Author Topic: 1 YEAR Post-Surgery by Mr Levick on 16-01-2014 : (98 photos)  (Read 40789 times)

Offline Donut

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 Hi everyone!

Another long-term lurker here who is getting desperate to get the op booked in having seen and read about all the great results being achieved.

My tale of woe about my chest, and how it has impacted a big chunk of my life, is pretty much the same as everyone else's, so won't bore you all with that just yet!

My biggest problem right now is that I want the best; I want Karidis or Levick, as its my damn body going under the knife and I want the confidence knowing I have the best possible chance of getting the best possible result! That would be simple if I had £5k laying around. Sadly I don't. Nor can I borrow it.

So, I've got to find ingenious ways of raising the cash, as I want a shirtless summer 2013 - for the first time in 30 years! ... I figured if I started a blog on here, then I've started the process and made a commitment as it were. So wish me luck guys!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2015, 09:05:48 PM by Donut »

Offline Ricardo7

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Hi donut,

I raised  the cash by sorting a plan. The £3855 i needed for Levick could be saved in a year if I saved a little over £300 a month so that's what I decided to do.

As I was quite depressed at times due to gyno, I upped the saving to £400 a month midway through the year. It meant having to cut back and go out less etc, but that isn't as hard to do as it sounds. Feeling down quite a lot because of my chest, clothes not fitting well etc meant I was hardly in the mood for going out and socialising very often, so I managed fine.

And here I am, today being payday, at my final monthly payment :D just about to transfer £400 into my savings account and that will be me all set to book, exciting times!

Now I can enjoy christmas in the knowledge I'll be getting fixed soon, and have a little more to spend as I've finished saving up. Just get your head down and get saving, you'll have the money before you know it.


Offline Donut

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Hi Ricardo!

Saving up is obviously the way forward, unfortunately I don't earn enough to live on as it is!
I know what you mean with the depression and not wanting to go out anyway - I feel same a lot of the time.
Been saving up my loose change all year, counted it today and its just short of £200, so that's a start!
Target of £5k is a little bit over what's needed, but enough to allow travelling, hotel, and a few comforts during recovery.

Looking toward to reading how your surgery goes!

Offline Ricardo7

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Well donut, its a start and you have to start somewhere.

An idea might be to join a credit union? if you pay your savings into a CU you are entitled a loan of double your savings for your first loan, triple after that and you can pay it back over a period of time that suits you. The interest rate is really low too.

Might be an idea to give you an extra boost!

Offline Donut

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Hey Ricardo, that's an interesting idea... I shall have to look into that one. My credit score is zero following a run of bad luck; recession, business collapse, relationship breakdown and losing house! ... Hence not able to borrow via traditional routes.

Oh how I regret not having the op when I had/could easily get the cash! - but there we are, can't dwell on these things...

Offline Donut

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Not much news here... Glad (and slightly jealous!) to see a fresh batch of new surgeries booked though and looking forward to seeing how you all get on.

Offline Nipper

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Good luck with the saving Donut mate! If you really want it.  You'll get there in the end.  I'm sure the lads on here will give you fresh impetus to get started again!  Best of luck pal.

Offline InAmberClad

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The fact we have to pay at all is disgusting. It's not a vanity issue, it seriously impacts our lives and we should have access to the best surgeons and not have to pay.

Offline Donut

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Thanks Nipper - everyone's stories are very inspiring... Just gets you down a bit when the target is so far off!

InAmberClad - I agree, NHS seem to seriously misunderstand what this does to people - pisses me off they spend millions every day on people who have brought illness or accidents on themselves (smoking, drink, drugs etc.) - yet we get bugger all help... And the rare few that manage to get an NHS op seem to get butchered by all accounts then end up having to go to Karidis or Levick who have to do their best to try and correct the damage.

Offline Donut

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Managed to squeeze in a couple of extra odd jobs lately and add £120 to my fund - still a long way off mind you!

Offline sjwsjw

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All helps mate. I think Levick is a bit cheaper than karidis. Do you have a preference?

Offline Donut

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No preference... Have known of Karidis for 10 years, Levick only since joining this forum, but both seem excellent and I wouldn't hesitate going to either. Interesting they have different techniques - but both get amazing results

Offline Donut

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Another few quid in the fund... It's tough going!

Offline Donut

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Another £20 in the kitty... Tough saving anything this time of year!

Offline trashed

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well done in saving a bit more :) Have you got anything you could sell on ebay?


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