I'm only a small b cup and feel insanely insecure as they grow I can't imagine the few who are D cups and beyond. But he is right the fetishism of breasts on some of these posts have deterred me a few times where I would leave a few weeks and revisit later on because it seemed real issues were being viewed but not discussed and other threads were explosive solely based on pictures and "what lovely breasts just like a woman you have such a beautiful bust" type language displayed. It makes people feel this is another trans favored site vs one that is sincerely for men only trying to deal with these appendages growing for whatever reasons
Thank you Steven, you have hit the nail right on the head as they say! You get exactly what I'm trying to say and the point that I want to make!
I feel that this forum is more medically motivated, not sexually motivated. We are here to support medical reasons for breast growth and understanding of the same, whether one plans to get them removed, or learn to accept them.
Sure, it's ok to go a little bit beyond the scope, such as ( does your wife like them) but as Steve states in his post that I've attached to this one, it goes to far!
I also, do not have breasts as large as some of the others here, like steven I think a B cup. I don't even know for sure. I do know that I suffered great embarrasment at times growing up and I was nowhere near a b cup. When I came across this site I learned that it was okay to have breasts and that there are various reasons for this condition, or feature whatever.
I am retired Navy over 20 years. I have no desire to be a woman, nor a fetish with men's breasts. I do aprreciate my own now and as some have said, " they need to be taken care of." So, I hope I am in the right place as far as forums go. I just went for an annual checkup myself last week. I wore my bra, I asked my doctor (female) to check my left breast for some hard tissue I had felt. She didn't think it was anything but sent me for sonograms for my breasts and my scrotum as well. Even though there were some small cysts below, all was considered normal. The hard spot was just breast tissue behind the nipple. I asked the tech how many men come in for breast exam and she said 4 or 5 a week. She also said it should be a regular check, at least anually.
I did leave this site for a while because at times it seemed like it was a bunch women back and forth going at each other. The bottom line is, I am here for support whether it be emotional (acceptance) or physical - I still don't have a bra that fits properly in my opinion and I have been provided great suggestions. I also felt like this was a good place for me. This is why I am here.
There could be women here posing as men, you would never know. I am sure there are others here too with a different purpose. I sometimes wonder at the number of views, in some cases when there has been a picture posted but not that substantial a post? There are certainly not that many posting (hundreds or 1000+), I see pretty much the same gang posting. So, who are all these people? I could certainly be wrong, I really have no idea, it was just amazing to me to see so many views.
I do agree with Hammer to some extent. There are forums for every individual and any disruption to the normal flow is a distraction. The posts don't matter to me much, except that sometimes the threads steer off track; this one started as a forum about annual check up.
I am not female or trans, unfortunately I just shaved my beard. I could post my sonograms of the southlands

but I might get kicked out.