Author Topic: Mr Levick - 8th April 2015  (Read 10903 times)

Offline textilemerchant

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Was that ditching the binder off completely or during the daytime?


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« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 12:13:02 PM by rotors »

Offline wbay21

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I went on holiday to Spain that week (end of May), during the day I was on the beach with no compression, in the evenings and at nights on came the Veronique compression vest and Spanx t-shirt! It was very hot and uncomfortable but I thought absolutely necessary to keep up the regime.
Even though I was consciously aware things looked better I was still very self-conscious on the beach and found it difficult to be completely comfortable having my chest out on public show... but I did do it.
Since coming back, for the last couple of weeks I have increased compression by having the Veronique on, and the Spanx during the day and added the binder back on at night. I'm just wondering if I have lost the capacity to judge whether I look okay or not yet.  So I wrote to Mr Levick asking him for his opinion and he has suggested I just remove compression during the day altogether and see what happens. I guess I'm looking for some reassurance - what is everyone else doing around the sixty day mark - or if you have stopped compression already when did you do it? 


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« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 12:13:27 PM by rotors »

Offline wbay21

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Thanks rotors.
I'm now wearing the binder on some evenings and overnight but not all. It depends on how I think it's looking. Any swelling is pretty subtle now but I feel a noticeable tightness (or clinginess?) of my chest skin near my nipples after having worn the binder.. it seems to me it's still healing there. Although I could be imagining it... it's been so long now since the operation I've forgotten what normal feels like without a binder or any compression!

Offline textilemerchant

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I'm at 60 days and have ditched off all compression apart from a Nike under armour t shirt over night . I doubt that's doing anything tbh but when I wake up I'm definitely flatter with less creasing than when I go to bed. That might just be the action of sleeping though.   I keep wondering whether I should return to overnight compression as I was pretty large and you blokes are doing it.  I am not perfectly flat in the morning and there's ridges on both sides but from what Mr levick says they will go down when the lymph nodes recover so am not sure if continuing compression past 60 days does anything :-/


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« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 12:13:47 PM by rotors »

Offline textilemerchant

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Yep I am finding same thing.  Some days it's quite flat and not so sure then other days it's very sore and a. It swollen.  On those days the binder goes back. On but this time over the Nike under armour t shirt. I've ditched the vest off that just destroyed under my arms.  This new combo is great, if I done that from the early days I wouldn't have had so many issues I think .

Offline Stan19

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Great results pal  still early days  your chest looks great to me compared to before op

Offline wbay21

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Just a quick update and I promise photos will follow.
I'm at 93 days and have to say I'm feeling good. All swelling has gone (in my opinion) and once I send some photos to Mr Levick I'll let you know what he says. I feel 110% confident that despite creasing on the nipples that comes and goes I just have to wait for the end result to settle. I feel sorted. Famous last words, lol!

Offline textilemerchant

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Thanks.   Reading your posts is helping me as some days I think where has this swelling come from.  Hopefully when I get to 93 days my swelling and little bit of pain will have gone completely like yours. I too have creases in my nipples but I am not bothered about that at all as I will never have my t shirt off on public :)


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