Author Topic: Surgery in a week - quick question (+ pics).  (Read 2968 times)

Offline 741789456

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I will try to keep this brief.

Last year I did some blood tests and an echo of the chest. Everything was normal and there was no enlarged breast tissue. So I was diagnosed with just pseudo-gynecomastia. After that, I successfully lost a lot of weight but somehow I still had a lot of fat stored on my chest. For a while I took it a bit too far and got very skinny, but that made my chest look even more disproportionate to the rest of my body. So I decided to work out and get to a healthier weight.

A week ago I had a consultation with a plastic surgeon at a private clinic and he's going to remove the fat using tumescent liposuction.

Here is a link to an album that shows what my chest looks like (~2 months ago):

The surgeon told me that most of the fat is located under and around the nipple. I really want to get rid of it and I'm afraid that not enough fat will be removed (I have seen some posts where this was the case). My question is whether it's a good idea to ask the surgeon to just remove all the fat - or at least as much as possible? Would that be a good or a bad idea?

Offline walt

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wish my chest was that flat you seem pretty normal in my opinion , but if it bothers you that much then go for it . just remember that there can be complications as in any surgery
get a second opinion before you decide.
either way good luck.


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I will echo what my friend Walt said! Take some time to think about the surgery and just remember, as you age, non of this isn't going to matter anymore, as your priorities will charge.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You should inquire if your surgeon is prepared to perform an excision of solid tissue if the lipo is not sufficient -- all in the same procedure.  Most (but not all)  of the time, both lipo and excision are required.  If he is not prepared to perform an excision, then you should at least get another surgical opinion.  This is elective surgery -- don't rush into it until all your questions and concerns have been answered.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs 
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline 741789456

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You should inquire if your surgeon is prepared to perform an excision of solid tissue if the lipo is not sufficient -- all in the same procedure.

I had an echodiagram of the chest and the results are: "no sign of enlarged breast tissue (BIRADS-I)". I also don't really feel any hard lumps under my nipple. Shouldn't just liposuction be enough?

Also is it a good idea to just remove all the fat?

Offline 741789456

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I haven't forgotten about you guys :)

Surgery went well. However for some reason the left side was really sore and much more swollen (immediately after surgery and the weeks that followed).

Almost at week 6 after surgery now. Right side looks good, left side is still a bit more swollen and is a bit sensitive. I really hope that the swelling will get better. Haven't worked out yet, but started doing some cardio a week ago.

Will update in October with before and after pics taken in the clinic.


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