Author Topic: Dad with chest  (Read 3964 times)

Offline GymDude

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Hi all!

I’m happy to be joining this forum. I’ve been reading it for a few weeks now whilst making my own personal decision to go through with surgery. Everyone on here seems very decent and honest and if sharing my experience helps others then that would be cool. I am at the very beginning of this process and haven’t had a consultation yet. In fact I don’t even know who to have my consultation with yet so this really will be a beginning to end blog.

I have lived with gynecomastia since I was 15/16. I was a bit over weight so just thought that once I got in shape, my chest would all sort out. I didn’t know about gynecomastia then so thought it was just ‘puppy fat’. It has just been an absolute pain in the butt for me and has made me feel pretty embarrassed for many years. I’ve come to the conclusion now that life is too short and I’m going to sort this out now. Just to give a bit more detail, I now work out 4 times a week, have run 2 marathons and training for number 3, eat well 70% of the time and feel like I don’t deserve man boobs. I need to get rid! I have two small babies, a son who’s 3 and a daughter who is nearly 2 so I really don’t want to be fat boob dad on the beach. My son has already mentioned it which wasn't my best moment.

Have started doing some research and this forum has been really helpful. On doing several google searches and reading this forum I have come up with a short list of surgeons. Paul Levick, Alex Karidis, Ravi Jain and Alex Chambers.

I’ll keep posting the results of my research as I get it. I have two babies and my girlfriend works though so will try and get this done as and when I can. I feel like writing this blog is committing me to the procedure so feeling really positive about this.  :)

Offline GymDude

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I had posted my thread on the US site instead of UK  :-\ so I'm pasting my second thread here..

Hi all

I've been doing a fair bit of research on this and looking at different techniques. I haven't booked a consultation yet. I'm curious as to how many people actually have an incision and the glandular component cut out as well as the fat suctioned out. I am hoping that mine is more fatty (it feels like that) so I can just have it suctioned out and not left with a visible scar. I live in Surrey so I'm looking at surgeons near to me that have good reviews. It's nice to see some great success stories on here.   :)

Offline hench

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Well done on making the decision. You won’t look back mate.
I personally didn’t have to have any gyne gland cut out but it really depends on you. I had Vaser lipo with Ravi Jain and I didn’t need any gland removed. He is a decent and honest guy and told me at my consultation that if I would be happy with a 50% reduction in pinch thickness then I could proceed with Vaser. To be honest, I see some photos post op and some chests are so flat that I am really pleased that I went down the Vaser route. Ravi Jain achieved a much better reduction than 50%.  Also, he is the top guy in the UK for Vaser so I felt pretty confident when going through this with him. Good luck and I hope I have helped in some way.
I would advise getting your consultation booked in. I honestly think having mine removed is the best thing I ever did.

Offline NorthernPhysique

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I had posted my thread on the US site instead of UK  :-\ so I'm pasting my second thread here..

Hi all

I've been doing a fair bit of research on this and looking at different techniques. I haven't booked a consultation yet. I'm curious as to how many people actually have an incision and the glandular component cut out as well as the fat suctioned out. I am hoping that mine is more fatty (it feels like that) so I can just have it suctioned out and not left with a visible scar. I live in Surrey so I'm looking at surgeons near to me that have good reviews. It's nice to see some great success stories on here.   :)

Hey, congrats on committing to your decision. It's never too late. One of the surgeons you mentioned, Mr Levick, had his own operation at 45 (I know this as he told me), so it's never too late.

Re gland or fat or both - after a fair amount of research there are two things I can tell you about pseudogynaecomastia (excess fat):

1 INTERNET: In the eyes of google searches and internet articles, this is a phenomenon and the largest cause of gynaecomastia. So they'll offer you fat loss tips, special $9.99 booklets etc to have your manboobs vanished in 30 days.

2. COSMETIC SURGEONS: From talking to Mr Levick and reading some articles by a couple of other established surgeons, pseudogynaecomastia is a myth or at the least irrelevant. Meaning, whether it is gland or fat, the entire issue is cosmetic. If it's gland, only surgery will get rid of it. If it's fat, then you're just one of those people (as I'm guessing most of us are) whose body tends to put on fat in the chest area more easily or in a manner that makes you uncomfortable with the appearance. Either way, fat, gland or both - unless you remove it, it will continue to be there. If it's just fat and you lose a lot of weight, it may shrink somewhat but the fat cells will be there. Once you put some weight back on, the gynae will become prominent again. Whereas if you have the surgery, once the fat cells are out you wont have fat in that area again (unless you put on humongous amounts of weight - we're talking several stones).

I understand where you're coming from, in that if its just fat, maybe it's just a suctioning procedure. My 2 cents - make the trip to Birmingham, have a free consultation with Mr Levick and see what he says. His entire procedure involves no cuts around the nipples and he takes everything out. By making the trip, it will give you a fair idea whether it's doable (I'm guessing you've travelled to midlands already before so I'm sure you already know).

It's definitely doable IMO, people have come from mainland Europe for surgery with Mr Levick, but I appreciate everyone circumstances are different. Anyway, have a read around and good luck with your journey.

Offline Donut

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you really need to have established by an experienced surgeon whether or not you have glandular as well as fatty deposits. If it is just fat, then dieting WILL get rid of it - if you get your body fat % down to 10% ish, you'll have a six-pack and no moobs - it really is that simple.  HOWEVER if you have any glandular tissue, even getting down to 5 or 6% bodyfat (like pro competitive bodybuilders) WILL still leave you with moobs - in that case probably very pointy ones.

So get advise from someone who knows what they're looking at - if you look back in my thread (and others) you'll probably be amazed at how much glandular tissue comes out of what doesn't look like particularly bad cases. I wasn't exactly massive, and whilst not skinny am not exactly fat either, and I was amazed at the amount of gland I had (and virtually no fat)

Offline hench

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Hench, NorthernPH and Donut, thanks for the tips  :)
I'm going to book in with Ravi Jain this week. I've heard good things about him and have seen some impressive pre and post pictures. After a chat with him I may go and have a consultation with another couple of surgeons just so I know I'm making the right choice. It's a big deal so I want to do it right. I really appreciate the advice.  ;D

Offline Donut

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I don't think there are any blogs on here documenting Ravi Jain's technique (I believe he only does lipo, not gland excision?) - so if lipo is all you need, then it would be very interesting if you posted a detailed account of your surgery with before/after pics - I think a lot of us would be interested to see (including guys like me who have already been "done")!

I also think it is very sensible of you to get a second opinion from another surgeon like Levick or Karidis, just to make sure you don't have gland that needs to come out in order to get the result you really want.  There are several stories of guys who have had lipo only either on NHS or via various private practices, only to be very disappointed to be left with glandular tissue that they then have to save up for and endure a second round of surgery with someone else to "sort out".

Be very clear - lipo (vaser or otherwise - vaser is just lipo with a vibrating canula) CANNOT break down and remove tissue - only fat. If it was capable of breaking down glandular breast tissue, it would also break down your muscle and skin etc. on its way through to the target area and basically "dissolve" your entire body!!  The whole reason lipo is so "safe" is that it ONLY targets fat molecules and nothing else, so the surgeon can happily waggle the canula around under your skin sucking out fat without damaging anything more important.  Watch a few youtube videos of lipo being done, and you'll soon realise that given the force that is used, if the canula was capable of removing anything other than fat, it would be a lethal weapon and impossible to use!

Offline GymDude

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Hi Guys,

I thought I'd update you and tell you that I finally had the surgery done last year about 6 months ago. I read everyones advice and experiences on this blog and eventually decided to trust my gut instinct after meeting Karidis, Vik & Jain.

Jain scanned my chest and identified gland was present during our consultation. He was so confident that he could help me using his technique and showed me lots of examples of his work. But what sold me was his honesty and frank approach. I just didn't connect with the other guys but I am sure they do great work.

The surgery was straight forward as was the recovery. I had the vaser lipo & gland excision through a small hole on my nipple area. Overall size is about 2 cm each side and now I can't see the scars. I did have some soreness (like overdoing it on the bench) for about 7 days. Was so pleased to get rid of the compression and I had to cut the sleeves off as they were digging in to my arms. The worst bit was not being able to train for 4 weeks - aaaargh! But TBH, I was totally amazed at the results and with the whole experience.

Wish I'd done this ages ago.

Offline sawyer

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Congrats, have you got any before/after pics?

I've not heard much of Ravi Jain but this video: puts me off with the blatantly fake comments 


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