Author Topic: Federal Blue Cross Insurance  (Read 2649 times)


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So new to the forum. I am 4 days post op and waiting patiently to see my results. I have looked under my compression wrap and noticed my left side has a crease but Im not too worrried bc I know its still early. (Anyone else have that early on in the healing process?) 

I started this thread bc I was actually successful in getting my Health insurance here in CA to pay for my surgery. I have Federal employee blue took a few bumps and appeals but it worked. If anyone wants to reach out on that topic or has advice for me in terms of healing...or words of encouragement in regards to creases...I have plenty of couch time ahead of me to respond lol. Take care Brothers.

Offline 178

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Curious to know what the process was and what steps you took to get it paid through your FEP.  

Offline Atczero

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I have fep blue and would like to know the steps you had to take to do this


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