Author Topic: Wingman's Surgery w/Levick, Pictures Pre, Post and Of Surgery - One year later  (Read 44720 times)

Offline wingman

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Well it's been too long fellas. Thanks for keeping this thread active, and please accept my apologies for no updates in a couple of months. I moved out with my girlfriend very recently so it has all been go-go-go.

It's actually amazing to see that this thread has achieved over 9,000 views. I had a message from another member here a couple of days ago, personally thanking me for my contribution to this site, which was nothing short of amazing.

Ricardo, sorry for taking so long to reply to your question. I think the standard corrective surgery is stated at a year for Levick but, as mentioned, it is ultimately at the discretion of Levick and he has asked me to return to him sometime in Q1 of 2014 to review my chest. Overall I am happy with my results, and the kenalog shots have indeed helped tremendously (the scar tissue has almost completely disappeared), however I still feel that my nipples are still in a 'fallen' state and will want this corrected. Levick has confirmed that if I feel further surgery is required then we will indeed take that route.

Pez, we are on the same wavelength my friend. This is something that you cannot appreciate before having surgery - all you can concentrate on are the physical changes your body will undergo (which is no bad thing to concentrate on). However, you can't be taught how to deal with the mental changes. Anyone wanting this surgery, or indeed any other, should not get it for wishing to "become" happy within themselves, they should learn to appreciate who they are in every aspect before going for it. You'll know when it's right for you.

If there are people out there reading this and being put off by having surgery, don't be. Our bodies are all very, very different. How we react to any type of surgery is completely different from one person to the next. Keep your mind open and stay calm about the whole experience.

As always, should anyone have any questions please feel free to get in contact with me.

Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year guys.

“Success isn’t always about ‘Greatness’, it’s about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success. Greatness will come.” - Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson   

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Offline wingman

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For those interested, two years post op;

Apologies for including face et al in this :D

Offline maurice212303

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Hey Man

Good for you - I have my surgery in two weeks, i am nervous but really really exited about the prospect of having the gyne gone!

Offline wingman

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Hey Man

Good for you - I have my surgery in two weeks, i am nervous but really really exited about the prospect of having the gyne gone!

Thanks man.

Where are you getting your surgery done?

I too was nervous but it was cancelled out by the excitement of the whole thing. Nerves are good, I think it shows that you really want it go well (which it will).

Offline maurice212303

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I am having my surgery done with Dr Levick at the Priory, I suppose nerves are normal and I am alright with it! I tried on my compression vest today and then threw a t-shirt on over it and got really excited as I saw what I wanted to see!!!! :)

Really Looking forward to it!!!

Offline ken979

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For those interested, two years post op;

Apologies for including face et al in this :D

I love the picture. How long did it take you to achieve that?

That is perfection  :)

I had surgery 3 weeks ago. I feel it will take me a long time.

Thanks for you thread, really appreciate it
I have had surgery with Mr Levick at 19/11/2014

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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Gyne results look great, of course! What looks more amazing is the tattoo removal.

Offline wingman

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I love the picture. How long did it take you to achieve that?

That is perfection  :)

I had surgery 3 weeks ago. I feel it will take me a long time.

Thanks for you thread, really appreciate it

Thanks man! 

Well I've considered my body a 'work in progress' ever since the OP, but I've been on and off working out over the entire course. 

Over the last few months I've been a little slack on that front and over the last two weeks I've gotten back on it. I'll try to get an update for you guys soon as I don't want to leave this thread in the dark,

Offline wingman

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Tonight, after some cutting and healthy eating for a couple of weeks. Will get some of my shirtless chest over the coming weeks ;)

Offline improving

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Looking good wingman. Haven't posted on here for quite some time, but I remember reading your posts prior to having the surgery myself in November 2012. 
Anyway, keep up the good work mate! :)

Offline wingman

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Cracking three years since I last posted! I think about this place from time to time, and figured I'd post a little update.

I'm going hard at cutting now, I'm ideally looking to trim down to a Brad Pitt Fight Club look, how close I get (or even can get) is yet to be determined.

Mostly happy with the surgery still. Must be getting on 6 years since I had it, and weirdly it still seems to improve. I've found intermittent fasting benefits weight loss and seems to make my chest look even better than before. Take from that what you will.

Offline Mike12345

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Looks brilliant, and thanks for reporting back to the community.


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