Author Topic: Surgery with Mr Levick - 22nd October update & new pics added  (Read 5268 times)

Offline Zenxer

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Congrats! Great results! I'm happy for you, I really am.
My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline brittguy1068

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Cheers guys, Yes very pleased so far,.. so flat :)

Looking forward to getting back to the gym to see how the lower pecs shape up.. counting the days til December 1st when I get back to training, although will be light for the first 4-6 weeks..

Offline maurice212303

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Your after shots are amazing you must be very happy - my op is 6 weeks away now and I can't wait for hopefully the best christmas present I could get!  :D

Offline brittguy1068

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Thanks guys, and yes, very pleased with the results so far..looking forward to getting back to the gym in a few weeks, and seeing how it shapes up over the coming weeks and months..It does seem like the upper pecs are well developed and the lower ones almost not there.. I guess part of that is perception after so much tissue being removed and it now being so flat, and part is that I almost never did decline flyes or press.. these will be high on the workout list when I get back to training.   

Tightness is reducing each day, and I have a comfortable full range of motion now, although very tight across the chest if I pull elbows back (as you would if you did bench press).

Im now at 16 days post Op now.  Bruising all but gone, and I even seem to have sensation returning almost to normal except for the area immediately around the nipples.. entry incision on the left is still a little pink but otherwise flattening out well, the right is a little slower on healing, but it was twice the length of the left side post surgery for some reason.. maybe Mr Levick needed a bigger hole in that side ?

Any advice with regard to massage and stretching.. It feels like its ready to start about now, but I seem to remember Mr Levick saying to wait until about week 3..  Thanks


Offline FlatAsAPancake

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I started massaging 3 weeks post op. It's just a simple rub using the palm of your hand around the chest area for a couple of minutes x2 a day. I sometimes use Bio-oil as a lubricant but you could quite easily do it without anything.

Remember, pain is bad.

Offline brittguy1068

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Thanks Flatasapancake, I think I may start after the weekend, or maybe leave it till Wednesday when it will be 3 weeks..

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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Hey man,
Hope recovery is speedy! Do you mind posting 3-week post op pics?



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