Author Topic: Surgery With Levick - COMPLETE 16th January (Pics now added)  (Read 21979 times)

Offline Ricardo7

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Hi all,

I have finally (as of Wednesday) saved enough money to book with Dr Levick and finally get rid of these damned man boobs :)

I won’t bother you all with my story, its much the same as every other on here. I have gyno, its making me depressed, I need it fixed. I’m sure every guy on this forum knows the feeling. I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank those who have posted throughout their journeys, particularly the guys who went with Levick (off the top of my head the recent ones – Darkstar and Wingman).

I’ve been a reader of this forum a long time now, so I always intended on going with either Levick or Karidis. Although I live in Scotland, I wanted to be in the hands of the absolute best. This is a major step in my life and I didn’t want to take any chances whatsoever, and these guys have proven themselves time and time again. Due to Birmingham being that bit closer to me, added to Levick’s technique of a single excision at the armpit on either side, he shaded it for me. Also the fact Levick himself had gyno and knows the woes that go with it first hand counted for a lot when making my decision.


I intend to book surgery for mid  January as I can’t afford any time off work for the remainder of 2012. I want to book the consultation and surgery on consecutive days as I don’t want to have to make an 8 hour round trip to Birmingham for a 30 minute consultation. I have been in contact with Levick’s office and they assured me this would be fine.

As for the surgery itself, I could be doing with some advice. As in what I should take with me, any tips down to the smallest detail will be helpful. The more I know now the longer I’ll have to prepare. I’m going to bring a loose fitting button up shirt for after surgery, loose fitting so it will fit over the dressings and button up as I won’t be able to raise my arms to put on a jumper. I’ll bring slip on shoes etc too so it makes life a little easier.

Return Home.

My plan is to return home the day after surgery. However I have my reservations. I’m worried a 4 hour train journey will be too much for me to take on so soon after surgery as I’ll be alone. The alternative would be to stay at a hotel for a night then return the following day. Although again, I can see this being a struggle as I’ll still need to go out and get food etc which might be difficult which makes me think I’d be better gritting my teeth and making the journey home to get it out of the way and get home sooner to rest up. What would the guys who have undergone surgery recommend from their own experience?

I’ve rabbled on a bit more than I intended, a lot of these questions just came to me as I was typing, and more will probably continue coming to me over the coming months.

I’ll update this thread throughout my journey and record my experiences so that this thread might help others the same way so many on here have helped me.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 06:05:49 AM by Ricardo7 »

Offline sjwsjw

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Good luck mate,

I'm booked in with karidis for 29th November. I have a 3hr train journey to take myself, from what I've read I should be ok to go back the same day (touch wood) depending on how you come round from the GA. Would you be traveling with someone? If you are going on your own I'd say book a night in a hotel, I wouldn't travel that distance even if it's just one train straight through, just incase!

This is (ideally) a one off big confidence changing moment, better to have piece of mind that we did our best for the best results we can achieve. Keep us posted on your progress

Offline sjwsjw

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Oh, just re-read your first post saying you will be travelling alone. I would say that hospitals can be funny about you leaving alone after a GA (they are still responsible for you) I'd ask levick if its possible to do so if you wish to consider it (I'm not sure of his take of it). You can get a room cheap enough seems you have a good amount of notice beforehand

Offline Ricardo7

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Yeah sjwsjw, will definately be travelling alone.

I've read through other people's accounts on here where they've travelled home alone and been fine, but I'll wait and see. I'll be booking an open return train ticket anyway so if I don't feel upto the journey I can always find a hotel for the night.

I'll be booking to be first in on the day of surgery so by the time I am discharged it will be over 24 hours since I had the GA. That might make a difference I'm not sure though.

Offline sjwsjw

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Oh, I can understand why you want to come back the same day, I wanna be in and out and back home to rest asap. Sounds like a plan, you might be fine. I'm sure it'll work out either way, is it your first GA?

Offline Ricardo7

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Yeah, first ever GA so I don't have a previous experience I can compare to so I can judge how well/badly I will react to it.

It may well come down to making the decision on the day.

Offline Pez2

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Hi ricardo7, I just had a consultation with levick and am having the surgery in December  :)
Ive been thinking about all this myself, I've decided that once the drains have been removed and I'm discharged from the hospital, I'l stay in a hotel overnight then travel home the day after. Just for peace of mind I think it's best as I don't want to worry about being in discomfort travelling. If you can get someone on board to travel with you then that'll be a great help - someone to help with carrying bags, getting good, helping out etc. if not, then preparation is going to be your best friend - pack as light as possible, have food ready for post surgery day, taxi numbers/pre-booked etc. keep us updated
Gyno free :)

Offline Ricardo7

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Hi pez, unfortunately theres no chance of me bringing someone along to help. The only person who would have been available to come would have been my girlfriend but she is now on work placement as part of her college course which she really cant miss. It would involve her getting time off from her placement, missing college work and also getting time off work so its just not an option :(

I'll think things through and get advice from Levick. Do you think that travelling home a day later will really make that much difference? I get the feeling it'll still be a struggle, and by staying in a hotel an extra night would just be a waste of time.

Offline Pez2

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To be honest if I was travelling on my own, I'd do it the day the drains are taken out. Just get it out of the way. I might even do that, even though my sisters helping me out with travelling back. I'm undecided

Offline thetodd

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You'll be fine travelling back the next day, its not really that painful from memory. Its not like having a tooth removed where you have a constant dull pain its just a bit uncomfortable and hard to move your arms around.

Yeah your spot on about loose fitting clothing, but make the shirt really loose its amazing how hard it is to get it on i had an XL and im usually a M. Get a nice big winter coat for on the train aswell. And you'l be fine.

Apart from that all you need to do is turn up ;). i know it will be playing on your mind until January but its over in a flash!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Ricardo7

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Cheers for the replies lads

@thetodd I think I'm going to travel home the next day. No use dragging it out an extra day, lying around in a hotel room feeling uncomfortable with the thought of the journey home playing on my mind!

Got in touch with Levick's office yesterday, all set to book :)

Offline darkstar

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The difference between the feeling 1 day post and 2 is fairly minimal. You'll be fine getting the train, just make sure getting to and from the train isn't too prolonged.

Offline Ricardo7

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Cheers for the info darkstar.

Well, that's me all booked up, January 16th. Down to birmingham on the 15th for the consultation. It's all starting to feel real now.

EDIT: Date change
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 06:35:08 AM by Ricardo7 »

Offline Pez2

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Cheers for the info darkstar.

Well, that's me all booked up, January 23rd. Down to birmingham on the 22nd for the consultation. It's all starting to feel real now.

Awesome. Feels good to have a date booked doesn't it? Il be a month post op by then and I can't wait. I'm sure the time is going to fly by.

Offline Ricardo7

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Feels great pez. I'll be keeping a close eye on your thread


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