Author Topic: 22 gyno in athlete, how bad?  (Read 2616 times)

Offline Sammy2525

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Hi im 22 and sprinter and gym goer, i noticed little lumps under my nipples a while ago and they just really get me down whenever i want to wear a tight top or shirt. They look fine when erect when cold. The picture is of one nipple to get a close look. They just look puffy.

Just want to know what to do as its getting to me.

Offline Sammy2525

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Can anyone recommend anything? I'm thinking of going to my Doctor yo ask.

Offline GynecomastiaTalk

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I know the feeling, one thing I will say when I had a physical trainer is that if you want your chest to even out you shouldn't do so much cardio and focus more on building your upperchest/arms.

The cold is always going to make them nicer (sometimes I try to make sure it's cold when I don't wear a shirt around the house).

Don't let it get to you though. Try to work out your upperchest, maybe even get a trainer at your gym, and don't push so heavy on cardio as that wears away the muscle.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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You have puffy nipples, which sometimes are hidden when exposed to cold or to stimulation because the small muscle in the skin of the areola contracts and the areola becomes smaller and tighter.  When this happens, it pushes the extra tissue under the nipple inwards and presto, you look great.  But when the areolar muscle relaxes, the problem returns.

You basically have two options:  live with it or have surgery to remove the excess tissue below the areola.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Sammy2525

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Dr Jacobs thankyou, is it a relatively easy procedure? As i train 7 times a week for sprinting so minimal time off would be perfect. I could live with it i guess but it's just a self image thing and makes me pretty self concious.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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What may appear to be easy is not.  It takes considerable surgical skill and experience to get just the right result -- a smooth, flat, taut and contoured chest with no crater deformities.  There is usually minimal pain afterwards.  The hard part for you, however, will be that you have to abstain from strenuous physical activities for a few weeks minimum in order to allow for proper healing.  However, once you have healed, you can return to the gym and be back in your usual shape within a few weeks.  But you will have a great looking chest for the rest of your life!  That's a good trade-off!

Dr Jacobs

Offline Sammy2525

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It would be a great trade off. What woyld the procesure be called? So i have a clear note what to ask for and any price range you would think it falls into so i know i'm not being taken advantage of.
Not saying a Doctor would but it happens.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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The gynecomastia operation can go by any one of several names -- the most technically correct name would be "subcutaneous mastectomy."

As to fees -- they run the gamut and I could not possibly hazard a guess.  My one suggestion is this:  visit several surgeons for opinions, fees, etc.  check them out carefully.  Finally, make your decision based on where you might get the best possible results -- and not by the least expensive surgeon.  In the very long run, good results will remain and you will absolutely forget what you paid.  If you have a bad result and need revision surgery, it will cost more in the end.

Dr Jacobs


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