Author Topic: 3timers back post op.  (Read 3799 times)

Offline 3timer

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Well I made it through the surgery on Wed. Feb.02. I am 37 and had excision and lipo for gyno as well as lipo for my abdomen with Dr. Fielding. I want to start by saying to all of you who are thinking of having this problem corrected that it is possible. I have had 3 consulatations and waited for over 10 years to finally get the courage, money, and opportunity to make all of this come together. The worst part of the whole process is trying to keep it a secret from friends and family. I admire the courage of those who do it openly,especially those who have pioneered the way for others by going public (tv,etc. ). Now I hope to help a few others with what I have learned.
Flew into Toronto from the East Coast and took the 192 Airplane Rocket to the Kipling Subway Station. The cost was $2.25 and this includes the suway ride from Kipling to Jane Street exit. When the bus picks you up at the terminal (look for the bus signs TTC or ask for help )it will eventually stop at Kipling (about 20 minutes), Get off and go into the station and go downstairs. Both trains go east to Jane St. as kipling is the end of the subway line so simply get on one of the trains. ( I spent 15 minutes trying to figure this out ) When you get to Jane St. Station go out the exit for Jane St., go left and you will come to Bloor St. Dr. Fieldings office is directly across the street, 4th flloor-room 401. I stayed at the Four Points Sheraton on Lakeshore Blvd ($8.00 fare ) and got their compassionate rate of $95 if you are having surgery at St. Joesphs Hospital. Dr. Fielding told me to stay untill Friday to make sure there were no complcations. I had to stay at the hospital Wed. night because I was traveling alone. I am glad that I did stay as I don't think I would have been comfortable leaving the hospital so soon with both surgerys.
The day of surgery was a little nerve wrecking leading up to the procedure but the staff at St. Joesphs are top notch including the nurses post op. I walked in and sat on the table, Dr. Fielding drew some lines on my chest and stomach and they put me to sleep. I awoke with ease, no pain or nausea but had a small burning sensation around my belly button. They gave me some Tylonal 3 and I was back asleep. Woke up in my room in surgical post op. again with no pain. Had good mobility of both arms. The gyno surgery has been almost painless. I know that if I had a desk job that I couold easily go back to work. The lipo on the abdomen is another storey. It is not real painfull but very uncomfortalbe at certain movements. Like another member had said " Like doing 1000 sit-ups". I was not real sure if was wise to have both done and still not sure. Dr. Fieldings assistant in surgery was talking to me and he thought that it was the right decision based on what he seen in the operating room. He told me that I would be very pleased with the reults. Heres hoping because its going to be the abdomen that prolongs my recovery time not the gyno. I have not taken any presciption pain meds since Wed. only Tylonal Extra stength.
Good luck to all of you on your coming surgerys. I know you will be pleased and the pain is very minimal. If you want more info I will help where I can.
Sorry for the long post.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I stayed at the Four Points Sheraton on Lakeshore Blvd. and got their compassionate rate of $95 if you are having surgery at St. Joesphs Hospital.

Glad to hear that your surgery went well.

BTW, did you ask for the 'Compassionate Rate' as a result of reading my post on it? Just curious.

My Wife at one time was a sales rep for that hotel. She is the one who told me about the compassionate rate for St. Josephs Hospital patients.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2005, 09:51:18 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline 3timer

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Thanks Bambu,
Yes I did ask for the rate because of your post but I could not rememeber which post I had read it from. This site was such a help for me and the reason that I chose Dr.Fielding. I forgot to mention that my cost for the gyno excision & lipo was $1284. This is now 3 days post op. and I can not believe how little pain I have experienced from my chest. I read some posts about shaving chest hair due to the foam pads sticking. I used a beard trimmer with the lowest guard attached and trimmed my chest hair as short as possible. I think that this will help and avoid the itching of shaving it. Its hard waiting to see the results but I am not going to push my luck.

I hope that your surgery goes as well as mine Bambu and I will keep an eye open for your future posts. If I can think of anything that might help you out I will post it. I don't think you will have any trouble returning to work in the 2 week time span.

best regards.........................3timer

Offline Finn

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How do you feel about your operation now, two weeks later? Do you have any pics or is it still too swollen to do justice to the operation?

Do you know how much he charges to non-Canadians? Or does anybody have an email address for him to get a price? There are no contact details online.

Offline 3timer

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Hey finn,
I do not regret having the surgery done at all. I wish I could have done it 20 years ago instead of now but thats the way it worked out. The gyne bothered me alot more in my late teens than any other time but my goal was to always have it removed with anybody knowing it.
Thats the dfficult part. I am still a little sore in the chest but there is very little pain associated with this suregery in my experience. I only took pain meds at the hospital and really didn't need them then. There is discomfort but it is not too bad. If you look at the post "questions on Fielding" on page 2 you will se Dr. Fieldings contact info. Just give Leslie a call and she can tell you the costs for your situation. I will not be posting pics as I don't have the equipment nor the knowledge to post them.

all the best....................3timer


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