Author Topic: Puffy nipples  (Read 3529 times)

Offline Joggin

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So i've had odd shaped/puffy nipples for about 4-5 years now, which although not major, and nothing like what a lot of guys on this site are dealing with, they still are very visbile through shirts and prevent me taking my shirt off without tweaking them in to submission first. How fixable/realistic do you think this would be? First image is how my nipples look most of the time, 2nd is what i would like them to look like 100% of the time and is when they're cold or stimulated.

Offline Joggin

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Offline Joggin

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Offline Jaxed23

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Seriously dude, you have nothing to worry about. Enjoy life! :)

Offline roar

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some people have it worse(look at pic below)...really u have nothing to worry about.those look like well-deveoped pecs to me.enjoy your life mate,worry about something else

Offline Joggin

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I understand people have it way worse than i do, but i can't get over the fact i'm uncomfortable with my chest as it currently is. I have had comments everytime i take my shirt off like "Whats up with your chest etc", and although it is incredibly minor, it still has a huge psychological impact on me. I'm not comfortable taking my shirt off when i'm alone. It's easy to say "It's not that bad, get over it", but i just can't. I've tried, and i can't.

Offline roar

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ok listen,thats my pic below and i know how tough it can be phsychologically,but you know what,what you have is something that that shouldnt worry you.You just have to be confident in yourself..when ppl ask you 'whats up with your chest',take it as a joke and make a joke out of it..thats the only way to deal with could have surgery if it really affects you tho,but u see mine?think of it this way..'atleast some people have it worse,ad mine is not even bad anyway'..te fact we give you positive responses should make you feel confident in yourself.

Offline Jaxed23

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If someone asks you: "Whats wrong with your chest?" Reply with "Whats wrong with your face?" Immediately attack with the worst comment and next time they will think twice before commenting on your chest.
I had a pimple on my chin, people won't leave me alone, I had to be funny about it and anyone who commented about my pimple heard THE most awful response from my end like "Your mom gave me that pimple!". LOL! anyway ... the moral of this story is that this world is never happy with anyone or you cannot make everyone happy at the same time. They will steal the very sunshine out of your life and will enjoy seeing you being miserable. Just be yourself and be cool about it. Tell the world what nice things you have achieved and really, you should concentrate on your studies!



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The facts are, those bumps on you chest are made up of excess breast tissue, fat and skin and they have nothing to do with what makes you the man that you are! You are the man that you are because of what is in your mind and heart! If you have a good mind and heart you are then a good man!

I am who I am and I will not change that just to please someone else!

It is better to be hated for who I am then loved for who I am not!

I live my life by those last two lines! I would like to see you get the surgery if you would like to get it! The facts are though this will not kill you if you don't and I'm living proof of that!  I've had it all my life too, but with a good self esteem and self confidence I've never had much problem with it. I've also lived a very good life. I have fathered 5 children I have 3 grandchildren and still very happily married to the best girl I've ever known, and I had owned my own construction company before becoming disabled 15 years ago. I have grown to "Double D" size breast! Do I like them? No I don't. But I have to many other health issues to give them much thought and I've had them so long they have kinda grown on me LOL.

And if all else fails, just don't let the bastards get to you!

Good luck to you with all that you do, and may God bless you too!


Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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You have a great muscular physique -- but do have puffy nipples, which means there is the presence of solid breast tissue beneath the areolas.  Since you have had this for several years, more than likely it will not disappear spontaneously.  You therefore have two choices:  live with it and wear a snug compression shirt, or consider surgery to remove the excess tissue and achieve an areola which is flat and flush with the surrounding skin.

If you elect to have surgery, make sure you consult with a gyne specialist -- this surgery may seem simple -- it is not.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Joggin

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Thank you Doctor Jacobs. I have a consultation with Dr Levick next week, who is highly recommended in the UK forum. However, he has the approach of going through the armpits, and on reading your site i saw you prefer an incision under the nipple for puffy nipples like body builders often get from taking steroids, and although i've never taken steroids, i imagine my problem is most similair to their's judging by the appearance of the nipple and the relative physique. Are there any major disadvantages in terms of success/recovery etc going through the armpit in these circumstances when most of the problem is directly under the nipple?

Thanks for your time and reply.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Every surgeon has his own techniques which he uses and favors.  I do not know exactly what Dr Levick does in surgery -- so I cannot comment.  What counts, ultimately, is the results of the procedure.  If he is able to get you smooth and flat then it doesn't matter what technique was used, does it?

I also have some instruments which can be useful in removing tissue from a remote access incision, such as the armpit.  That is why I perform my surgery by first making the remote incision and removing as much as I can from that location.  And sometimes I can remove everything -- but I can never tell prior to surgery.  It is only during the actual procedure that I can tell.  If I cannot remove everything to my satisfaction, then I do make a peri-areolar incision.

One other advantage of the peri-areolar incision is that if there is any depression (crater) left after the excess tissue has been removed, I can then immediately reconstruct it with fat flaps techniques.  It is my strong belief that craters can and should be recognized at the time of surgery and reconstruction be performed immediately. It may take a little extra time during surgery, but it is definitely worth it. Craters will not get better on their own after surgery!!!!  That is one reason why I have a virtual zero percent revision rate for my own operations.

It has been my experience, though, that merely removing the excess tissue is oftentimes not sufficient.  Often one has to do some additional release of the surrounding skin (technically called "undermining") to allow the skin to re-distribute and re-drape. This can also be done by a remove access incision using liposuction instruments, oftentimes without suction being applied.

Good luck -- Dr Levick has a wonderful reputation.

Dr Jacobs

Offline srfr29

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hey dude,my nipples were exactly the same as yours. i would never take my shirt off without tweaking my nipples first either. I just had surgery last week, after trying everything else (exercise - chest muscle building/meds) didnt work. i feel so much better already even though im still healing.


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