Author Topic: Seriously Scared  (Read 2709 times)

Offline micheal1

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Ive had gynecomastia for about 13 years now. (Im twenty two). Im 5'8" and weigh about 180 pounds. My problem was only that I had puffy nipples. About January of 2004 my nipples started to increase in size. I started getting concerned so I went to a doctor that told me not to worry about it. He did some blood work and found that my testoterone level was normal.  After a few more months the swelling kept on  and became all little sore. I went back an insisted that I be refered to an endro... (Thanks to this website). So about a month ago the endro.. told me that he could not find any underlying cause and that he was recommending that I get operated pending my blood results. (To rule out hormonal problems.) This was pretty good since my insurance will cover my surgery if their is no other way to correct the problem surgey and if my physician determines the surgery to be medically necessary.

The problem is that for the last 8-9 months my nipples have just kept growing. They now look engorged. They are no longer able to tighten no matter how cold it is. Ive also noticed that nipples are sort of wrinkely by nature and mine are no longer are. At first one was the size of a quater and the other the size of a half dollar. Now the one that was the size of a quater has doubled in size and the other looks like its tripled. And they havent shown any sign of slowing down. What can be the cause of such sudden growth? I havent gained wait. Ive cut out some fastfood during the past 2 months, so I dont think its my diet. My bloodwork didnt show any hormonal imbalance. Even the pain has gotten worse its almost constant.  Im concerned that this growth my return after surgery if Im approved. Any ideas, suggestions, reccomednations would really be helpful. They would at the very least get me started on asking the right question.


Offline gynosucks1

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could be progesterone, prolactin... whatever induced

theres like what 30 different types of ests, plus if i'm not mistaken hgh elevation can cause growth

i donno how old are you, have u taken any medicatin period.. supplements/vits what

Offline Worrier

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This is a tricky one. if the growth is still occuring I would rule out surgery until you have found the source of the growth. You are right if the gyno is still growing then it cold well come back after surgery.
       Many PS's as well don't like to operate unless gyno is stable and any underlying reason has been dealth with. Even if they do not know what caused the gyno mnay would want the gyno to stop growng first. my ps was like this as  i was taking a drug which caused my gyno and she would not operate until I was off it.
        You say you have had blood tests taken , as gynosucks says many different hormones can cause gyne not just simple low test , also other physical problems can cause gyno like your liver . Also again check if you are taking medication that it does not have gyno as a side effect. I would also see your doctor agin and voice your concerns .I think it would reassure you to know that whatever caused this is known and treated so you can go into surgery without this worry.
         Also if a medical cause is found sometimes if it is treated gyno can resolve lessen.This happened when I was taken off the offending drug.

Offline micheal1

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Im caught within a rock and a hard place. Ive seen 2 general practitioners and an endrocrinologist and none were able to find the cause. So im running pretty close to my yearly deductible. I get a feeling that this is only glandular growth since its persisted despite dieting and because one side is substantially larger than the other. Also when I lay on my back with my arm over the top of my head my nipple flatens and I feel something like a lumpy disk, kind of like an oatmeal cookie. Now my question is if it is only glandular growth if the entire gland is removed should I still be concerned? I mean the entire gland is gone so how can it grow?

Also is it possible that there is no true underlying cause?

Thanks for your replies.

Offline Worrier

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At your age 22 you are passed puberty now which is when growth normally occurs. It is possible that something I suppose may have set the gyno off but the fact it is still growing means whatever it is , is still occuring,
        The only other thing that could be making your chest bigger is weight gain but you have said you have not gained weight so that is ruled out.
        I also don't think they do cut all the tissue out as apparently that looks pretty odd as well and there have been one or two cases of regrowth i have heard about.
       Also not to be patronising but do your doctors agree with you that it is still growing? as i believed it was getting bigger and it was not.If they do then really i think if you have told them you are having surgery they really should do something to stop the growth at least .
from what you have described it does sound like gyno to me. Iam sorry I can't be of more help but personally i would not have the surgery until the growth was stopped and the gyno was stable .So you don't go through an op and need another one.Not everyone with gyno has a underlying disease but if you are still getting the growth then it would I feel be unwize to go down the surgery route until you know it has stopped.
       When thing I would say, have a long think about is there anything that you do that could cause growth in theory. Ie weed for instance? this has not been proved but anything like that may have an effect.Just a thought.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2005, 02:06:04 PM by Worrier »

Offline Paa_Paw

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I would ditto what Worrier said, and add that you might possibly be seeing the wrong Dr. even yet.

Even specialists specialize.  So an Endocrinologist may specialize in one area or another.  The one you want is one that specializes in reproductive problems.

It would not be wise to rush into surgery yet.  Make sure that the cause of your breast growth has been identified and corrected first.

Good Luck
Grandpa Dan


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