Hi everyone,
I've posted a few times but thought I'd start a thread for my surgery which will be this morning.
Arrived quite early, around 7am, so just waiting in reception.
Feeling a little thirsty and rather anxious!
Havent told anyone about this op, so hope everything goes ok.
Update -I actually didn't have any intention of posting any pictures on here. But due to the following reasons I have now decided to:
* Having seen how people help and support one another on here, and also a specific quote from the member Donut, where he said something along the lines of even if this helps one person it will be worth it, that inspired me to upload some pictures.
* Not that I have a great physique, but I think I may have trained more than some other members.
* I'm of Asian background, so having a darker skin complexion than most who have posted pictures on here, my bruising may be different to others so this may be of interest for any non-Caucasians who may be reading and are wondering what any bruising/scars
may turn out to look like.
BACKGROUND + PRE-OP PICSSo I'm 31 now. I think, unlike most people on here, I've been in denial that I had gynaecomastia. As a kid and teenager I was extremely skinny. Nobody ever pointed out that I had 'boobies' nor was I consciously aware of them. But speaking to Mr Levick, and showing him the following pictures, he said they were probably always there but just less prominent when I was younger.
At around 18 I got sick of all the skinny jokes so took up weight training in the evenings and at University. I've never used steroids (which can cause gynaecomastia) and never will. Protein supplements are pretty much all I've ever taken. Tried creatine couple of times but they didnt work for me.
Pictures from around my late teens/early 20s:
Aged 22: I showed this to Mr Levick and he said even back then I probably had 'puffy nipples', but due to the low body fat it wasnt so prominent.

Here are a couple of side shots, however, and looking back now I realise there was some 'perkiness':

This is probably from my mid or late 20s:
Late 20s - by this time I had received many comments of 'man-boobs' but I just brushed it off convincing myself it was all muscle or that other people were just jealous cos they never trained.
29 years: This is me aged 29, straight after a few sets of chin ups (chin ups tend to get my chest pumped for some reason). It was at times like this I convinced myself that I had no gynaecomastia.

However, on 'bad days', or when I lay off training for a while:

So after reading around on the internet about "pseudogynacomastia" (which doesn't exist by the way), I was determined to banish the manboobs comments (and my compression vests which I was wearing every day by now), by lowering my bodyfat.
Aged 31 (10 months before surgery)
As you can see, I lowered my bodyfat (somewhat), and my abdominals are visible. Yet still both sides of my chest had a 'booby' appearance.
After getting mocked at one final time, I decided enough was enough and booked a consultation with Mr Levick. He told me the three things that I needed to hear:
1. There is no such thing as pseudogynaecomastia
2. That I definitely had gynaecomastia, consisting of both gland and fat.
3. That no amount of exercise or controlling my diet will get rid of the gynaecomastia.
And so we went to surgery...