Slept without the vest last night but still woke up after 5 hours, seems I've conditioned myself of late, need to sort that out. But, looked a bit better when I passed by full length mirrors I have on my landing on the way to the bathroom.
When I say a bit better, I mean when I stopped to check. Here's how I see it. On the whole, I'd take this chest full of orange peel scar tissue/swelling over those droopy breasts any day of the week! I'd rather have a messed up masculine looking chest than a perfect feminine looking one. So I am definitely not going to be troubled by a little unevenness and slight puffiness, no way.
Though I have to say, it won't look pretty at times but it is in a serious state of flux, you have to remember that. And it is dependent on us, how well we recover. So it's at a time like this that I have to remind myself how full of self loathing, regret and just plain sadness about it all that I used to feel or deny to myself. And that is all I need to help lift any doubt that I have when I look in the mirror nowadays.
Weird psychological change - Number 1
I used to check other blokes chests out all the time, don't say you lot haven't either
Ha, have to word this carefully now. I was always trying to convince myself I fell somewhere in between as I observed that a lot of guys have varying degrees of gyne.
But when I had gyne it was the envy I used to feel when I seen normal flat chested blokes. Was at a footy match last night, tons and tons of dudes there...The only time I ever thought about it was when I seen guys with gyne, and felt for more envy, didn't even look at anyone with that longing that I used to have to be "normal" just proves how powerful it really all is in your mind. So apart from the aesthetics, we are also getting massive boosts in confidence and I think, mental well being. I'm happy as a pig in shit right now, you can't buy this kind of experience as you have first had to live for a long time, with such a hellish condition to appreciate the elation when it's gone. Amen.