Author Topic: Surgery completed with DR PAUL LEVICK - Feb 2014 now with pics.  (Read 6021 times)

Offline Simpsons123

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before surgery : puffy nipples.
I have always been to the gym and for a long time I always though my nipples looked a bit pointy but I used to laugh it off. then as I got a bit bigger (started at 9 and half stone) now 12 and half over 4 years naturally. I started to notice it more and more it stressed me out towards the end, every day I hated it so much and it was only mild. I went to doctors female doctor she thought I was crazy and said their fine she put me on to a specialist at my local hospital who told me it was mild

what happened next:
I searched it on Google for months and months and that lead me to the surgeon who changed my life DR Paul levick

DR Paul levick:
i rang the number to speak to him and Julie (his wife answered very lovely lady who answered a few of my questions and then lead me to speak to paul levick)

let me just say he is the best DR I have ever met and the most understanding doctor. he made me feel so relaxed all throughout and always replies to emails very quickly. and is always happy to help no matter what. anyone a stranger to this and are in the UK - this is the man to contact I promise you that.

day before surgery
went up stayed in hotel next morning went to hospital got my room at priory hospital in Birmingham and they made me feel very welcome any ways I met the guy who was going to put me under the local DR Patel (very nice guy was and top bloke) this was my biggest worry getting put to sleep and let me tell you this in the end I actually liked it was a nice experience feel a little rush and then I started laughing and that's it gyno free.

woke up and wrapped up: I remember being woken up in the theatre and saw DR levick I shoke his hand and thanked him then I must off fell back asleep and woke up in the ward.

WEEK 1-10
hated wearing the vest but I did for the full 6 weeks its important you do this. it was very flat bit bruised but nothing dramatic.

3-6 months I began to start analysing my chest all the time as scar tissue had began to build up and although wasn't that bad come on us guys are nightmares to over analyse our chests so I contacted DR levick who ensured me it will all settle


very pleased with the result I still have a bit of scar tissue had a jab or kenalog last week on one side as I was having hyposensitive nerves on one side and it was frustrating the kenalog has improved this and also shrunk the scar tissue to about half the size.

I have spoke to DR levick about this and he has agreed to give me a little more into the scar tissues to hopefully get rid of them for good this wont take place for at least another 4 weeks as I had some a few weeks ago.

I felt so bad asking for another lot of jabs I offered to pay for them and he refused he told me they were free he is incredible and if you want a DR to be their all throughout please contact him you wont be disappointed

TODAY - im happy with my chest its flat looks like a pec now rather then a flabby chest I do still have a very sensitive nerve which is the nerve endings etc. but let me tell you the worst part is recovery mentally. its full of ups and downs but it does get better I can ensure you.

what made me choose DR Paul levick?
one he took it out through the armpit which to me I think is better. imo

also he took out the whole gland I didn't want any left I wanted it all out. also I had lipo but due to being lean I didn't need a great amount.

even after the operation he is still their for you no matter what I have sent him a lot of emails and he replies to each and everyone. and sometimes I feel a pest but he is always more then happy to help.

I will upload pictures when I get time and if anyone has any questions or any advice please ask ill be happy to help. I am sure their are other good surgeons out their I can only speak from my own experience.

I cant speak any more highly of DR levick - DR Patel - Julie and all the other team at priory hospital Birmingham.

I hope this can help someone sitting where I was

« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 08:40:36 AM by Simpsons123 »

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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Congratulations on your surgery!
Do you think you can share some before and after pics of your surgery.

Good luck!

Offline Simpsons123

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thanks man means a lot :) ill get some pics up asap. I need to upload some to my computer.

just booked in my kenalog injections to break up scar tissue I had one shot on one side but after such a good result I want the other side done :) this whole process is a mentally draining but worth it at the end.

dr paul levick is such a legend I cant praise him enough!

Offline Simpsons123

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before pic 1 - leaner here but the gland still poked thru when tensed or lent over etc

Offline Simpsons123

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pic 2 before surgery - fatter here which made things even worse looking

Offline Simpsons123

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pic 3 - surgery pic gland and fat removed.

Offline Simpsons123

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pic 4 - after 9 months post op - I made it!

im 11 weeks into a cut - bodyfat is 9.5 percent (77kg) measured by bodyfat calipers
going to go lower then go on a very slow lean bulk to add some mass :) so happy now.

hope these pics help guys. only reason I have put them up is so you get a rough idea what to expect as I never thought I would do this lol :)

gyno free what a roller coaster of a ride

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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Congrats and thanks for sharing!

Offline Simpsons123

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Thanks man means a lot
im so happy with it now.
best of luck with your journey any questions in the future just ask ill be happy to help best I can.

Offline Zenxer

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My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline Simpsons123

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thanks mate - recovery feels never ending but it does get their.

Offline jinr0h

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Result look great.
Out of interest , during the healing period , did your nipples become puffy temporarily?

Offline Simpsons123

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after surgery - it was flat as anything.

10 - 12 weeks post op - I felt it was getting slightly puffy again and it made me stressed out a lot lol

9 months on it has really settled and they are flat I do have a bit of scar tissue but im booked in for kenalog shot I had one so far and its shrunk the scar tissue by at least half :)

(I had both sides done its just other side has tattoos and didn't want to upload pics but they both look the same. the other side has more scar tissue why im getting kenalog but they both look excellent.)


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