Author Topic: First Bras  (Read 7107 times)


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You will definitely build a bra wardrobe. The bra you choose will depend on a number of circumstances. The top you choose, color and style, activities you are doing are you working out or are you on date night. What kinda mood are you in? Flirty or do you just want to relax.

Offline Athena12@

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I like a variety of bras from flirty to plain, underwire and no wire, racer back and straight back.  I just wear what tickles my fancy for the day, it doesn't matter much what I am doing.
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.

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Weather does make a big difference in what we wear.  Hard to wear a thick shirt and undershirt to hide everything in 80+ heat,  No matter what you wear the back is going to be noticeable,  So I wear untucked shirts and front closures.  In my back yard I don't care because no one can see me there.  I will even work in the back yard in just a bra from time to time and sit out on the deck reading a book with a glass of wine or a cup of coffee with my shirt wide open or totally off.  But with this years weather that has been delayed.  Even the wife doesn't say anything because she knows I don't care and the neighbors can't see me. I even have bikini tops that looks like a bra that I wear and the wife thinks it is a bra so I an fine and dandy.


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Athena12, you mentioned the weather that you can't dress in lighter clothes is the way I took that! Well we are having snow again today and they are predicting that we'll still have ice on the lakes next month on fishing opening day! So goes global warming here in Minnesota! I have no worries about hidding a bra, lol.


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Even on the summer months I have to wear a bra all the time. My breasts don't shrink with warmer weather. I usually wear a cami over my bra. Otherwise the bra lines are visible from a mile away.  Women have been doing the same thing for years. They wear plain white blouses with a bra. But if they don't want the bra to be the only thing people notice . A thin nylon cami does a great job of hiding the bra outline. I'm telling you, we can learn a lot from women. They've got most of this stuff already figured out .

Offline Athena12@

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If I wore a cami my wife would kill me. I have to make do with heavier short sleeve shirts.  She still complains that she can see my bra line at the back but I say so what.  Other people see what they want to see, who notices a woman's bra line at the back.  No one, so why so we care.


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I think my case may be a little different than most who post here . I have been wearing a bra fulltime since I was a teenager . I'm also a 36G or H in most of my bras so I show quite a bit . Most people who know me also know that I have to wear a bra. Not by choice but obvious necessity . The "bumps" in back are nothing compared to the bumps in the front.

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On the 19th I'll be seventy and now I have to get a mammogram, I have no idea what that is going to be like.  But if your doctor orders it you go with it.  I didn't get these girls until I was about 67 and at first I thought is was not real but they are and I decided that if they were going to show up I would have fun with them.  I have always enjoyed playing with women's breast so now I have my own and nobody wants play with them.  For me it is just lick that it is true you can't tickle yourself because you know what you are going to do, same with my breast.  I can't really stimulate them because they/I know what I am going to do.  But I can have fun buying bras and wearing them.  As far as other people noticing them that depends on what you wear.  Polo shirts and T shirts are a dead give away so don't wear them when you are going out.  I try to wear heavy short sleeve shirts during hot weather as they tend to hide everything.  But at home in the back yard I don't care what I wear if anything.  Sometimes I will mow the back yard in bra or nothing.  No one can see me except the wife and she has gotten use to it.  Heck this year if it is quiet out front I may  mow the yard in my bra and a light T shirt if I think no one is around,  I've gotten to the point that I just don't care that much.  Getting old has some benefits. 


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Athena12, happy birthday! You  share the day with my youngest daughter.

The mammogram is not a big deal except that sometimes it can hurt! The ladies that do them are really professional though on how they treat you and get the job done.

Good luck!


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Steven, being more comfortable about having the bra on with come with time as you wear them! I had gynecomastia as a kid but the big breast growth in my 30's. I started wearing the bras in my 30's as well. The more you wear them, the less you care about others. You will also realize to that others don't even pay attention to you or anyone else for that matter!

Offline Athena12@

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Steve618 I totally understand!  My wife know I wear a bra and have for over three years now and is still not comfortable with me going out if my bra is showing.  I don't really give a ---- but she does so I make sure if we are going out that I don't wear something that shows off my bra.  A little side note: Did you know that a red bra doesn't not show up under a white shirt?  I was told that by one of the SA where I shop and I finally tried it the other day and it is true.  I would never have believed it.  By the way I had the mammogram and it isn't that bad even though I has a sore breast.


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Steve 618, I've been wearing bras since my early 20's. It took about 10 years before  I stopped feeling self conscious about it. I'm 71 now.
I am a D cup in most bras. I really don't care w hat people think anymore, but I do dress to conceal rather than bring attention to the fact I'm wearing a bra.
I live in a warm climate so I wear lightweight shirts most of the year. I find the best way to conceal my bras is to match the color of my shirt with a tank top over the bra. Woman within sells the perfect tank top for this purpose. Smaller arm holes and wider shoulder straps.
As far as mammograms go I have found the technician to be very professional. But as already been stated you may be a little sore for a few days.
As far as growth goes I have been consistently a D cup for the last 30 years . My doctor is going t o start me on meds for an enlarged prostate. I read the fact sheet for the side effects and I can expect breast growth again.
I guess this means I can expect to be replacing my bras with a larger cup size. I've reached the stage in my life I don't care about that, it's just the expense.
You have breasts so you learn to live with them. They don't define who you are. They don't make you less of a man. You are just a man that happens to have breasts. Just like a woman with small breasts is no less a woman. The important thing is your character, not the size of your breasts.
Hang in there and remember you're not alone.


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