Author Topic: Marijuana use after surgery  (Read 2094 times)

Offline guy1985

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I had the surgery approximately 2 months ago. The results were good for the first month and now it is starting to look like it did before, puffy nipples. I have been using marijuana for about the last month. Could this be causing recurrence? Or is it more likely to be swelling and scar tissue causing this appearance?

Offline DrPensler

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As you know it is impossible to know for certain.The most likely cause is scar.The link between marijuana and gynecomastia is not rock solid to say the least.
Jay M. Pensler,M.D.
680 North Lake Shore Drive
suite 1125
Chicago,Illinois 60611
(312) 642-7777

Offline Litlriki

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Agree with Dr. Pensler.  At this stage, scar and swelling are far more likely culprits than any marijuana connection, a questionable relationship that may have more to do with munchies and weight gain than hormonal alterations, if there's any connection at all.

Rick Silverman
Dr. Silverman, M.D.
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
29 Crafts Street
Suite 370
Newton, MA 02458

Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery

Offline guy1985

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Thank you for your replys. So I shouldn't be worried about the 1 month of marijuana usage causing any regrowth. I am panicking a little because everything looked good for a while and it's now starting to look like it did pre op. I guess I am just looking for some assurance from the medical field because a lot of people on this site say that marijuana causes gyne. Thanks.

Offline Litlriki

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Chronic heavy use of marijuana may have an effect on testosterone levels, but it's been my sense from exploring the origin of this association that it came out of the "reefer madness" era of the 70s, when marijuana was blamed for all sorts of things to try and discourage its use among young men.  As medical marijuana becomes more common and as the legality of the drug changes, it's likely that more real research will be done with it, and perhaps this connection will be clarified or refuted.


Offline guy1985

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Thanks Dr. Rick. So in your opinion my brief marijuana usage would not have caused any regrowth?

Offline Litlriki

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I wouldn't think so.


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