Author Topic: Surgery booked with Mr Levick April 18  (Read 10130 times)

Offline Samispeed

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heres some before pics i will try to attach the burger shot tomorrow when i get time!

Offline Samispeed

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Offline Samispeed

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day 2:

im not sure how i can get these any larger hope you can see these properly.
can you see how there's a distinctive line where my nipples are like a fold or a crease. mr levick said all this will be gone and it will be flat as ever.
i just cant wait till i get a month under my belt!

Offline Donut

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Weird how the a anaesthetic affects different people - once I'd been wheeled back to room and had a jug of water, within an hour I honestly felt like I could have walked back to the train station no problem!... The other extreme is people being sick and all sorts (think that's why they insist on an empty stomach so less chance of choking)

Anyway, you're going to have an amazing time looking in the mirror in a weeks time when the binder comes off! - quite a transformation.

Offline Samispeed

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I can't wait! Iv had a peak looking under the binder and the nipples don't look flat which is quite scary but I'm just hoping that's cos it's early days..
Also did you have trouble keeping the binder up and tight
I had to re tighten it once and it feels that it should be tighter.. Any ways I'll see if I can upload the surgery picture up today.

Offline Samispeed

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Also the anaesthetic I think I struggled more with it cos I fought it lol and wouldn't let it just take it's time and wear of. Next time I will just try to sleep it off! Would've been easier for everyone including the staff lol.

Offline Samispeed

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Offline Samispeed

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some more and the famous burger shot!

Offline Samispeed

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will upload a pic friday to show 1 week post op pic.
iv bought some bromelaine from holland and barrets today and vitamins so hopefully there wont be too much bruising.

day 3 and im feeling alot of pain when i over stretch my arms in the arm pit area guessing where the incisions were made.
the binder keeps sliding down so thats annoying but its not too uncomfortable.

Offline Squire

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Well done for getting the photos uploaded. I'm sure you're going to be really happy with your results. There's a significant  difference in the amount of gland removed from each side considering your chest looked symmetrical before. Did he explain why this is?

Offline Samispeed

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Day 4
No Mr L didn't explain why but straight away when he was taking the picture he told me my left was bigger but I didn'tl really think it was by much!!
Yeah looks like the gland is double and all he said was people who are right handed and tend to have larger one on the left. Quite strange. I've seen some burger shots and it looks like the chest has 'caved' in on it's sell where the gland was. I don't think mine is but what's your opinion guys.

I can't wait to get this binder off, it keeps sliding down when I sleep and just getting annoyed with it.
Only 3more days to go until it's off :)
Also I was thinking of removing my bandages on my armpits and maybe re dressing them or maybe just leave them off completely. What's the best to do?

Offline Squire

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I wouldn't worry too much about how your chest looks in the burger shot but I do agree that there is variation in the cases that I've seen. I had exactly the same issue with the binder and remember the emotions well. I think a lot of that is because you're not allowed to take it off and haven't seen your chest. I wear mine now often out of choice for maximum compression but it does seem to loosen after time and in bed...? I'd get the bandages off and have a look to see how you're healing, if all looks to be healing well then leave them off and check regularly that they are not seeping.

Looking forward to seeing your day 7 pics!

Offline Samispeed

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Thanks squire!
Yeah tomorrow I get to take it off! And I'll be taking a few pics. Mr levick also requested 1 week post op photo. I forgot to mention I was never told about a follow up appointment?

Offline Samispeed

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right guys, its been a long time but i thought i shall conclude this thread. i am so happy with the surgery and everything went so well. 
it looks great, i can now wear tee shirts of any kind without the pokey boob look.
feel real confident and wearing tight tops makes me feel real good.
I've been cutting weight to try and tighten up that excess skin that was in that area but in time that will slowly go. 
as for pain, there is no pain and possibly after 6 months it was pain free on a day to day basis.
however when impacted on chest (football  matches or pushed or something) there would be pain. but that goes after a year.

medication...? i used little and I'm fine. i used arnica which was advised but after a week i went all natural.

so in conclusion I'm very happy and will recommend to anyone considering it. it costs a lot of money but totally worth it for your happiness. 
i hope this helps anyone out there.. I'm very great full for this site as i found mr levick through here.


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