Author Topic: Dr. Clarke surgery booked for 24/11/2014  (Read 7684 times)

Offline sgtakira

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Hello forum!  I have been lurking in the shadows for a long time now and have finally managed to get the money together to sort this damned surgery out! (London is not the place to live and save for anything.  It took me far too long!)

I can't tell you how good this is going to make me feel, it holds you back in everything! Constantly pinching your nipples so it looks normal in a tshirt, hate being on top during sex because you can see the gland hang and so much more!

I have been living with this since I was 13 and now 32.  The doctors just told me it would always go away and humiliated me in the hospital bringing in a training group when I was just 15 so they could all see what it felt like. Literally 10 random people poking my tiny little breasts for 30 mins.  He then scared me off any surgery by saying I would have scars bigger than my nipples and it would be uneven. I just did my best to forget about it and bulked up some muscle and it's well hidden. When nipples are erect you really can't tell a thing unless you know what you are looking for and I see it every day! It's a killer! darn the NHS!

Just want to thank everybody that has shared their experiences and helped me make this decision. You are all an inspiration and I wouldn't have been able to do this without all your information.

I will make sure you keep your posted an up-to-date with before and after pictures and lots of information on the experience.

Thank you again

Offline sgtakira

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Hey guys!

At the hotel and surgery will be tomorrow.  Travel was a breezing.  Following the instructions in the emails I found the minibus right away.  The minibus was slightly cramped on my knees and the roads here are bumpy as hell, otherwise all good.  Just about to go adventuring for a little food.  Attempting to upload some pre op pictures now.

Offline DublinDan

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Best of luck dude I had my surgery on Wednesday and everything has been fine since. I got to see the results before the swellen began and I'm delighted with it. Which hotel are you staying in?

Offline sgtakira

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This ibis, good sized room and very clean.  Good luck on your recovery bro.  I can't wait to get this done!

Offline DublinDan

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Yeah the Ibis is a good hotel, nice and central. Sczachin is possibly the worst city I've been too. Absolutely mind numbingly boring. I'd love to offer some advice on what to do but there is literally nothing to do lol except maybe wander around the shopping centres. The people's English is as bad as my polish even ordering a Big Mac was difficult at times. You will find yourself eating a lot of junk because there isn't that many resturants around and I personally found the food in the Ibis a bit shit.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Offline sgtakira

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Thanks man.  I'm Sure I will have plenty of questions once this is done tomorrow.  Would go crazy staying in this room the whole week.  Tried to go out a little today.  Is the town really this dead all the time or is it just because of sunday and the large Catholic population?  Even at 6pm I didn't see anybody

Offline carlisle29

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Good luck for this morning and hope all goes well.  Looking forward to seeing your after results. Im still lurking and trying to decide where I want to go but dr clarke seems to get some good results

Offline sgtakira

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Thanks.  Just got back from having my bloods done.  Tomek is a really cool and friendly guy.  Just got breakfast at the hotel.  If you like cold meat this place is the best. So much PROTEIN!!!!!! Other nice things, juices, tea, coffee, pastries, eggs and *sausages.  Typical continental breakfast which I have always been very happy with.

Now just time to relax until my ultrasound at 2 then straight on to the clinic.  Seems I'm the only person having the procedure done today so more quiet time for me :). It's a welcome break coming from the last 5 years in London. Makes me want to move home to Devon haha.

Ok guys, will see you on the other side!!!

Offline sgtakira

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Well that was one of the most uncomfortable nights sleeps ever.  Never good at sleeping on my back and the bed is pretty painful too.  Just been given breakfast and I guess after that I will have my bandages changed and sent off home.  It's still only the nurse here right now though. Left side drain is pretty much empty but the right side was changed once during the night.  I hope there is no problem with it but we shall see soon I guess.

Offline carlisle29

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Well done, must feel great to be moobless!
Just wondered, where did you fly from?

Offline DublinDan

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Great stuff, well done. The beds are poxy alright and even the slightest turn alerts the nurse to come in even though you don't need her lol

Offline DublinDan

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Oh by the way, how did you feel when you woke up from the surgery? I was crazy emotional! I just wanted to ring my fiance and daughter and tell them how much I loved them  :D I think it was just a huge relieve too actually waking up.

The vest will be fine for the first few days but now it is really bothering me.

Ive ordered one of these I wish I ordered it sooner.  

Offline sgtakira

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Flew in from stansted as its a short coach ride from my home.

Waking up was good, although the doctor had already vanished and the nurses didn't speak much English so I was left waiting a few hours to know the outcome of my surgery.  Didn't know if here were any complications.  My right side is still bleeding a little in to the drains, left is fine.  Hopefully will sort itself out before I get them removed tomorrow

I had a couple of good post op vest delivered before I left so will probably switch in to those wheni get home.  Macom ones. But on the pricy side as I got 2 but important to be comfortable and still good compression.

Offline sgtakira

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3 days post op.  Slight swelling but I can't tell you how happy I am with the result.  Even just looking down and not seeing puffy nips is amazing.  I know it's a long road to full recovery but I am going to be diligent with massage, diet and exercise. Will post frequent updates over the next 12 months.  Can't wait to stick my Macom vest on this binder is a pain.

Offline 77777

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Hiya mate, I'm in Szczecin now, I go home tomorrow.

How long are you here for? What are your overall thoughts when taking everything into account?


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