Author Topic: Levick gyno operation no drains  (Read 3519 times)

Offline Tuffington

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Hi, had surgery two days ago with levick and had the no drains approach! Thought I would be feeling a lot worse to be honest, im surprisingly mobile. Dont know if I have just been lucky or it's down to the lack of bleeding due to the spray. Any others had this fibrous spray!? Just to add, the experience was very easy for anyone who is thinking about it!! My advice is to not think about it and if you have the money go for it! I had a pretty decent amount of tissue taken from both sides and so far am happy with he results only two days post op,  Plus the garment I have on now can be taken off to shower then put back on over a t shirt, better than the bandage on for a week which he used to use. Also shaved my armpits which helped with removal of the tape that overed cuts before the dressings are put on!!  Planned on phoning into work sick for a week but thinking of going in monday, operation ws thursday, anyone think this is toosoon!? Anyone has any questions let me know!

Offline ggow1234

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Hi Tuffington,

I had the operation myself on wednesday last week so your only a day behind me. I also had no drains and the fibrous spray, seems like Levick is going to go forward with this for everyone.

How do you find the binder garment that was put on? I have swapped over to the compression garment today that I bought as the binder was irritating my skin and kept moving down my chest as I sat down/sttod up etc. I also feel like my compression vest stays tighter. Ive emailed Levick today with some pics to see if its ok to do that as its only been 5 days. I have minimal swelling and the brusing isnt too bad either so im hoping it will be fine.

All the best with the recovery bud, If you think there is a chance that going back to work on Monday will comprimise your healing then might be worth taking a couple more days. It will be worth it in the long run javascript:void(0)

Offline Tuffington

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I've swapped too, found it abit uncomfortable so have bought some stretchy bandage tape and used that with the compression vest. Feeling ok today 3days post op, chest is sore to touch but movement wise I don't feel too restricted at all. Could/can lift arms above my head slowly without any real pain. I'm the same as well, very minimal swelling and bruising, only a little under my armpits and in the centre of my chest but no where near some of the pics I've seen in the past, think it could be due to his new technique, due to reduced bleeding. Shall see as time goes on! Keep me posted on your progress, was yours a bad case?

Offline ggow1234

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Good to know it wasnt just me that found it uncomfortable. Im going to try driving today and see how it feels.

It was pretty common case I guess you could say, more than just puffy nipples but not as bad as some you see. Feels weird when I see myself in the mirror and its a flat profile think its going to take some time to get used to it.

Ill keep you posted on my progress, lets us know how you get on as well. Will be interesting to see how the healing process differs between us!

Offline timmyt

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I too had surgery done on the 31st by Levick haven't taken the bandage off yet. I have just been washing around it.  Armpit incisions seem a bit sore but not to bad haven't actually looked at chest yet other than photos Paul took before surgery and the gruesome one immediately after.  Is it safe to remove this bandage/pressure wrap now?  He didn't really say how long to keep it on.

Offline Vesuvius

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Timmy, I had surgery on the 24th, a Thursday, and took the binder off on the following Tuesday after getting the go ahead from Dr Levick. However, come Thursday I was quite swollen so he advised me to wear the binder over the vest. I've been wearing it until this morning when I returned to work and took the binder off. Home now and the binder is going back know on until the morning as it's helping reduce my swelling! I will probably wear it evenings and nighttime until the weekend.

If unsure why not email him so you don't have to worry. Hope that helps! Ps for the avoidance of doubt I'm also wearing the compression vest all the time other than showering!

Offline ggow1234

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Hey Timmy, I would email Mr Levick to check as Vesuvius has suggested. I sent him some pics and he advised switching to the pressure vest as I had minimal bruising and swelling. Also the binder gave me a rash down both sides of my body!

Like  Vesuvius, he suggested I keep an eye on it and keep him piosted with pics. If its starts to swell up ive to put the binder over my vest.

Offline Tuffington

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Hi  guys, 4 days post op and went to work today, felt abit sore at times but was ok, im a pe teacher but took it easy and will do this whole week, just alot of walking really! wore the compression vest over the top of the strapping which I have been using. It's the blue stretchy stuff that sticks to itself, found it really useful, good compression and not too uncomfortable at all.  Can get it from loads of shops and feels just that little bit more protection/ compression than the vest alone, but waaaay more practical than that velcro binder thing! I keep thInking that I'm going to be hit by some extreme pain, swelling or bruising at some point as it almost seems to good to be true at the moment! Took the dogs for a long walk this evening too and no aching or burning as some have described. Also gave my chest abit of a moisturise today after work and had a decent look, can touch it now with little discomfort also really happy with the results so far, chest has significant improvement however I now look like my chest has never Been near a bench press. I also changed dressings on the cuts aswel as its three days after putting them on as Nurses suggested, they have healed really well also and are no longer painful.  I feel I will be back to normal pretty quickly but don't want to get ahead of myself. How are others feeling who have had this spray? And no drains?

For anyone reading this who is worried as I was, just do it, it is way less of a big deal than you build it up to be, biggest fear of mine was time off work and people finding out but hardly anyone noticed, one person said i looked stiff today so just told them my back was sore and i think id pulled a muscle. If the worst pain and uncomfortableness has passed already  then it is absolutely nothing to worry about! Afew nights sleeping on your back is the worst it gets! Had a decentish rugby career and its not as bad as the few days recovery  after playing a really physical game!

Hope everyone else is on the mend


Offline Vesuvius

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Hey tuffington, which shop did you get the blue strapping from? I got a bandage from boots to wrap round this eve but it's pretty rubbish! Your stuff sounds just what I need!

Glad your recovery is going well :) I had the no drains spray approach and touch wood it's been fine. Heamatoma has drained itself away and my bruising is clearing up nicely. My left side is a bit sore and I can not sleep on this side whereas I can on the right if I am careful. Cuts are scabbing over and I can put a tshirt on if careful. Careful you don't overdo it and set your recovery back.

As you mentioned, to anyone in doubt, if you are sick of gyno and can get the money for the op without doing something drastic  then do it! Levick is a legend and the whole process is far easier than I thought it would be.

Any questions please ask!

Offline Tuffington

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8 day post op update, feeling really good and continuing to get better with each day. Went to the gym after work today did some legs, and cardio but think I could have done some light upper body but will leave it until next week. Cuts are healing well but do have quite abit of scar tissue on the lef side. Also still using the blue bandage, to it from tesco but most supermarkets sell it. It's good stuff to wear while your vest is being washed if you only have one. All in all recovery is much quicker than expected. Sleeping much better now as wel as can lay on my side, also during the night I roll the vest up over my chest so it is double layered, also frees up your stomach and back so don't feel as restricted. How is everyone else feeling, seems to be several people on here who have had ops with levick recently. Hope all are well.

Offline Gammy

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I would seriously wait a few more weeks before you train your upper body mate. You are only 8 days post op, that is insanely early on in the healing process. You may feel ok, but your body is only just starting to heal. Causing it trauma now could effect your final result, scar etc.
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This guy pushed it too early, had all sorts of problems .
Best wishes


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