Author Topic: My story on improving my Gynecomastia dramatically  (Read 18663 times)

Offline IhopeIhelp

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Hey all,

My name is Michael I'm 23 I'm from Australia, I would like to share with you my experiences on my improved gynecomastia recently.

I started to notice I had unusual shaped "breasts" when I was going through puberty I was pretty chubby back then but it was pretty clear that my breasts/pecs looked different to other kids.

Later on during puberty I would get big very painful lumps under my nipples and my tissue was increasing in size the pain and lumps only showed up 5 or so times around 16-17 years old and never had the problem since but the tissue still remained the same.

This is part of my story is a bit off topic but I hope you read it I think it is important.

As I was getting older I started to notice my decline in memory my mental ability in general such as focusing I  would feel dizzy by just doing a 180 turn I'd like to call it brain fog I also had negative anti social and depressed state about me.

I consider my self a very healthy person as I have struggled with weight problems all my life but Im very strong in keeping my diet in check. My weight peaked at 109kg when I was 19 years old Im 6ft I dropped my weight to 75kg and my gyno was still very much present. I dont drink I dont smoke and I rarely eat fast food so I think I was healthy.

But being healthy did not make me feel healthy from 20 years old to present I noticed my symptoms were just getting worse I went to my dr got my blood test and they said Im very much healthy all my levels apparently were correct, I said to my DR I dont feel healthy.

Now to start where I found major improvements in all areas and most importantly for this forum it reduced the size of my gyno immensely and it is only getting better by the week.

I suffered from a goiter which is a thyroid problem so I did some research.

I came across a nutrient called Iodine, I did my research on Iodine and found if you are deficient of Iodine your thyroid and many other things are affected.

Iodine is a nutrient that every cell in your body needs especially your thyroid which balances your hormones(which I think is why I see my improvement)it regulates your metabolism to your natural state it helps you absorb more nutrients when consuming food and other vitamins it detoxes hard metals such as Bromide Aluminum fluoride Mercury and other toxic metals, it is also ESSENTIAL for immune system.

It is believed by Dr's that 85%+ if the Western population UK USA and Australia are Iodine deficient.

When there a lack of iodine in our bodies the chemical Bromide which is used in rat poison takes over because it has the same properties as Iodine, Bromide is found in Plastic bottles, Soda, Bread and many many other things.

I can go all day about the benefits on iodine, Ill provide with links and I will answer questions.

I have been taking Lugols Iodine drops 6 drops a day which is around 30mg~ a day I take it orally, for the first few months you take 6 drops a day for 3 months and then drop it 1-2 drops a day.

The first things I noticed after a week I was gaining clarity mentally but also I suffered from a lot of side affects from the detox of bromide which I learnt feeling bad in early stages is a good thing the symptoms I had were acne break out's(Bromide could be the cause of acne is general) headaches tiredness and flu symptoms.

As the weeks when on I noticed more and more mental clarity I can now sleep perfectly and when I wake up I don't feel "hangover" anymore I feel fresh and ready to go I'm gaining a lot more energy with out taking caffeine.

I'm now 3 Months into my Iodine supplementation and Detox and in the last months I have noticed my breast size has been dropping I would say as it stands it has dropped by 75% in size and I'm hoping it gets even better.

Having an Iodine deficient population makes a lot of money for pharma companies from people who suffer from Tiredness, trouble sleeping, Depression, cancers like prostate and breast cancer, weight gain etc etc.

BEFORE SAYING IM WRONG PLEASE RESEARCH BEFORE YOU JUDGE, there is a lot of false facts about iodine and you only need TINY amounts which is false.

Apart from listing symptoms are good way to test if you are iodine deficent get some bedadine and rub it on stomach/inner wrist/ inner thigh if the stain from the bedadine disappears In less than 5 hours, then you are almost certainly extremely deficient.
In less than 10 hours, then you are probably deficient.
In less than 24 hours, then you may be deficient.
remains or only slightly lightens after 24 hours then your levels are considered normal.

Thank you for reading please tell your family and friends about Iodine because the chances are you are deficient.

Offline jay adams

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Can you post before and after pics of the 75% loss in chest size?:)

Offline IhopeIhelp

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Sorry I don't have before and after picture as I was genuinely embarrassed with my body and I also did not get Iodine supplemented to improve my Gyno I took it for my health and well-being but the gyno improvement came unexpectely which is why I'm here trying raise awareness of Iodine and gyno before getting it cut out.

Regardless about the fact I don't have "evidence" it would be very wise to research about Iodine just for well-being.

I didn't come here to make money for myself as Lugols Iodine is not my product nor do I own a pharmacy I would not waste my time if I didn't believe it had any benefits, I just came on here to help people who have been suffering with the condition I have hated since puberty....

However with the amount of things Iodine affects with hormones I think its the reason why its shrinking.

Offline sawyer

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can we see pics now so we can add the 75% on ourselves, and visualise how much your gyno has gone down?  :)

Offline IhopeIhelp

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can we see pics now so we can add the 75% on ourselves, and visualise how much your gyno has gone down?  :)

Here are some old photos roughly 2 years old I was 75kg's in this photo Im around 83kgs right now so I have more body fat around 8% more.

2 Years ago


Since my first post my gyno has reduced more, as you can see the nipples sit completely different, you can see that I did in fact have gyno due to the stretch marks during gyno.

Keep in mind these photos 8kg difference (17lbs) I believe Iodine has helped my skin tighten up also.

I also believe gyno is not as genetic as people think I think people react differently to malnutrition and chemicals like BPA etc in our foods I believe what we eat triggers gyno more than genetics.

These are all my opinions take it for what its worth but even since I have been taking iodine it has been improving massively and it is continuing.

You may say im crazy but I do not care go ahead pay thousands of dollars to get it removed it costs me 25bux to reduce it while its still some what present I am very happy with the results.

have a good day.

Offline ptm82379

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I am currently taking 50 mg of iodoral daily right now. I will post back here if any changes occur in the next 3-6 months.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Thyroid problems are on several lists of causes for Gynecomastia.

The simple fact remains that "Idiopathic" or "I don't Know" remain the chief causes.
Grandpa Dan

Offline joernoob

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Hey man, I don't know if I have thyroid problems or Iodine deficience, but if I take Iodine, will my gynecomastia reduce?. Btw, u had puffy nipples when u had noticable gynecomastia?. U look great now.

Best regards.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but I saw no indication that he ever had Gynecomastia.

And Iodine is commonly found in ordinary table salt.

Offline joernoob

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Well, I'm not sure neither, but when he raises his arms I can see still a bit of glandular tissue.

Offline Alchemist

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The reaction you state appears to as one might expect from somebody terribly deficient of some critical dietary factor(s) suddenly start healing and having other induced deficiencies.  As far as whether that might affect gyne the answer is a likely yes on causality to some extent.  Now whether that might reduce gyne I have no idea.  However, if the deficiency period also caused edema, that can account for a serious amount of swelling in all sorts of places including breasts.  Then when the cause for the edema is removed and it corrects, all the swelling caused by edema goes away. I don't know what the actual case is here. 

Offline Paa_Paw

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Sorry, but you cannot see gland tissue. Sometimes even a skilled surgeon cannot tell the difference between fat and gland with a careful examination.

I think you are seeing what you expect to see. We all do that to some extent, just as my wife tells me I only hear what I want to hear.


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