Author Topic: Shopping before the internet.  (Read 4640 times)

Offline Paa_Paw

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This discussion started elsewhere and we got off the main topic there.

The original point was about garments and comfort. I said that comfortable garments were made of Nylon tricot knit and they could be found easily online.

The discussion then turned to how we got things before the internet.

Between the neighborhood hardware store and the nearby Dry Goods store you could get nearly anything. On the rare chance that you could not meet your needs there, you still had the Sears, Wards, and Speigel catalogs.

My first Shotgun was ordered and delivered, through the mail, from Speigel. An avid camper, I am still using equipment bought at Sears or at Wards in the 1950's.

You can't order a gun through the mail anymore, and modern camping gear will never last through over 60 years of regular use.
Grandpa Dan


  • Guest you remember that the stores were closed on Sunday? As Sunday was a day of rest!

Back to the shot gun! Here is a good one for all you young ones! I brought my shot gun to SCHOOL, and it was OK! We had to bring it for our gun safety class!

Offline Paa_Paw

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Another school story.

1954. The wood shop instructor ordered me a nice piece of lemonwood and a set of matched shafts so I could make a Hunting bow and arrows. We set up some straw bales on the athletic field for test shooting. The arrows were finished off at 32 inches with gield points that could be unscrewed and replace with broadheads. The finished bow had a draw of just over 50 pounds. Legal for deer in California.


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Another school story.

1954. The wood shop instructor ordered me a nice piece of lemonwood and a set of matched shafts so I could make a Hunting bow and arrows. We set up some straw bales on the athletic field for test shooting. The arrows were finished off at 32 inches with gield points that could be unscrewed and replace with broadheads. The finished bow had a draw of just over 50 pounds. Legal for deer in California.

Nice project!

Offline walt

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wow we used to take our shotguns to school during duck season and keep em in our lockers shells and all , we had one of those "GUN " ranges in the basement, boy scouts used it for riofle training. as for before the internet i sure do miss those huge sears catalogs and then the christmas wish book.those were the better old days.what have we as a people become besides complacent couch droolers and wimpy slobs,bright blessings my freinds.

Offline Herbert

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I remember the Sears Christmas Wish catalog. As a kid, I used to spend hours wrapped in a blanket sitting in front of our central heater (heater located in the middle of the living room) while looking at the catalog. 

We were allowed to carry pocket knives to school. We were still required to take shop class in 8th grade (high school) and I make a tool box which I still have after 43 years. We learned to use hand tools in 8th grade shop and learned to use power tools in 9th grade shop. I made a coffee table in the 9th grade.


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Speaking of the sears catalog. They really made good target back stops when you taped a bunch together for a .22 target!

I used my pocket knife to clean my finger nails from working on cars while listening to lectures in class!

You know, those were good old days! Our guns hung on the walls on gun racks, no need to lock them up, ammo in the closet. We could walk through town with it on the way to the woods and no one panicked.

Offline Paa_Paw

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In Junior High School we actually had a flag ceremony every morning. When it was my turn, I'd wear my Sout Uniform to school that day. On my hip, in its sheath, was a hunting knife having a blade of over 6 inches. No one even noticed. (Berendo Jr High, Los Angeles CA 1949.

The High School I went to had Junior ROTC. There was a small arms target range in a tunnel under the athletic field. John H Francis Polytechnic High School, Los Angeles CA, 1954.


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In Junior High School we actually had a flag ceremony every morning. When it was my turn, I'd wear my Sout Uniform to school that day. On my hip, in its sheath, was a hunting knife having a blade of over 6 inches. No one even noticed. (Berendo Jr High, Los Angeles CA 1949.

The High School I went to had Junior ROTC. There was a small arms target range in a tunnel under the athletic field. John H Francis Polytechnic High School, Los Angeles CA, 1954.

And there never was a fear that anyone was going to go on a shooting rampage!


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Green stamps! Did any of you have green stamps where you live? Most places gave you green stamps when you would buy stuff, the more you bought, the more green stamps you got! Then you would also get the green stamps catalog or go to the green stamps store to redeem your stamps.

I remember my mom and dad going to the store, but the only item I remember them getting there was their set of luggage. I know they got other things but that was the biggest thing.

Offline Paa_Paw

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S&H Green Stamps were nationwide but there were locals too. Here in Southern California we also had Orange Empire Stamps.


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S&H Green Stamps were nationwide but there were locals too. Here in Southern California we also had Orange Empire Stamps.

Oh ya, S&H, I couldn't remember that part, but now I do!

Offline walt

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ohh yes green styamps , here in ny we also had tripple S blue stamps and plaid stamps as well, i remembeer getting my first wagon it was blue . and we just got rid of a picknick basket set that came from plaid stamps in the 60`s lasted this long , but the label inside the basket said it was made in Japan of imported goods. anyhow great memories of what i believe to be better times.blessings ..


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