Author Topic: weird shape of aerola - Gynecomastia Post Op (1 week)  (Read 3242 times)

Offline gyno.postop

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Dear Doctors,
I had left side gynecomastia for which I had my first liposuction surgery in July 2014 which didn't give any result but size became little more big due to wrong method or less experienced surgeon (this is my assumption) so I didn't tell this to the surgeon. I just told him that surgery doesn't bring any effective result and after 1 week of my post op, the surgeon said he will do the correction surgery in December 2014. So I waited for 6 months and then went to hospital for the revision (2nd surgery) this time surgeon cut my nipple (Aerola) and removed the gland which i feel he has removed so much of glands as only skin is left and shape of nipple looks very weird. When i said doctor that my nipple has been screwed or it may come in shape after some time so he reacted very badly and said, no need to contact him and I am attaching my current position pictures, please if any one can guide would be good help as human.

Offline henry 41

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Sadly, this disfigurement is just another typical case resulting from surgery. My advice has always been to avoid surgery unless you have an extreme case. Surgery results are always more or less unpredictable to some degree, exacerbated if the surgeon doesn't really care about the results. This photo indicates to me that you need to consult with a lawyer so that you can receive monetary damages to pay for correctional surgery by someone else. The absolute proof of disfigurement is shown in the photo.

Offline gyno.postop

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Thanks for your quick reply. Please also give your comment that I have lost my feeling for sex. The penis never erects even I tried to watch porn. Is this because of pain killers!!! as doctor prescribed these medicines "Cefuroxime axetil, Panadol Advance and Postan Forte for a week. I am very much worried. please guide...!!!

Offline Paa_Paw

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I will respectfully disagree.  If you actually study art, and in particular portraiture, You will realize that perfect symmetry is really very uncommon in nature.  It is common for one ear to be larger than the other. One eye higher than the other. the center line down the center of the brow, tip of the nose Center of the lips and cleft in the chin is never a straight line.

The irregularity of the areola is more natural than for it to be a perfect circle.  It is quite natural also for the breasts to be of different size. 

Perfect symmetry is actually un-natural. 
Grandpa Dan

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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Hey man,

I hear you and can only imagine how frustrating it is to go through all these and still not have the desired result!

I agree with what Dr Jacobs told you on your other post under Ask a Doctor section, but I can't reply there:

Let me guess: the surgeon was not a plastic surgeon specialized in gnecomqstia correction, right?

I think if you really want to get it fixed, you should get it redone for the third time with gyne specialist.

Good luck,

Offline gyno.postop

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Since i m back from surgery, my sex drive is none. no feelings no erection at all. Please guide what shud i do ?


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See your family physician/GP.

Lots of factors can affect libido/erections, including medication, anxiety and medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, so it's important to be checked out to rule these out.


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