Author Topic: Gyno surgery causing RAF/Armed forces fail?  (Read 2259 times)

Offline 30psi

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Hi guys 

Could anyone tell me if getting surgery for gynecomastia (probably with Dr Vijh) would be picked up in an armed forces medical examination and cause a problem?

Thanks a lot, quite a niche question! 

Offline wakenbake123

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He only leaves a little scar in each armpit fold so visually it wouldn't. Could impacts fitness due to recovery period, i felt my muscles and movements were restricted for a while afterward.

Offline 30psi

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Thanks for replying mate. It was more to do with whether it would be picked up and scrutinised on a medical record check but helpful reply though!

I have about a year from now to lose about 30lb and do the op if I want to go through with it.

Recovery period of 6 months should be OK right? 

Also was there a long waiting list with Vijh? Thanks again!

Offline wakenbake123

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6 months would be more than fine, in blood test you would get inflamation counters for a few months then it would clear. 

It can take a while he does a lot of cosmetic surgery, media appearances  as well as time off.(Not restricted to gyno) 

You have to arrange/book consultation and his secretary  would need to check with hospitable and his diary to confirm a date. If I was you I would get consultation out of the way and they you can pick a date that suits.

Offline 30psi

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Thanks so much for the quick reply!

I'm more concerned about how it would show up (and be interpreted by a military doctor) on an RAF medical.

I've heard some surgeons put the procedure down as a 'routine mole/lump removal' but not sure if this is true.

Many thanks and congrats on having the op done, how does it feel?? 

Offline wakenbake123

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No way they would pick it up unless you declare it. Even then they probably wouldn't care unless it stops you doing your job.

The private hospital would need to ask permission before telling your GP/Doctor so just say no and its not put on your public records.

Fine since I had the treatment, I seem to have decent pectoral muscles from supporting gyno.

Offline 30psi

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Thanks for the info, I wasn't aware private clinics could withold big operations from a public medical record.

Can anyone else confirm this as it is a bit of a game changer!

Glad to hear your recovery went well and you're happy with your results! Presume you're glad you had it done?

All the best 

Offline hauser99

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Thanks for the info, I wasn't aware private clinics could withold big operations from a public medical record.

Can anyone else confirm this as it is a bit of a game changer!

Glad to hear your recovery went well and you're happy with your results! Presume you're glad you had it done?

All the best
When I had surgery with Karidis I was able to either get my discharge letter and surgery information sent to my GP or sent to me personally.

Offline 30psi

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Brilliant thanks for this info 

Offline zink

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Hi 30psi. I wouldn't imagine it would be a problem as unless there is some damage to your actual muscle or tendons (which there's shouldn't be) then the long-term impact is very minimal.

However, you do need to allow proper time for recovery. 6 months is probably not enough as it takes quite a while for the swelling to go down and for your body to recover, even if the surgery is only liopsuction rather than incision.

You also don't know if you may need more than one procedure. For example I had liposuction on both sides but after the first surgery the healing didn't come up evenly so they did a second procedure with an incision to remove a bit more and even it out. But those were over a year apart as you need time for the body to heal and settle.

So don't get ahead of yourself. Be aware of your body healing and get back into fitness especially arm work, slowly and as advised by your doctor / physio.

All the best mate.


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