Author Topic: 9 days Post op Hard swelling on left side  (Read 1355 times)

Offline likeaboss

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Im 23 from India. 9 days post OP. Today i noticed that my left chest is a bit more swelled and puffy than the right side. Is that normal?

I have been advised to wear the garment for 6 weeks which I will. How many days it takes to get the final result? When should i join gym? When can i have sex? How will smoking hashish the result? Can i smoke cigarettes? Can i sleep on my sides?

Offline Litlriki

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At this point, I suspect you've seen your surgeon in follow up and he or she has answered your questions, as he or she is the person to ask those questions.  It sounds like you may have had a small hematoma on the left side, though it may have just been swelling.  
As for a final result, while my patients usually look pretty good at 8 weeks post-op (and most of my photos are from that visit), when I see them back at 6 months, changes occur that make the result look more "normal."  So patience is advised before worrying about minor contour issues or asymmetry.  As for your other questions, you're unlikely to find any surgeon who will tell you that you can resume smoking, and the reason for that (other than general bad health effects) is that smoking impairs healing.  So the longer you stay smoke-free, the better.  As for sex and exercise, probably by now, you're back to normal with those things, though, again, you should consult with your surgeon.  I allow my patients to sleep on their sides whenever they're comfortable. 
Dr. Silverman, M.D.
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
29 Crafts Street
Suite 370
Newton, MA 02458

Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery


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