Author Topic: Surgery done 2 days ago  (Read 4656 times)

Offline Mujassad

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let me start off by telling I just registered and really wanted to share my experiences so far (and future ones) with all the other people who have/had gynecomastia. I hope I can be of some support to those who suffer from this because in reality, WE are the only ones who can really understand to the full extend how horrible this can be mentally.

Growing up as a child, I was always a very skinny child. Very active and I really didn't need to eat much, I still don't. At about 12 years old I started getting chubby without any real explenation, I was active and barely ate. By the time I was 14, my family noticed I stopped growing so we visited the hospital, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (makes you retain fluids which makes u look chubby, besides the other symptoms). After taking my meds I started to lean down again as I was before, the manboobs remained. Started hitting the gym at age 17 to no avail. I had a great physique but if I took off my shirt, the nipples just stuck out.

At one point I started starving myself with some degree of success. The volume in my chest disappeared (so did all the other muscle I worked hard for) but the nipples remained puffy. At that point I sort of gave up on ever getting rid of it and decided to just wear the right clothes to hide my problem.

About a year back, I looked at myself in the mirror, I wanted to work out again but was afraid that building more muscle would push out the nipples once more. Decided to take a look into all kinds of ways to get rid of the gyno. I had seen it all, just working out, cardio, miracle meds, I tried them all (besides the miracle meds, I'm not a fool) so I ended up with surgery as my last resort.

I made an appointment with a plastic surgeon that works at a general hospital. Make no mistake, this is no general surgeon, they have plastic surgery departments in hospitals here (Belgium). This doctor specialises in this procedure and assured me that he, like me, would want only the best cosmetic result possible. So 2 months back I decided to go through with it. I should note the surgery is mostly covered in my country and the whole thing only set me back €500. Which is peanuts compared to what some of you folks overseas have to dish out, my heart goes out to you all.

I was put in general anaesthesia, it felt like I dozed off and instantly woke up after surgery. There was some minor pain around the nipples but it only lasted for about 30 minutes, the rest of that day...I felt no pain at all. I was shocked. After reading online how painful it has been for some people, I should really applaud my surgeon.

I was prescribed some light pain killers and decided to take them the day of surgery and the day after, I felt no pain though. Sleeping was a bit uncomfortable since I still had drains hanging on my sides. Today, 2 days after surgery, the drains were removed by a nurse that visisted my home, this DID hurt as I forgot to take some pain killers 30 minutes before her scheduled arrival. The pain was intense (my eyes actually watered) but lasted only shortly. I am now still wearing my compression vest but without the drains in my body, I feel great. I don't even feel the wounds at all. My chest is as flat and firm, swelling is minimal, no bruising has occurred.

I now regret not doing the surgery sooner. If you can afford to do the surgery comfortably, please, go ahead, don't suffer or mutilate yourself. Make sure you go to an experienced surgeon though.

I'm looking to keep this thread updated as my experiences grow and post some pictures both pre- and post-op once my compression vest can remain off.

Offline Mujassad

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I haven't found any pre-op pics yet but I'll keep looking. For now, you'll just have to trust me it was a lot worse than in this post-op picture.

I had the nurse put a tape on my nipples so I can take showers, the nipples are dented a bit inward from the stitches but are slowly normalising.

Offline s00ntobe

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have the nipples gone back to normal?

congrats btw.

Offline Mujassad

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well yeah, the nipples are slowly going back to normal. First day after surgery it looked like they were stapled to my muscle and went inwards quite a bit. They're now flat but I guess they will stick out just a little bit over time. My right chest is a bit bigger than my left but that is probably cause of swelling or having more muscle on that side.

Either way, I'm so happy I went through with the surgery, final results can't be as bad as it used to be. The compression vest is a pain in the ass (first week post-op is over now) but I'm just going to bite my teeth and pull through the next 5 weeks. Got an appointment with my surgeon on the 24th, hopefully he will decide that wearing the vest only at night will be sufficient for the final 3 weeks since I have healed so fast.

Offline Sven

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Congrats on having the surgery done, that's great!  Also, thanks for sharing your story.  My story is very similar to yours.  Have you taken any progress photos/had a look for your before pictures?  I would be interested to see how your incision scars are coming along.



Offline Mujassad

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These pics are from like 2 years back, it was actually twice as bad before surgery. Unfortunately I can't find any recent pics (if I even took any last year).

I can't see the incision scars yet. Both the scars under the nipples and the ones on the sides are covered in scabs. Hopefully they fall off soon so I can take some new pictures. Went to my surgeon today and he said it was looking great and that I can even stop wearing the compression vest after my 3rd week cause I healed so fast.

Offline CaptainVenky

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Congratulations.. you have achieved a great result ! and add to it,, its sooooooo cheap in your country.. I wish it was that cheap everywhere else too !! :) Coongrats once again mate..

Offline troubleddoc

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Bro so how's ur recovery. Me going to have sx through lateral pull up tech.still scared. Dad agreed. U much tym fr intensive training
Operated by Dr hari Menon on 16 June 2014☺☺☺😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

Offline Mujassad

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sorry for not keeping up. I'm back to work and things are busy as my department is moving. I'll be able to take pictures tomorrow, my USB connection of my phone has broken but I got a micro-SD adapter now.

Recovery is good I believe. There is absolutely NO visible scarring on my nipples themselves, maybe because the surgeon cut slightly inside the lower edge of the nipple rather than on the edge itself. There are still small red spots where the drains entered my body and I can feel a subdermal tube of scar tissue all the way from those dots to my nipples. I've started massaging the scar tissue this week and am curious how much it will help. Externally it looks great though, I'm still so excited to put on a t-shirt every morning and look in the mirror, something I always wanted to do. Everyone should have gyno once in their life and recover from it to appreciate a normal chest :)

Strange thing is though, my nipples are a bit sensitive when wearing clothing. The friction of the fabric usually starts to annoy by the afternoon but the upside is I already have most of the sensation back in my nipples (they were completely numb and sensationless the first weeks after surgery). My chest looks a bit weird when I flex but I guess that is because the skin hasn't adjusted to the smaller size of my chest yet. If it doesn't slime down I'll just have to hit the benchpress harder :p

I'm currently doing light exercises and could probably do heavy lifting but I'll start with that next week, just to be on the safe side. I have been playing futsal though (I can actually take off my shirt after the game rather than keep wearing the sweaty t-shirt and tell the guys I prefer showering at home) and have no issues sprinting.

In summary, the surgery is probably the best decision I have ever made in my life. My quality of life increased by such a great amount in such a short amount of time. Even if it would have cost me €5000, in hindsight, yes, I can say I would have dished out the dough to have it done.

Offline Mujassad

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Starting to look more natural except for when I flex as you can see in picture 4.

Offline abed123

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Congrats on your surgery, I had mine one 5 days ago, my body in almost similar to youra except for a little bit more muscle in and fat in the upper chest.

Dude I just want to ask you about the scar tissues, I have been reading alot about scar tissues which forms after the surgery and to be honest Im scared to loose the flat look of the chest which I'm enjoying now  ;D, I appreciate your opinion on this.



Offline Mujassad

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The scar tissue...I used to have a line of it between my nipple and the drain holes but that has gone now. I regularly massage the scar tissue under the nipple now and it usually hurts a bit when I start to massage but it gets numb after a minute of massage. I don't think it has decreased any at all but I don't think it makes my nipples stick out either.

Offline cloudblue

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Starting to look more natural except for when I flex as you can see in picture 4.

I'm 10 days post-op and my nipples dent a little like your picture 4. Hopefully this corrects itself with time but even if it doesn't it still looks a million times better than having gyno.


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