Hey there. I'm a 19 year old with G, from Dublin, Ireland. I decided to post in here first to see if I can get to know you guys.
MY experience with the G is... a bit weird. I've always been a chubbier. I was never the skinny guy. But, at about 13/14, I lost quite a bit of weight due to a mix of a growth spurt, and a serious bout of illness. I was happy- I wasn't lumps of fat anymore. I wasn't skinny, but I wasn't obese. I could deal with it.
Though, my chest never seemed to get down to the same size as the rest of my body. To be honest, it bothered me a bit less than now until looked it up after I went to the gym and there was no improvement.
I stopped going to the gym, booked a doc appointment and got checked out. Doctor checked my chest, genitals(That was comfortable...) and told me I was fine health wise. As for the G, he just shrugged, said "It might or might not go" and sent me on my way. That leads me to the current time, wherein I'm saving for surgery(In about 2 years

I have a cleft lip, so my confidence has never been very high when it came to physical appearances(Though, it might be beneficial that I'm so used to this obvious scar on my face that scars on my chest won't really affect me much, in relation to surgery). So, obviously having MORE physical problems really was a bit of a deal breaker.
It did used to get me down when I was younger, and I will be honest and say tears were shed. I was honestly afraid that I'd never find a girlfriend, never experience going out and living life.
Obviously, that really wasn't true. I have experienced quite a bit. Girlfriends, great nights out. I'm in College, studying computer science.
Anyway, I'm still not as confident as I should be. I was checking out some of the posts here for quite some time, and to be honest I was looking for some advice. I've never really had guys to talk to about this, so I really would love to hear some of your stories and maybe get some life advice? "How to be a man" is a bit clichéd, but that kinda sums it up. I'd like to be in a good mindframe before surgery, or else I'll latch onto another imperfection to obsess about.
Thanks guys,