Author Topic: Mommy needs guidance  (Read 3168 times)

Offline fortheloveofmyson

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Hi everybody,
First I like to say thank you ALL for sharing your life stories about gynecomastia. I’m so so happy I found this site, it has been heaven sent for me. It’s nice to know my son is not alone about how he feels about this condition. My son is 16 years old and is going to have his surgery in 3 weeks. My son and I have never been so excited. We live in Alaska so we have to travel to have the surgery. I have spent every last penny I have for him to have this done. There are people in our lives that think I’m silly for spending everything I have for him to have this, but his gynecomastia is severe, and nothing will compare to the impact it’s going to have on his life.
I was wondering if anybody can tell me who has had this surgery what we can expect about the surgery. I was told by the doctor that he will have draining tubes for two days. Has anyone had tubes? I’m a little nervous about all of this. I would appreciate any advice.
Thank You!!!!

Offline mrnomoobs

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I wish I had to courage to tell my mom.  I have my surgery this Wednesday.  48 hours from now.  I am super excited.  I have a bad case myself.  Had it since I was 10 and I am 33 now.  I really feel like I missed out a lot in my teens and 20's.  So I think what you are doing for your son is great!  I will have drains placed, I heard its not fun, but I think its way worth it.  Time flies anyway.  I will let you know how my surgery goes Wednesday.  Good luck to your son!

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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Good for you, fortheloveofmyson! I didn't have drains so I can't comment on that, but what from what I read it isn't too big a deal.

Here's some tips that I compiled to prepare for surgery day:!/

If the link doesn't work, just look for "TIPS & Stuff To Have For Surgery Day!" thread under the "Surgery Preparation" topic.

Good luck, to both of you and keep us updated on your son's progress.  ;D

Offline fortheloveofmyson

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Hi mrnomoobs, how are you doing? Hope your doing well. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to hear how your doing.

Offline fortheloveofmyson

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Hi Mr_Top_Guy, thank you so much for the information. It helped a lot!
Thanks again!!!!

Offline Z31T

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I was not given draining tubes. The biggest tip I have is to plan to stay where you're having the surgery for at least a couple days. The first 48 hours is probably the most critical and potential time for something to go wrong, and if it does, you want to be close to your doctor. Assuming everything goes smoothly, you and more importantly your son will do just fine.

Here's my experience over the past two months with my surgery:

Offline mrnomoobs

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Hi mrnomoobs, how are you doing? Hope your doing well. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to hear how your doing.

Hello, my progress is going good so far.  The surgery was easier than expected.  Getting my teeth pulled was way worse!  I went in, changed, the doc lined my chest with a marker, they insert an IV, I laid down on the table and then I woke up complete!  I was like wow! It’s done?  The only thing that bothered me at first was the burning I felt in my chest from the UAL lipo. I told the nurse and the pain went away soon after that.  I assumed they gave me some pain meds.  I felt very tired and went home and rested for 3 days straight.  I just laid there and watched movies.  It wasn't bad at all.  I was very happy with my results.  But now I have some swelling going on.  My chest feels tender and numb.  If feels soft like a sprained ankle would.  But even with the swelling, I can totally tell the difference.  I can’t wait until I am fully healed.  I feel soreness when I make certain moves.  But it’s not that bad.  I just take the pain meds and everything is fine.

I thought I would have drains, but they said it wasn’t necessary.  There was no gland tissue to remove in my case.  So that makes things a lot easier as far as healing goes. In CA it’s a law that a piece of tissue has to be tested for cancer cells.  But they said there was none to take out and test.  It made sense to me.  My chest never looked like those in pics I have seen pre-op pics.

I am 5 days post op and back to work.  I work a desk job, so it’s pretty easy going.  Tell your son not to freak out after the surgery, there will be swelling.  Its part of the healing process.  At first I was like its flat!  But then a couple of days later it looked big again.  Its takes a while from what I read.   Hope this helps!

Offline Showtime620

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Hey Mom!  What you are doing is incredible!!!!  Such a lovely thing that he will appreciate forever!

I had my surgery March 22, 2012; almost 6 months ago.  I didn't have a severe case, but it was enough for me to feel uncomfortable in light colored and/or light material shirts, and very uncomfortable without a shirt.  Although it's 'cosmetic', it's more than that. (To me it was, at least.)  I am 27, but have thought about surgery since high school and finally decided to get it done this year.  I got the surgery with Dr. Lo, here in Philadelphia, which was super convenient since his office is literally only 8 blocks from where I work. 

What to expect before, during, and after the surgery.  The moment you and him get into the waiting room and start signing all of the papers, nerves will set in.  Don't let these nerves give you second thoughts, focus on the outcome and the better life that is in store.  He will then go in with the doctor, getting 'marked up' by his doctor and walk to the operating table.  He'll lay down, they'll put a mask on him.  They'll ask him to count down from 10...if he makes it past 7, I admire him.  Then he wakes up.  (The surgery will seem MUCH longer for you while in the waiting room.)  He'll come out of him daze with tight bandages and a tight vest around his chest and the drains coming out of his armpits.  The incisions across the nipples will be sore and tender. (Oh! Be sure that he goes into the surgery with an oversized button down shirt!  I wore a tshirt which is what I woke up in and wore for the following 4 days because I couldn't lift my arms over my head) You'll then take him home.

He'll be sore.  He will look like an elderly person as he gets in the car, just have him recline the seat back and relax.  When he gets home, find him a comfy spot and stay put.  I'd recommend a recliner, or the middle of sofa with an ottoman; anywhere that he can lay 'symmetrically'. (Being that he won't be able to lay on his side or on his belly.)   The drains will suck.  They are zero fun, and they hurt - especially if you accidentally move your arm the wrong way and the tubes start to slide out a bit.  After two days, most of the draining will stop, they'll just be pretty much empty bulbs.   I had a few 'episodes' of SEVERE, 10/10 pain in my incision spots.  From what I've read, it severed nerves trying to reconnect by shooting currents, or something like that.  It was awful, but maybe lasted for 10-15 seconds each time.  I'd guess I maybe had 7-10 of these episodes?   Your son will be prescibed painkillers, I'd recommend getting that perscription filled.  I didn't get the prescription filled as I tried to tough it out - which, in hindsight, was silly and unnecessary.  According to people on this website, the painkillers also 'back you up'.  I was not backed up, so I also ran into the predicament of wiping my behind - which was painful!  Wiping your a$$ painlessly is something you definitely take for granted!!!  Anyway, what I did to combat this was eat EXTREMELY healthy!  All I wanted to do was eat a pizza or big, greasy, delicious burger; However, those foods often produce messy results.   I stuck to fruits, veggies, and tunafish.  All easily prepared and easy clean up - Wet Ones were also a God send!   (I also coupled the healthy food with a multivitamin and some fish oil to assist my body in the healing process).

Showering.  I did not shower at all.  Washed my face, brushed my teeth and that was it.  I honestly have no idea how people manage to shower with the drains in.  To me, it just wasn't worth the potential pain or aggravation of it.  So, I got home from surgery at 3:00pm on Thursday, had my drains removed at 8:00am on Monday morning, put on deodorant at the doctor's office and walked to work.  Didn't take my first shower until Monday night - and it was glorious.  PS - Have the drains pulled out hurts, but it lasts for maybe 2 seconds on each side, but knowing that the drains are OUT makes it worth it!  Keep the steristrips across the incisions as long as possible, they'll fall off eventually.

Afterwards.  Don't let him OBSESS over looking at his chest.  It will look nasty and he will think he was 'butchered'.  The healing process will take some time.  Just have him be gentle. No horseplay, or lifting, or sports, or anything like that until at least 4 weeks.  Then he can ease back in slowly; don't want to risking 'stretching' the incision.  Other than that, just enjoy the new life that he will have!!! 

Knowing that I was getting this surgery, I started taking weightlifting more seriously.  I figured that if I was going to spend all of this money to get the surgery done, I might as well develop my body the best I could.  I had always lifted and been involved in sports, but my body was not at the best it could be.  In January of this year, I weighed 229lbs.  I started eating clean and lifting hard, heavy, and CONSISTENTLY.  By the day of my surgery, March 22, I was 216lbs.  Today, I weigh 197 and am stronger, more muscular, and more toned than I have ever been.  This was the best summer of my life.  Lsss than 3 months after my surgery, I was on the beach with my family, walking proudly without a shirt.  I spent a lot of time at the beach this year without a shirt and received MANY compliments.  Fun story! This past weekend, I was at a bachelor party in Ocean City, Maryland.  Our group went into a bar and ran into a bachelorette party.  At these bachelorette parties, the bachelorette often has to do silly things including give out stickers.  It just so happens that the bride to be and her friends came up to ME, made me take off my shirt (which I did proudly and NEVER would've done 6 months ago) and presented me with an award for 'Best Pecs'! In the entire place!  Although simple and silly, this made me smile. 

Are there people out there with worse problems? Yes, absolutely.  But, if happiness is within our reach, why not go capture it?  In my life, this is easily one of the best things I have ever done.   I hope your son has similar success. 

Believe it or not, I didn't tell anybody about my surgery - and til this day, nobody knows; except, of course, for the friends that I made on here!  This website is a GREAT resource - everyone here is helpful and friendly.   If you have any questions at all!  Please don't hesitate to private message me!  I look forward to hearing about his success story!

PS - Your son is lucky to have such a great mom, and friend, in you.   :-)


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