Author Topic: 2 Days Post Op - Concern about incision location  (Read 2207 times)

Offline gynoworry

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I am in day 2 after gyno surgery. I am very concerned that I do not have incisions in my areola but have about a 1" incision on each side of my lower breast crease.  I am very anxious as everything I have researched has shown an incision in the nipple.  They placed foam pads over my nipples and strong tape over my breast but there is no incision underneath, only incisions are beneath my pecks which has some simple surgical tape over them.

I did a good amount of research as I have dealt with gyno most of my adult life.  I was under the understanding that he was going to do the traditional surgery.
Am I completely out of luck here? I feel very upset as I should be excited for what is to come but now I have doubts on the whole procedure. I do not have pain but my whole chest region is stiff and sleeping only on my back at an incline is a challenge. It would be less of a challenge if I knew I had a good operation. I have been keeping the vest on 24/7.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

« Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 10:19:50 PM by gynoworry »

Offline reppinthegyno

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What up GynoWorry 

Your incision should be under your nipples - as long as its under your nipple your healing will be fine. If its above or from the side of your nipples then its a worry.
Any pics?
Difficult to say how yours will turn out as we don't know any of the procedure details. But as long as there is an incision and the breast tissue is taken out FULLY - then you will be okay.

You will need to give it a good couple of months before you have an idea of what it will turn out like, hopefully its all good 


Offline gynoworry

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Thanks for the reply, Reppinthegyno.  Here are a few pics about 2 months post-op. I still have slight tenderness and feel some hardness, especially on my left side.  The side profile is my left side which is currently slightly larger and I feel more hardness.  I am though very worrisome that I still have some gland tissue and about my scars.  Please let me know if this is still too early to be concerned. 


Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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We don't have any pre-op pix with which to compare.  But your post of pix look satisfactory.

You are till in the active phase of healing -- so be patient and do not look for perfection or mirror-image symmetry.  Rather, look at the overall improvement from your pre-op condition.

As for the scars -- they will fade in time but they are permanent.  Virtually every surgeon uses an incision at the edge of the areola, which tends to heal and be virtually invisible.  However, there is no absolute right or wrong as to incision placement -- it is the surgeon's preference.  I am sure if you question your surgeon, he will say that "this is the way he always does it" or that "he is most comfortable doing it this way."  In fact, though, there is no un-doing it -- so just make up your mind to live with it and hope that it fades considerably.

Dr Jacobs

Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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