Author Topic: Gynecomastia Surgery 4/11/14 Dr Ostrowska-Clarke Poland  (Read 6627 times)

Offline puffynipplesdrivemecrazy

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Hi All,

Seems a bit quiet on here so ive decided to create my own little thread. Had Gyno for a little over a year now. Result was from a course of promag 35 steroids. My gyno isnt that bad but its enough to annoy me.

So... I am booked in with Dr Ostrowska-Clarke. I will be blogging my experience from start to finish. Including before and after photos.

Wish me luck!  ;D



Well the big adventure starts. Woke up about 6:30am and the old man took me to the airport. I still felt no nerves at all which was strange. On the way my dad kept asking me questions, more than he ever has done so I guessed he was fairly worried. Anyway arrived at the airport and landed in Berlin at 12:30pm. Followed Jeremy's vague instructions after messaging him asking why the transfer had been booked at 12:25 when clearly I land at 12:30. Jeremy confirmed that the interglobus taxi arrives every 1hr 30. Needless to say I missed my transfer and stood around trying to figure things out. A polite speaking polish man pointed me in the right direction. Without him I would of been truly stuffed. Anyway... for those of you who like things a bit more black and white, I have attached pictures to help you out.

Leave the building by the information desk at gate zero. This is on the middle floor to where i landed. As you come out and look left it will look exactly like the below;

After finding a bus with 'Follow me' as per Jeremy's instructions it wasnt the one I was looking for.

The polish man then pointed out that theres a black mercedes just pulled in and maybe this is the one.

Spoke to this guy and again he said no you need the big silver mercedes. After teling him that I missed the booked transfer and trying to convince him that Jeremy had said not to worry as one leaves every 1hr 30 I finally boarded the bus which looks like this;

In all honesty it was a relief just getting on the correct bus. Feeling slightly on your own and not a clue what to do was a bit daunting. Due to the coach being to big Interglobus paid for a free taxi from the drop off point to my hotel. Anyway positive thinking... I had emailed Jeremy about the plan tomorrow but haven't heard anything back. Guessing I will just receive a call in the morning and go from there. Some more pics now... The Atrium... Really nice hotel, staff are super friendly and the wifi is awesome!!

Decided to go have a wander and get my bearings. Ended up at the Galaxy shopping centre;

Only had breakfast at this point so I was getting rather hungry. This is what £2.50 gets you!!

At this point I decided to have a wonder back and grab some ice cream from the hotel. Girlfriend Facetimed me in tears as her car had been broken into. Feel a bit helpless out here but im sure she will be okay.

Think thats it for today. Tomorrow is the big one!! Any questions please ask. I always wanted to see and extra detailed write up so heres my attempt to help out everyone else! I will also tidy up my grammar at some point too so apologies in advance!!

Day 2:

So today was the day. Tomek called at 7:40 (the agent/driver) from -- who would be our transfer for the next few days. He seems a great guy and told me that I will be collected at 9am from the hotel reception. No need for any bags etc at this stage. To my suprise there was another british guy waiting for Tomek. We instantly got on and it was great to discuss gynecomasta and how it had effected us.

First stop was for our blood tests. The clinic was small but cheerful. The lady that took my blood was by far the best at what she did. In the UK I can atleast feel the needle go in. Here I felt no needle at all. She took 7 vials and off we went back to the hotel. Tomek told me that he will be back at 2:20pm for ultrasound and then off to the clinic.

At 2.20 we was off again. The most impressive thing was definately the ultrasound. Now in no way do I have bad gynecomastia. I am extremely mild but on warm days my nipples ended up puffy and it bothered me greatly. If you look carefully you will be able to see the gynecomastia behind each nipple. To me imagine thay you are looking at the side of a glass of whiskey. In the whiskey glass theres an ice cube. Each photo you will beable to make out this dark shading. You can also see the dimensions in mm in the next above.

From the picture left side was 22mm x 5mm
Right side 27mm x 4 mm

After here we drove to the surgery. Instantly Dr O was an absolute delight. She didnt rush the consultation and sat with us and answered every question we threw at her. As my friend wanted to get the operation over and done with I let him go first. While they was putting him under Dr O sat with me on the sofa and just chatted about life etc. For those that have said its like a conveyor belt, on this occasion, I completely disagree. Heres some more pics on what to expect;

Main reception with Tomek on the left;

The sleeping area;

Now I just want to clear up those that slate Dr O for her lack of qualifications. Personally I think there are people that are jealous of her work. This is two walls that display her certificates. On top of that she pulled out a pile more for which I didn't have the time to photograph. She is constantly travelling around the world and applying different techniques from the worlds best. Also surprisingly all the hate posts on here came just after she was at one of these conferences. Some UK surgeons asked her what was her most common procedure. For her reply it was their patients. As you can imagine they didnt like her cheekyness and suprisingly a day after they uploaded these damaging posts. As you and I know someone with a 1 post count slating someone always looks rather strange. But anyway that isnt 100% gospel but it wouldnt suprise me. I too have posted on some of these and asked for them to upload pics to prove. None of them replied. So the decision is yours to make on that one.

So after seeing my friend wheeled through and put into bed it was now my turn. I literally went in, undressed down to my boxers and socks and walked through. Lay on the operating bed and was having good banter with the anesthetist and nurses. Said goodnight and bam I was out for the count. I remember dreaming about the Galaxy shopping centre for some crazy reason haha. Anyway when I woke I felt like I had been out on the town but pretty much was aware of my surroundings. At this point I noticed I had my compression vest and the bed had an electric blanket... it was bliss!

Agnieszka was our nurse for the night and she was absolutely amazing. She was fairly hot too if I must say so haha. She asked if I would like a cuppa tea for which I asked if there was coffee. Unfortunately I wasnt allowed only tea. 5 minutes later my tea arrives and I have the famous cheese and ham sandwiches put in front of me with a smile;

Through the night the nurse (who looks like Demi Moore) kept coming in every two hours to check up on us and give us antibiotics etc. I have never felt so looked after so I praise her massively. The whole team was amazing from start to finish. Genuinely makes our NHS look like a right cockup!

Only issue I experienced was back pain from laying on my back all night. Other than that not a twinge or anything!

Day 3:

After sleeping on and off all night the nurse had asked if I wanted a coffee (bless her she must of remembered from the night before) and the coffee was amazing!! We also had cottage cheese. Ham and cheese sandwiches water and yogurt. Dr O had come to wish us good morning. At this point we was fairly delighted to be up and mobile. My friend opted to go first again to change bandages and look at his new found chest. He came back and he was absolutely delighted. I said to him keep your expectations low as reading on here we are due for a rollercoaster ride. But remember what you see now should be what you see at the end. I felt so happy for him and then it was my turn.

I went in lay on the operating table and she removed all the sticky bandaging. My chest looked exactly how it did when I was gyno free a year ago. My right nipple bled slightly but i was told not to worry. Had some small swelling on the top left pec too so always wear your compression vest!! Luckily this was nowhere near the nipple as the vest was doing an excellent job. Also I required no drains. She said that she used a different method to lypo through the nipple while it was cut open. She said it would of been a shame to have 4 additional marks on my chest as it was perfect and I have no chest hair (genetics from my dad lucky me haha). She also said that due to my nipples being extremely small this made great work for her. She said she was extremely worried that she could kill both nipples as the gyno had stuck to the nipple and was very hard, typical of steroid use. She said that she cut so finely and was happy that I had no issues in the morning. This lady is a goddess I swear. But still early stages to see the final result for which i see there being no issues other than the usual pig of scar tissue.

Tomek took both of us to collect our medication and then back to the hotel. If you budget 30 zloty then this will cover the journey each way.

So today I am going to just chill. I have been watching Arrow on box set. Looking to visit the chicken man I shown you on day 1. Somewhere not too far as Dr O advised not doing too much today.

Might research a massage roller for after the 1 week stage. I watched an excellent video on youtube of a surgeon showing you how to do this.

Anyway guys, I better shoot. Any questions please dont hesitate to ask. Bye for now :)

« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 10:21:08 AM by puffynipplesdrivemecrazy »

Offline Ty25

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Hi mate good luck for your surgery! i am booked in with Dr Clark on the 6th of December so not too long after you!! Let me know how it all goes!!
Where are you staying?


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I've heard a lot of good here on the forum from that doc over the last year or so, you should be very happy!

Good luck,


Offline puffynipplesdrivemecrazy

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Hi mate good luck for your surgery! i am booked in with Dr Clark on the 6th of December so not too long after you!! Let me know how it all goes!!
Where are you staying?

Thanks for the nice comment :) I am staying at Hotel Atrium. I noticed their website has been massively updated (this is the version which has put my mind at ease too. When things start moving I will be sure to keep updating this thread. I will be extremely bored so this forum will keep me entertained.

Ive found that they are moving to a new 1 million pound surgery- not sure if we will be having surgery in the new premises?

Offline puffynipplesdrivemecrazy

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I've heard a lot of good here on the forum from that doc over the last year or so, you should be very happy!

Good luck,


Thanks Bob. Fingers crossed! :)

Offline Ty25

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oh really are they? where did you see that? a new place would be amazing! shows that they are doing well!

Offline puffynipplesdrivemecrazy

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oh really are they? where did you see that? a new place would be amazing! shows that they are doing well!

from - exciting news for me anyway but not sure if the new clinic will be ready in that time. Shows how good she must be if massive expansion is on the cards...

With a new, larger state of the art clinic opening towards the end of 2014/early 2015 -- are now looking to firmly establish their reputation as one of the best cosmetic surgery options in Europe.

The clinic will be located just a few short minutes away from the current location and the 2.5M – 5M Zloty (£500,000 ­ £1,000,000) investment in the impressive new facility is set to wow patients from all over the world.

Dr Ostrowska­Clark, the consultant surgeon and owner of -- is incredibly excited about the future.

The current facility has served past patients of -- very well indeed.

It’s always been popular with patients due to its ability to combine a cosy feel with an “exclusive” one and that’s something that will be carried forward to the new clinic.

Many have said that Dr Ostrowska­Clark is a perfectionist when she’s operating but her drive to offer patients the best of the best runs way beyond the operating theatre.

Quality surgery needs to be complimented with a quality service and the new clinic is all about taking that “quality service” to a completely different level.

Patients will be able to enjoy even more privacy, comfort and convenience thanks to the unique layout of the clinic which has been designed by Dr Ostrowska­Clark herself.

It’s not just the clinic that’s moving with the times however – -- is undergoing a complete online makeover too.

The acquisition of Jake Wardell, a happy former patient of -- and an expert in online content creation will see that more and more people experience what he describes as “arguably the best value for money cosmetic surgery in the world”.

In the latter half of 2014 we were featured in the high­end lifestyle magazine HYPERLINK "REMOVED" Dolce Vita alongside several other well­renowned private clinics across the EU and beyond.

The two­page spread was written by Jeremy Clark and it did an excellent job of drawing men’s attention too gynecomastia – a problem that demoralizes thousands and thousands of men worldwide.

As Dr Ostrowska­Clark continues to solidify her reputation as one of the best and most knowledgeable sources of information in the area of gynecomastia -- will look to deliver that expertise in different ways.

Jake Wardell is already looking forward to the up and coming launch of --’s YouTube Channel which is all set to be ready by November.

“I’d like to offer a different way for people to get to know Dr Ostrowska­Clark and the clinic” he says.

“We have a pretty unique dynamic here. Me, the past patient and former gynecomastia sufferer and Dr Ostrowska­Clark, the surgeon. Between us there’s nothing we can’t tell you about the benefits and risks of having surgery and I think having a few of the discussions we have on camera and allowing gynecomastia sufferers from all around the world get a better look at the overall picture in less than 45 minutes is going to be hugely beneficial to anyone that watches regardless of where they eventually have their surgery.

The YouTube Channel will become an unofficial TV channel dedicated to addressing concerns about having surgery abroad and the first of two in­depth discussions between Jake & Dr Ostrowska­Clark will be ready in November 2014.

By that stage, there will already be a live case study ready to be viewed online.

When Jake Wardell came to the clinic in July 2014, he agreed to let a team of professional cameramen video a lot of his time in Szczecin, specifically on the day of the operation.

Prior to his arrival, the -- team and Jake had agreed that allowing people to live as much of the experience from the comfort of their own homes would perhaps remove many of the concerns a lot of people have prior to having surgery abroad.

He explains this in a little more detail...

“Obviously I wasn’t in love with the idea of having a camera in front of me at first but I’ve been wanting to change the perception of a few things when it comes to gynecomastia and that was a big step in the right direction.

Firstly, I wanted to take the edge off the embarrassment off it. I figured if my story was out there for all to see it would one, encourage more people not to feel that uncomfortable talking about it and two, I’d have the weight off me for good as the cat would be well and truly out of the bag.

So, that’s how that idea came around. I currently have no idea how it looks on camera but I can tell you this – when I look calm and comfortable, I am calm and comfortable. When I look nervous and worried, I am genuinely nervous and worried. I can’t act to save my life.”

With this and the YouTube Channel on the horizon video is set to play a major part in how -- and indeed, surgery abroad is perceived for a very long time to come and we’re all really excited to start revolutionizing what a clinic can do to inform prospective patients prior to arrival.

The breakthroughs aren’t just in video however – old fashioned words written down will offer patients the chance to get their hands on more valuable information both before and after the surgery at no extra cost.

Jake explains this in further detail...

“There’s 3 key elements to getting yourself free of gynecomastia. There’s the bit before the operation where you have to work up the courage to book it, there’s the operation itself and then there’s the fairly lengthy recovery process and it’s that last part where I feel we can really make a difference.

I’ve been spending a lot of time researching what your best course of action is after you’ve had the surgery and tested numerous things on myself as I make my way through to the six­month mark where your best results should be apparent.

By combining what I learn along the way with what top surgeons like Dr Ostrowska­Clark recommend I’m going to write a few very short books that will be available to download on Kindle free of charge.

In the early stages I’ll talk more about what to expect before you have the surgery and how you can combat a few demons that have manifested because of your gynecomastia and in the latter stages I’ll talk about optimum diets, fitness and massage regimes to get the best results.

We live in a day and age where people can quickly download this information and read it on the flight over so why not offer patients that luxury?”

The books will be mainly be designed to assist patients post­surgery as that’s when most questions seem to pop up and despite the amount of information online, there’s not always a conclusive answer.

At time of writing, the books are still a little way off being available on Amazon but by the time January 2015 rolls around the first of a proposed five part series will be on the virtual shelves.

All of the above represent dramatic change for -- but the most dramatic change of all comes in the shape and form of the new booking system...

Firstly, the new look -- website will have a built­in booking facility and this will allow patients looking to have treatment within the next 12 months a far easier way to book themselves in.

The days of having to exchange a flurry of emails before your surgery date is confirmed will be gone – it’s all about making the entire process of having surgery in Szczecin as seamless as possible from here on out.

Secondly, Jake Wardell is now acting as --’s UK representative and as far as we know this is a world first.

Never before have patients looking to have cosmetic surgery abroad been able to pick up the phone and ask all the important questions to someone who’s been through the entire process.

But now they can.

Having someone on the team that can empathize with every one of our gynecomastia patients in a way that only a former sufferer can makes the usually difficult initial approach all the more easier.

It’s another addition that emphasizes --’s desire to go above and beyond the call of duty for their patients and it’s one that’s already proved to be a winner.

Offline Ty25

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All sounds promising for them and future patients!!

Not long until your surgery now, how are you feeling?
Are you going to order a Macom or other type of compression vest to go alongside with the vest provided? ive heard theirs can be a little uncomfortable especially as you need to wear it 24/7 for 3 or so weeks!!
I suppose everyones body is different shape so will fit nicer on some!

Anyways my surgery is in 41 days now and im counting down the days!!


Offline puffynipplesdrivemecrazy

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All sounds promising for them and future patients!!

Not long until your surgery now, how are you feeling?
Are you going to order a Macom or other type of compression vest to go alongside with the vest provided? ive heard theirs can be a little uncomfortable especially as you need to wear it 24/7 for 3 or so weeks!!
I suppose everyones body is different shape so will fit nicer on some!

Anyways my surgery is in 41 days now and im counting down the days!!


Hi Toby,

Thanks for the nice message :) Im feeling positive at the moment. Hoping positive thinking will give me a positive outcome. I will upload before and after pics soon as I am back.

Ordered my compression vest last week and found that it was far too small and it came just above my stomach too. The nude colour really put me off so I have opted for a medium but full length. It arrived yesterday and I am much happier now and the fit is tight!

Well my next message will be Sunday when I arrive. I shall try and take as many photos as possible so it will give you a good idea of what to expect!

Offline Ty25

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only 2 days until your surgery. i hope you are excited and not nervous!

how did you measure for the size of the  vest? ive heard you need one size smaller than you are?
Best of luck!!

Offline puffynipplesdrivemecrazy

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only 2 days until your surgery. i hope you are excited and not nervous!

how did you measure for the size of the  vest? ive heard you need one size smaller than you are?
Best of luck!!

Just on the plane now waiting to depart. Flying to Berlin first. The wierd thing is that I'm feeling fine and I have no nerves! What's wrong with me haha.

I'm not too sure. I opted for the small but felt it wasn't right so I opted for the medium and returned the small. Feels tight and compressed.

I shall update the other side when things are still fresh in my mind

Offline puffynipplesdrivemecrazy

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Offline DublinDan

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Great informative post mate, the very best of luck tomorrow.

I'm booked in myself for the 19th of this month  :o

I must start my own thread and journal to help others if possible.

Offline puffynipplesdrivemecrazy

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Great informative post mate, the very best of luck tomorrow.

I'm booked in myself for the 19th of this month  :o

I must start my own thread and journal to help others if possible.

Thanks for the kind words Dan. You are in great hands and I wish you all the best. Keep us updated.

Day 2 and 3 now posted

Offline Ty25

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Hi mate how are you?? Sounds like your surgery went great, thanks for so much info on the whole trip?
how are you feeling now? Hows everything feeling & looking? im 23 days away now and reading your experience is helping me loads so thank you.
Anyway i look forward to hearing from you.



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