Author Topic: Wifely Worries  (Read 9913 times)


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My wife and I recently got married in the beginning of July. She is easily the most understandable person I have ever met and with all my oddities and quirks she has only disapproved one or two. 
My worry is one of them has been me wearing bras. While in the past she has understood that they give me comfort when they are sore, I have been having the urge to want to wear them more and more often. Now I haven't worn one in easily 6-8 months..mainly cause I know while she ok's it, she is not happy with it. Her quote is "just let me know ahead of time so I am prepared for it" and while that is fine and dandy, I not wearing one for some time, I know she will be curious and suspicious more than encouraging and supportive. I know this cause when we first met I enjoyed wearing panties over boxers. Nothing lacy or silk just enjoyed the thinner cotton of womens vs thicker ones of mens and working in a steel mill it was fabric that let me breathe down there vs feeling suffocated if that makes any sense at perversion just more comfortable.....anyways, I would quit wearing them cause of her dislike and then would get in to a F It mode and start wearing it again because it's comfort nothing more nothing less and I wanted to be comfortable more than approved. Anyways the worry stems from that, I haven't worn a bra in some time, and the ones I wear/wore are Barely There comfort bras that look identical to a tank top just for the breast/bra area and blend in incredibly well with my shirts and give quality compression without smooshing and great support...
My breasts have begun to grow in the last couple weeks and when we are "getting busy" and i'm on top i notice them hanging more, and on my side they fill up more of my chest, and give me considerable cleavage now vs before not so much. The growth behind the nipple is getting larger, and the sides have a significant amount of tissue growth that has become very easy to shift around, though the areolas are staying the same and small/manly so idk what is causing the growth as i figured if it were hormonal areolas and other stuff would enlarge as well but maybe i'm wrong....I am going to the dr next week to have some tests ran to see what can be done and while the shape and size isn't best small a cup, a bra to me would just be so much more comfortable as i feel the breasts now in my armpits, the jiggle a bit now when i run and at 180lbs 5 11 they are somewhat noticeable now and just those who have wives who weren't keen or on board how did you convince them to be okay with it and adjust and be encouraging vs discouraging and judging? 

My wife is a lovely loving woman and i totally see her perspective just wish she saw mine and could approach this with her, guess that's why im looking for guidance here. 


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Sorry for your current situation. 
Wearing a bra is not just for women. A bra is for breasts. 
Try having a sort of role reversal at home. Have her go braless and you wear a bra. Try going for a brisk walk together and see if she changes her mind about the benefits of wearing a bra. 

Offline expedient-traveller

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I ignored my chest for a long time (years) until it could no longer be ignored. I tend to walk briskly (I used to walk a 6.5 minute mile) and as such I bounce. Coming down stairs I bounce. Driving my truck in the country, I bounce. Bounce can be tolerated for a very limited amount of time and then it starts to hurt. Bounce pulls muscles in your shoulders, back and of course the chest area. The need for a "retainer" cannot be emphasized too much. It is a support device. I agree with "aboywithgirls" about switching and having the wife go without a "retainer" and have you wear one. I think there may be a change of attitude or at least she may get your perspective.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 03:50:48 PM by expedient-traveller »


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Sometimes putting the shoe on the others feet can prove a point, but then some people can be to suburn to change no matter what!

I've known women who rather never wear a bra no matter what, and they are as big as I am!

Good luck

Offline igotum

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Here is one I snagged off the www. Don't think she has ever seen a bra! Mercy sakes woman give your friends a break!!


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Here is one I snagged off the www. Don't think she has ever seen a bra! Mercy sakes woman give your friends a break!!

That's what I was talking about in my post on Minimizer Bras. Any bra that you choose is better than looking like a couple of puppies chasing each other under your shirt. 

I don't like what my chest looks like under my shirt without my bra. What anyone else thinks about how I look in a bra is irrelevant. All I care about is me and my wife. 


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Hers are almost hanging out the bottom of her shirt!
« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 04:58:55 PM by hammer »

Offline 46bboobs

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Offline 46bboobs

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If you see her on South Park they swing around and crash into each other.


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Thanks for the laughs and advice. I like the role reversal thing. If only she woild go for it, i feel even so she wouldnt be ok with it entirely. I just wish i knew why my chest was getting bigger then stopping for awhile and getting bigger. They arent terrible but i feel theyare getting to a point that chest is not a far off name of the past as i cant help but admit they are getting more breast like not even man boob...which im far from over weight so it stands out even more.
Ordered 4 bras and they are barely there cozy  ras, wireless seamless look basically like a tank top just bra style. Jjst hope she doesnt get furious if she finds them :(

Offline 46bboobs

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Those are pretty small but likely to grow so she may as well get used to it.

Offline sofa

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My wife is simular.  I dont do the pantie thing but when im run/walk i wear a sports bra a moving comfort vero.  My wife does not agree with it and does not want to know.  So I try to avoid her knowing.  Last vacation she was packing and i forgot to put my bra in my laptop bag i walked with every morning. She was like your still wearing that.  She said your only wearing it when walking right?  I really only wear it then to reduce bounce and pain. Still I feel like im having to sneak and feel guilty wearing it. Wish it wasent that way. Mine are not extremly large.  Lets just say she gets mad and silent whenever she finds a wore it.

Offline Alchemist

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My wife is simular.  I dont do the pantie thing but when im run/walk i wear a sports bra a moving comfort vero.  My wife does not agree with it and does not want to know.  So I try to avoid her knowing.  Last vacation she was packing and i forgot to put my bra in my laptop bag i walked with every morning. She was like your still wearing that.  She said your only wearing it when walking right?  I really only wear it then to reduce bounce and pain. Still I feel like im having to sneak and feel guilty wearing it. Wish it wasent that way. Mine are not extremly large.  Lets just say she gets mad and silent whenever she finds a wore it.

Why don't you take her to a nudist resort for vacation?  That way both of you could walk around together completely nude and get used to the basic body stuff.  I bet it would change her experience and her opinion,.  Good luck.


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My wife is simular.  I dont do the pantie thing but when im run/walk i wear a sports bra a moving comfort vero.  My wife does not agree with it and does not want to know.  So I try to avoid her knowing.  Last vacation she was packing and i forgot to put my bra in my laptop bag i walked with every morning. She was like your still wearing that.  She said your only wearing it when walking right?  I really only wear it then to reduce bounce and pain. Still I feel like im having to sneak and feel guilty wearing it. Wish it wasent that way. Mine are not extremly large.  Lets just say she gets mad and silent whenever she finds a wore it.

Why don't you take her to a nudist resort for vacation?  That way both of you could walk around together completely nude and get used to the basic body stuff.  I bet it would change her experience and her opinion,.  Good luck.

Not that I want to sound mean, but if she's not open minded enough to accept the bra, I don't think she'll go for the camp, but who knows I was wrong once before, I think it was in 1977!


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