls suggest if there is any one else in mumbai? [/img]img][/img]

Offline ripppit

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Hi Shal,

Looking at ur pic, i surely think ur problem cn b treated by gym and exercise, ur gynae is almost nil, hv u tried any exercises....???

Offline Anakin

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I have finally decided to go under the knife after all these years of stressful and shackled life. The anomaly manifested for the first time when I was 17 and I have been living a curtailed life since then, I am 28 now. I have to put up a fight daily as I get ready to face the world and save myself from shameful scrutiny, thanks to my noticeable protruding chest! I don thick loose shirts every day, just as if it was like an Armour , in order to combat sharp glances directed to my bulging demons.
My Case : I have a big lump protruding out from my right chest which makes it uneven. Until recently (4months back) the left side looked ok but suddenly it also has started to raise its head and developing quiet rapidly. I now have puffy nipples on my left side as well.
After resorting to strict work out and cautious diets, and apparently nothing has helped, I decide to go for the last resort..Surgery! I have picked Dr Sandip Jain as I have found his reviews to be well acceptable. I had requested price quote online by uploading my pics. He gave me an estimate of 80,000 Rs inclusive of stay and suggested that I have severe Gynocomastia which required Gland removal/ lipo and Skin tightening. I am little skeptical  about skin tightening and would like to get the feedback from members who have gone through such surgery and how did it came along?? Also would like to know if Dr Sandip is a good choice or not. He stated that surgery would be done at Nova hospital. Members please throw some light on this hospital and kindly rate it according to adequacy of Infrastructure.

Waiting for your much required suggestions and support to sail through this! feel free to mail me at
Keeping my fingres Crossed!!!   

Hello bright_horizon. Looking at your pic i feel surgery is the right option for you. Am glad you have decided to undergo it. I am of the same age as you. I was operated upon by Dr Sandip Jain last month and i am fairly satisfied with the outcome. The only difference though is that i was told by him that i would not require skin tightening. Maybe you require it because the lump on your right chest it quite big.
My operation at Saifee hospital and it was pretty good. I have no idea about Nova hospital. There are surgeons out there willing to perform the surgery for 50K but i chose with Dr Jain because he has a good reputation i did not want to take any chances.
Also, i will not be requiring my compression garment any more. Let me know if you need it. I am 5'8" and weigh 70 kilos. If your dimensions are similar, it will fit you. It would save you around 3.5K.

Offline Anakin

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Hi Shal,

Looking at ur pic, i surely think ur problem cn b treated by gym and exercise, ur gynae is almost nil, hv u tried any exercises....???

I concur with you. Shal, your gyne looks very mild. A pic from the side angle would be more useful for us to judge. Meanwhile please start doing cardio exercises and burn off the excess fat on your torso.

Offline shal

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Hi friends,

I tried cardio and all the exercises as I was 85+ before, but I had lost almost 20 kg in 8 months & yes It got decreased then (but not completely).

But as I stopped gyming I have put on some wait up to 5kg, and it came back in old shape,
I stared chest exercise this time e.g. push ups, weight lifting etc.... but it's started increasing day by day.
therefore I am thinking of surgery, coz if it is not a case of gynecomastia then after loosing weight it shouldn't have been there!



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