Author Topic: My surgery with Dr. Karidis - Sept 2016 - PICS now up!  (Read 14975 times)


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My surgery with Dr. Karidis - Sept 2016 - PICS now up!
Hi, long term sufferer (and i mean sufferer!) and thanks to this website and reading the numerous reviews and accounts, have finally grown the balls to book in to see Dr. Karidis in 2 weeks. I understand Dr. Karidis to be the main man for this kind of surgery along with Dr Levick - who from what i gather has now retired? Is there anybody else i should be looking into having a consultation with?
By way of ultra brief background, i was normal sized from 12-18 - not fat and not skinny but had a fairly decent pair of cans since hitting 13. I then put on a few lbs and it made it worse - usual story - no tshirts in summer - long baggy tops in 30deg heat - hated holidays yadi yadi yah. A few years ago i became fed up and hit the gym - HARD. Got to the point where i had a pretty decent 6 pack and physique to boot. All except the chest - i had developed a pretty decent upper chest (to try and balance it out). Whilst i got the moobs down to a fairly good level i was still conscious of wearing tight tops. Imagine, having done all that work (lost 4.5 stone) only to still be scared to wear tight tops and tees!!! They weren't anywhere near as bad as when i was fatter but still noticeable and drove me up the wall (it was only at this point i realised it wasnt just fat but gyno too). At present i'm still hitting the gym but the diet isn't quite as on point as it was before (still in ok shape but no 6 pack etc). As a result they've re-appeared a bit and are driving me bonkers. They get worse during the day and after i eat/drink - best time for them flatness wise is in the morning.
Anyway I intend to keep a detailed account of my experience because i know how much reading everybody else's helped me finally make the call.
Will let you know how consultation goes in a couple of weeks!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2016, 05:42:59 AM by MarkHalb »

Offline bilabonic

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Does not sound like Gyno with hard lumps/glands....If losing weight is helping then not sure if it would just come back with just fat removal ?

Offline sawyer

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Similar story man, suffered for MANY years. When you put so much effort in the gym, and your diet, and you still look like shit cos of 2 glands, it definitely puts you off.
Got the surgery done with Karidis in May, and to be honest, you're in safe hands.
I've had a great result and I couldn't be happier with it. I did make a thread, but it got deleted (a lot of them have been recently). So just keep an eye on this, if you have any questions just ask :)

In regards to the diet, don't sweat it too much. As long as you're hitting your workouts 3 times a week, with a good intensity, your diet doesn't matter too much.
It's a lot better on the other side, where you don't feel guilty eating over your calories one day, because it is mostly psychological, and the moobs definitely make it 100 times worse.

Keep us updated!


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Bilabonic - there's defo some fat there that may well come back if i gain weight (as is to be expected) but there's also defo an element of gyno. I got down to 7% body fat and was still rocking a nice pair which almost just seemed to hang off of the muscle. You can feel the gland. Also have the puffy nip syndrome. 

Sawyer - Cheers mate, it is literally the worst feeling like "wtf more can i do?!?!"
I was looking through loads of posts but couldn't see anything recent (circa 2015 onwards) - all the posts that had pics available were from like 2008-10 and i assume karidis would've updated his techniques since then so wanted to see a recent one (although i may be completely wrong in that regard). When did you get yours done?  I am nervous as hell about doing it but reading the reviews where people said it was the best thing they ever did buoyed me to get the ball rolling. Its so crippling, especially when on the beach and you finally pluck up the courage to take your shirt off and the whole time you feel that people are looking at you (and that was with a 6 pack!!!).  
If you don't mind can you pm me your before/after pics? Cos at the moment, the only pics i've been able to see are people that had real minor cases where the nipple was a bit puffy looking as opposed to my full blown set!   

Offline bilabonic

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Wow 7%, well done mate, keep posting and updating, i have massive glands/lumps and will be having surgery when i lose some weight !!!

Offline sawyer

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Sawyer - Cheers mate, it is literally the worst feeling like "wtf more can i do?!?!"
I was looking through loads of posts but couldn't see anything recent (circa 2015 onwards) - all the posts that had pics available were from like 2008-10 and i assume karidis would've updated his techniques since then so wanted to see a recent one (although i may be completely wrong in that regard). When did you get yours done?  I am nervous as hell about doing it but reading the reviews where people said it was the best thing they ever did buoyed me to get the ball rolling. Its so crippling, especially when on the beach and you finally pluck up the courage to take your shirt off and the whole time you feel that people are looking at you (and that was with a 6 pack!!!).  
If you don't mind can you pm me your before/after pics? Cos at the moment, the only pics i've been able to see are people that had real minor cases where the nipple was a bit puffy looking as opposed to my full blown set!  

I've got to admit, I was abit skeptical booking a consult with Karidis aswell because of the lack of threads after 2011ish. I don't know what happened, but I made a thread a few months back and that got deleted, so maybe the site had messed up around that time aswell?

I got mine done in May, I was exactly the same. I accepted it for the last year previous to me actually getting it done, and it's definitely changed my whole body shape.
I've set a before/after pic as my signature, with the way this site's been recently I'm not entirely sure you'll be able to see it.
It was really hard to get a good before pic, cos everytime I took my top off my nipples would go erect and it wouldn't look half as bad as it actually was. The worst was just wearing tops, they'd be really obvious. Now they look completely normal.
This pic shows it more:

So much fat/gland to grab in the before, but now there's literally nothing to put my hands on. Same when I'm bent over, the moobs before would hang down disgustingly, now they're just so flat.


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Great work!!! 
I'd say mine are almost identical to yours in shape (thankfully they aren't that kind of ultra pointy/droopy moob you see on here from time to time) but i'd say i have a bit more fat content than you as well as muscle underneath (been training 3 years consistently) so will prob have more to cut out/lipo (i think mine probably stick out a bit more than yours did from the pics you posted).  
Do you mind me asking how much you paid ? 
I don't think i have a gland immediately under the nipple but am absolutely certain it's gyno because even when i got to 7% BF the moobs remained (albeit in a reduced kinda version!). Did you have a gland right under the nip or was it mixed in with fat? I've read that not all cases of gyno are immediately under the nip (causing that pointiness) and i suspect that's the type i have.    


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did you take any pics from the side? 

Sorry to be a pain but i always think thats the best angle to see the results

Offline sawyer

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I had gland and fat, but I definitely had a gland under the nipple that could be grabbed and moved around.
I've PM'd you about the pics and price, but I'll post this here incase anyone else is wondering:
+ £1483 hospital fees
= £5313
+ £150 for the consultation, and another £150 if you decide to have the bloods with them.
So £5613 overall. 
I will post some side pics when I get time :)


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Had my consultation. All as expected and price identical to yours. He's a really nice guy and filled me with confidence. Really looking forward to getting a date in the diary. Can be as soon as next week but I need to sort timings with work. Will keep posting. 


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Booked in for next week - squeaky bum time! 
A bit nervous about general anaesthetic but it's gotta be done. 
Will post before and after pics as soon as I can. 
Excited and nervous in equal measures! 


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Booked in for next week - squeaky bum time!
A bit nervous about general anaesthetic but it's gotta be done.
Will post before and after pics as soon as I can.
Excited and nervous in equal measures!

good luck man


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Thanks Giggsy. 
I am booked in for next Thursday. The excitement/nerves are killing me - I am certain I have picked the best guy for the job and he filled me with nothing but confidence after the consultation - but there's a bit of me that's saying "imagine going through all that and the results arent as good as I am hoping for". I suppose it's natural to be nervous and I am generally a pessimist anyway. 
Literally all I want in life is to be able to wear a fucking tshirt and not have to worry about if/how people are looking at me. How ridiculous is that!? 
Anyway, I will post before/after pics on thursday and let you all know how I got on. 
Fingers crossed it's as amazing as KSS24's and Sawyers transformations!     

Offline sawyer

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Next thursday is really quick! Mine was about the same.
Don't worry about it, you're in safe hands.
Its natural to be nervous and have doubts, but at the end of the day it's gonna look amazing compared to how you look now. Have a realistic idea of how you expect it to look and aim for that. Anything better will be a blessing.
I just wanted to look normal in a t-shirt, and not only has that happened, I also really like the way I look topless now, which I haven't had for basically the whole of my life. I guess you could say it's life changing.
It'll all be over once you get the anesthetic, and you'll wonder what you was worried about. The anesthetist will make you feel relaxed, he's a really nice guy so dont worry about that.
What time are you in? Mine was summat mad like 8am, but I guess it's better earlier as you can't eat or drink before.
Keep us updated!


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I'm booked in for 930, a bit nervous about the GA as i've never been put under before. Also i'm a smoker so was told i would need to kick it for a few weeks before and after which is literally impossible.

Tbh i would be happy just being able to wear a tee without looking like i'm hiding a set of knockers. I'm not after completely flat - i think that would be impossible anyway as i have a decent amount of muscle underneath from the last few years gym work. Hopefully that'll show through a bit nicer once all the fat and gland are gone.

Will post before and after pics as soon as possible after the op. From what i've read on this forum i am not judging anything a success or failure until after 9 months - i know there are going to be some ups and downs and massive changes along the way. I've got my vests and arnica ready and will be eating pineapple chunks by the barrel - cheers for the tip Sawyer!


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