Hi everyone,
Most of you guys probably already know the impact of Gynecomastia in our lives. Generally, the effect of this condition is more on the psychological and emotional aspect more than anything else. I know that feeling very well and that's why I don't need to expound on that here anymore as we are already tired of reading those right? My point here is to help you guys out by sharing a first hand information of a solution to our very problem. We already know what the problem is and the answer is what we all really need. And just talking about the problem of course will not solve anything.
And so what I would like to share is my surgery experience. But before continuing on that life changing day, I would like to express my gratitude and a big THANK YOU to those who shared their experience here in the forum : Towelboy, Notolipoonly, JR1203, sadgyneguy, bagheeramd, boompanes and many more. Because of them I was able to meet Dr. Benjamin Herbosa whom I am very grateful to as well. Like others before me, I've gone through initial steps of contacting the well-known surgeon here in the forum, Dr. Benny Herbosa. I got his e-mail from the Makati Med website ( bg_herbosamd@ymail.com ) and emailed him about the issue last April 2, 2016. As expected, he replied and asked me for photos of my chest. I sent him the photos and he told me that it is a grade 1 gyne, The conversation moved on from there talking about the operation, budget ,post-op and etc. I scheduled myself for a consultation at Makati Med on April 4, 2016 but he asked me If I want the operation done on the same day as it is what others have done before. Thus, we met at King's Court Medicard Clinic instead in case I'll proceed with the operation right away. The reason for choosing King's Court Medicard is due to the cost of using the operating room being cheaper than Makati Med. As many have said already, Doc Herbosa is very friendly ,approachable and reasonable with costs. You can feel his desire to help us get relieved of this condition. I was even late coming to the clinic due to the very common reason of heavy traffic on a Monday. But its just fine with him even though he is a very busy person as well who's doing his work from time to time. He greeted me upon arrival and directly proceeded to his room even though the nurse taking my vital signs is no yet done

. He briefly examined my chest personally, and concluded that it is indeed a grade 1 gynecomastia and so he explained to me what will he do in order to fix it. The real question now is whether I'll proceed with the operation or not. And so, being the strong person that I am I agreed with the proposition. Nurse Jen had me sign several papers regarding the surgery and the operation that they are going to do to me. After the autographs the battle begins from thereon. Nurse Jen, asked me to remove my clothes and ready myself so that she can start with the preparations. I awkwardly lie down on the bed after the blood pressure cuff was attached to me and I can't help but laugh during the application of betadine on my chest as I find it tickling. Honestly, it actually helped in lightening the mood and for me to be relaxed. This is my first surgery experience and naturally I am nervous and anxious. Yet, as time went by and upon Dr. Benny's arrival at the operating room I found myself comfortable and confident. Yes I am afraid of the needle poking through my skin but theres no way i could escape it now. I fought it by making myself realize that its just a bit of physical pain for a relief of a lifetime. And truly it worked, the first administration of local anesthesia was not that painful (7.2/10 on my pain scale rating = very manageable:) ). The succeeding anesthesia however didn't matter as the first one made me feel a bit numb already. After application of anesthesia on both breasts, he started to work with my right breast. I did not feel any pain during the cutting but I did not look during the process as I dont want to see myself being cut. I just prayed and meditate in order to relax and calm myself during the operation. Yet, I can feel the pulling and cutting of my flesh so I am able to tell whats happening. He opened my nipple around the areola and made a hole from where he can pull the glands out. He controlled the bleeders through cauterization and sutured the opened wounds afterwards. He then proceeded to the left one and I watched the process as he continues to explain and talk during the operation. The same process was done to my left breast but he pulled more flesh from there as it has a larger gland than my right side. The operation only lasted for like 45 mins or so. I explained this very briefly as I wanted you to focus more on the result than on the actual process itself. I was really happy after that and I would describe the operation as being circumcision-like when it comes to pain and time."Parang tinuli ka lang pala" as I have jokingly said to Doc Benny and Nurse Jen after the successful operation. Indeed it felt like entering manhood like the circumcision as I now have the chest of a man and not of a woman. I saw my chest flat and It feels very very very good and I want you to feel the same. Doc Benny took a picture after nurse Jen cleaned me up. He showed me my before and after photos and oh boy its really better than before! Finally, I felt freedom after all those years of sufferring. Nurse Jen then wrapped me up to secure my chest. It was tight but I can still move freely. After that, I dressed up and had a small conversation with Doc Benny about post-op and other related issues with that. It's payment time and I still dont have all the required money at the time as I've told him earlier even before the operation started. Yes you got it right, he proceeded with the operation knowing that I still dont have the full amount to pay him at that time! Well, I intentionally didn't bring the required money because I dont want to bring a large sum especially when commuting. My plan was to actually withdraw my payment money there so as to be safe. I've reached my daily ATM withdrawal limit and that was my problem now. And so, Doc Benny even accompanied halfway going to the bank so that I can make a teller withdrawal instead. I had him waiting for me in other place while I proceeded to the bank to do my transaction. After paying him, he didnt even count it and even accompanied me again halfway heading to Greenbelt. Yes, you read that right I walked from the hospital up to greenbelt and Glorietta an hour just after my operation. It was that smooth that I was even able to go back to work and drive (manual )the following days. My only struggle were the itch and no shower thing and the fact that I need to hide this operation from my family. Yes, no one in my family knew that I had a surgery.

Its just a week now and still doing great. I had my stictches removed three days after the surgery I dont feel much pain at all except when my pores tighten and my nipples feel like they're erecting. The pain is due to bruising but it is just okay to deal with and I find it normal. My right side looks great now but the left side on the other hand has more bruise on it due to the fact that more gland was extracted from it. Im looking forward to a quick positive result at the rate that I'm recovering. For me, recovery and healing is the real challenge after the surgery. And it is mostly up to your body as we guys differ in terms of recovery. Besides, there are really risks involve here. However, these things should not stop you if you really want it done
Taking a leap of faith starts with a step.
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