Author Topic: Excess fat or Gnyo? HELP?  (Read 3328 times)

Offline Salsoul

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Hi, it's taken me a lot of courage to build up to posting this, but I do need help.
I have been conscious on and off over the years that I do have man boobs and I when I look back at some photos my man boobs are quite obvious under the Tshirt, my weight has varied between 13 and 16 stone, I'm currently 15 stone but my man boobs remain the. Recently however I have started to notice more uncomfortable bounce when doing mundane things like going up or down stairs, and I avoid the treadmill at the gym as the bounce has become near unbearable. Very recently my wife was diagnosed with high grade lymphoma and that has been the impetus to see if my man boobs are normal for a 45 year old man, or if could be gynecomastia. Any observations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 

Offline Salsoul

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Offline Salsoul

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Offline newat50

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I'd say that they're pretty similar size to mine, and quite likely to be a mix of glandular tissue and the fat usually hangs around with it. (I'm 52 and don't remember them when I was much younger.)

If you are worried about lymphoma (which would be quite a normal response I think), I'd certainly ask your doctor to check it out for you. There's nothing to lose and I get the impression they'd much rather check something at an early stage. If you are worried by the movement then it's probably a case of exploring different options to see what works for you.

Either way, having plucked up the courage to post you're probably on the way to getting to grips with them - even if it takes a while.

Offline Salsoul

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Thing is, I always seem to have had them irrespective of my weight, which is is why I didn't think it was just fat, I have been aware of the bounce for a long time but feels more noticeable now.

Offline newat50

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I'm not medically qualified, but this was my approach.
Give the side of your belly a pinch squeeze. I carry a bit of fat there (as do most of us I suspect).
Give your breasts a squeeze - if it's just like your belly then it is just fat. If, on the other hand, there is some lumpiness there, then that's probably glandular tissue. (If there are any hard lumps then definitely get them checked out properly, and likewise if there is a difference in feel between one side and the other. Having little size difference between them is normal.)

Offline Salsoul

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It does feel quite normal however given that my weight has been up and down I've always been at the upper end of my BMI but never classed as particularly overweight especially as I'm also just under 6ft tall, if it's all just fat it seems like a to be carrying, and unlike other people who get this after significant weight loss it has always been there. I did go on line to work out what my breast measurements would be, my underbust is 40 ins and across by chest is 44ins, which in bra size terms ranges from 42B to 40D or DD, bearing in mind I did use a website about male breasts. If I am the equivalent of a 40D or DD then clearly I have a problem and how to manage this without surgery is going to be a challenge, hence why I need to know if it is all fat or if gynecomastia is a factor too, either way it is a worry for me.

Offline newat50

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It does feel quite normal however given that my weight has been up and down I've always been at the upper end of my BMI but never classed as particularly overweight especially as I'm also just under 6ft tall, if it's all just fat it seems like a to be carrying, and unlike other people who get this after significant weight loss it has always been there. I did go on line to work out what my breast measurements would be, my underbust is 40 ins and across by chest is 44ins, which in bra size terms ranges from 42B to 40D or DD, bearing in mind I did use a website about male breasts. If I am the equivalent of a 40D or DD then clearly I have a problem and how to manage this without surgery is going to be a challenge, hence why I need to know if it is all fat or if gynecomastia is a factor too, either way it is a worry for me.
First point of call really needs to be your GP / Primary Care Doctor. It won't be the first time they've come across it and it won't be the first time they've met someone worried about it.


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At 61 I've carried some form of breast most of my life! Had them as a teen still as a very fit US Navy Diver, US Army reserve,and worked construction my working years, then lost my testicles and the darn things grow like well watered weeds, and I'm here to tell you gentlemen that the only real way to tell the fat from tissue (gland) is from a mammogram or ultrasound! I have had 2 mammograms and one ultrasound in my lifetime so far, not a big deal but I've had multiple doctor breast exams.

During all those years, I was thin, heavy, fit as a fiddle, fat and obese! I put on 100lbs after going on insulin after we found out that I had untreated diabetes for about 30 years with advanced complications! After fighting the weight gain I am down almost 75 pounds now!

My boobs grew to a 46H, I'm not sure where they are at now I'm going to need a new fitting, but I  am going to wait for awhile yet.

Offline gemidude

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I’m speaking as someone that has suffered from gynecomastia since puberty, and recently had it corrected. It looks like you have it. As you mentioned you say you have had it irrespective of your weight. Also your breasts are feminine in appearance, they are pointy, fat doesn’t normally give that cone shaped appearance. I would consult a plastic surgeon. If anyone suggests liposuction alone, I would get another opinion. My first surgery I had liposuction alone, and it didn’t do squat for my gynecomastia. Please go to a gynecomastia specialist.

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Also someone here mentioned going to see there primary care provider first. I would disagree with this notion, only because gynecomastia is something only a board certified plastic surgeon can treat. There’s nothing a pcp can do besides refer you to a plastic surgeon. I remember I went to my pcp first, and the only thing he told me was that I needed to lose weight. Something that I have had since I was a skinny adolescent boy. Go to a plastic surgeon that has an interest in gynecomastia surgery, and can show you plenty of before and after photos.


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Before going through the expense of surgery,  the first thing one would do is find the cause of the growth and arrest that! You would not want to spend thousands of dollars on surgery to just continue to grow afterward!

A good endocrinologist with experience with gynecomastia can help with this as there is more then just looking at your general testosterone and estrogen hormone levels, but don't ask me because I don't understand it all!

Good luck!

Offline Salsoul

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At this time I'm not looking at surgery I  simply would like to know if it gynecomastia as opposed to simply being fat.
As I said I doubt that it is all fat as even when I was at my most fit and regularly at a gym, exercise made no difference neither has changes in weight.
If it is gynecomastia then I can initially look at effective management and whether I need to look at suitable support garments!


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At this time I'm not looking at surgery I  simply would like to know if it gynecomastia as opposed to simply being fat.
As I said I doubt that it is all fat as even when I was at my most fit and regularly at a gym, exercise made no difference neither has changes in weight.
If it is gynecomastia then I can initially look at effective management and whether I need to look at suitable support garments!
Then if I were you I would find a good endocrinologist and get a good hormone work up as long as you are not on any medications that can cause gynecomastia! After you find out what is going on, and at times there is no explanation at all sadly,  you should get a professional fitting done and just move on with life, and of course stay here on this forum for not only support from people like myself who have been here for some time but to support others as they come along!

I wish you all the best, and if I can help in anyway I will!


Offline Salsoul

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At this time I'm not looking at surgery I  simply would like to know if it gynecomastia as opposed to simply being fat.
As I said I doubt that it is all fat as even when I was at my most fit and regularly at a gym, exercise made no difference neither has changes in weight.
If it is gynecomastia then I can initially look at effective management and whether I need to look at suitable support garments!
Then if I were you I would find a good endocrinologist and get a good hormone work up as long as you are not on any medications that can cause gynecomastia! After you find out what is going on, and at times there is no explanation at all sadly,  you should get a professional fitting done and just move on with life, and of course stay here on this forum for not only support from people like myself who have been here for some time but to support others as they come along!

I wish you all the best, and if I can help in anyway I will!

Thanks Bob, I'm still planning on going to see my doctor in the first instance to see if he thinks there is anything else going on. Other than that yes, I just need someone to say yes it is gynecomastia then I hope I will be able to embrace my man boobs and move on.
As for a professional fitting that still fills me with fear as here in the UK I really wouldn't know where to start! Although I do need to know my size, trying to go online anf measure myself and then work out my size, I come out as 42B, 40D and 40DD depending on which which website I look at.
As an interim I have ordered a couple of plain sports bras just to allow me to get back in the gym and on the treadmill without the painful bounce. I will let you know how I get on, but the biggest hurdle will be that professional fitting.


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