Author Topic: Celebs with Gyne?  (Read 24464 times)

Offline nothingworse

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There has been not too many posts lately. I thought this would be an interesting thing to talk about. Celebrities with gyne. I don't see too many but, lets hear some. Name as many as you can name. I know that one guy from Seinfeld don't watch it much though. The Rock used to have it. If you watch music videos much even 50 cent has it. Not joking. Anyone name some more.

Offline HEG

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Simon Cowell (judge on American Idol) has a very impressive case of gyne, although even more impressive is is utter lack of care for it because he wears the tighest shirts I have ever seen.

Offline Worrier

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Roger Moore star of the James Bond films, had gyne. A while back I know but he was somewhat of a sex symbol in his time.

I noticed this in one of the numerous 'bond evenings' they have on British TV a few months back. Not a very serious case but when he has to run he puts on a vest first . I think we can  all relate to that. :P

Offline jc71

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Good pics Javier.  Look how he's sitting with his shoulders forward.

There was a similar thread a long time ago that showed Brittney Spears husband with his shirt off, the gyne looked pretty bad.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2005, 05:31:25 AM by jc71 »

Offline brama

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Definitely "George Costanza" from Seinfeld has it.

Offline gynosucks1

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the guy on the new show on hbo..

"the comeback"

valerie's husband has huge ones

Offline nothingworse

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I don't understand why Simon doesn't get that taken care of. I watched American Idol all the seasons and even told my mom Simon has gyne. She was like no he doesn't. But, she is not to perceptive. Maybe Simon doesn't know. Dude those people up on Idol that get booed by him could easily rip on his gyne. No offense intended. The Rock had gyne but, got his taken care of. I also don't understand like HEG said why Simon wears tight shirts maybe he doesn't care? Thats funny about the bond thing though, I have seen a lot of those old bonds and never really noticed but, in like every one he was wearing a suit or vest or something. Maybe if I was young back in the 50s with my mild case of gyne I would have gotten laid more often. Back then I really don't think women cared as much. Today it is all body, face, and packages. Wait, what husband of Brits had gyne. I don't remember although she has had a lot of husbands in a short time. Oh, I remember I was watching some show on things that are in. They had one about guys, and then they were talking about man boobs for about a minute and they were saying how those were definetely not in todays image for a guy. TV has had a lot of crap lately so I was watching a lot of lifetime movies not something I would really ever watch. But, in every movie the husband because like all are love stories never has gyne. I have seen like 80 of those dang movies and most had different guys and not 1 I even recall had gyne. Well basically there isn't as much gyne on TV as there is in the real world but, most people reflect by what they see on TV and see that is the ideal. Anyone else name some more celebs with gyne. I think Randy from American Idol has gyne as well but, he is a little overweight.

Offline nothingworse

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Also, one more thing. What do you think would happen if Brad Pit had gyne or George Clooney. Do you think all women would still idolize them or not. Just wondering because sometimes I don't understand what is so special about them. I am an okay looking guy and if I got rid of my gyne, fixed up my hair, cleaned up my face a bit I would be a lot better looking. But, I remember when I was younger and fit that description I just said and never had women making a big deal over me and still think the same rule would apply today. Maybe it is a higher amount of confidence thing but, I don't know. The thing is I never had a girl come up to me and ask me out or say I was cute I had to do all of that all the time. But, have seen a lot of my friends get asked out by girls. I just don't get it. You never know this world is a dam* mystery.

Offline HEG

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It was posted on here a while ago and was the object of some controversy, but I think the gardner kid from Desperate Housewives has it as well (in fact my case is similiar to his) and he seems to have no issues in being a big panty dropper.

Offline Paa_Paw

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It could be that Simon is simply man enough to put up with it.

That kid Reese doesn't have enough to be a concern.
Which is probably why he seems unconcerned.

If you have a good self image, you'll be a chick magnet.. conversely, If you have a poor self image the girls will not like you any more than you like yourself..

What goes on between a man's ears is much more important that a bit of surplus tissue on his chest.

Grandpa Dan

Offline Spleen

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I think there's a difference between a big or flabby chest a la Cowell or Federline and straight-up boobs.  I think there's a different perception of the problem if you can fix 90% of it by diet or hitting the gym as opposed to the classic glandular cases.

Offline bedders

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I think once you have built up fat in the breasts and they start sagging its almost impossible to get rid of through diet/exercise. Men who lose mega weight always have saggy breasts.

Offline fl3a

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i used to watch wrestling but never noticed the rocks gyne even though i know he had the surgery. anybody have pre-op pics of the rock?


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