Author Topic: Possible pituitary gland tumor causing my gyno  (Read 9190 times)

Offline Mikecosta

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I Had a doctors appointment for the first time in three years to resolve my gyno concerns. I explained that I had hard glands on both sides of my nipples. He asked a few questions then took some blood taken. A few days later I found out that I have a high level of prolactin that may be caused by a tumor in my pituitary gland. He sent me to an MRI today to check it out.

He then said it may be a possibility that insurance may pay for gyno surgery due to this condition.
My question is that has anyone else have a pituitary gland tumor that caused gyno and if so what was the outcome.
I would also apreciate Anyone else's insite on the matter.
I get my results for the tumor either tommorow or monday

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Hi Mike,

The first of the two sites below is from the UK but it offers brilliant explanations of many questions you may have in your head.

The second site is from the US I think. 
Both of them should have a phone number to discuse issues and questions, certainly I know the UK one does.

I do not know if your endocrinologist has told you some of the reasuring facts, I will in any case.  Even in cases where a prolactinoma/pituitary tumor is found;

A) It is usually highly treatable via medication or via surgery which often constitutes a day case operation.

B) The pituitary is NOT the brain and does NOT constitute brain surgery, in surgery it is accessed via the nose cavity.

C) Pituitary tumors are almost always benign.  That means NOT cancer.

Not much point pre-empting matters further. 

Let me know how you get on, I might be able to help you further.


« Last Edit: January 12, 2007, 06:32:10 PM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline Mikecosta

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thanks for the help. I just got the results today and I do in fact have a pituitary tumor.A pretty large one at that. Its weird to say that at my age. Im going to make an appointment with the endocrinologist this week.Wish me luck :P

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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  • 31 Year Gynecomastia Victim...
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
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Offline Hypo-is-here

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thanks for the help. I just got the results today and I do in fact have a pituitary tumor.A pretty large one at that. Its weird to say that at my age. Im going to make an appointment with the endocrinologist this week.Wish me luck :P

Sorry to hear that Mike.  Read my post above again though, these things are often not anywhere near as bad as they sound despite being very concerning.

Contact the pituitary organisations I have given you the links for.  They can offer help and advice and I think offer that over the phone via a buddy system.  They also have endocrine nurses that you can speak to.

Please keep me informed as to how you are getting on with treatment.  Pituitary problems of this nature can adversely affect various pituitary hormones and I want to ensure that when you put this behind you that you receive any hormone replacement that may be required for your well-being.

If I can help in any way no matter how small- send me a private message.



Offline 30yrold

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Good luck!

I too have a pit tumour - and have Gyne - I suspect as a result of it - although I was also extremely overweight too - which can also contribute - and have lost 75 lbs.

I've been on cabergoline for 3 years, my tumour was also a Macro and had nearly eaten thro' the sinus cavity bone to the extent that my doc warned me to expect brain / spinal fluid to leak out.  :o (It didn't).  ;D My prolactin went from 10,000 to normal - about 200! Reasonably quickly on the medication alone - no surgery needed. Result  8)

I'm looking to get op on the NHS - due to a medical reason being largely behind it - and also based on the fact that it's not just a cosmetic issue, it's having severe psychological implications on my health.

I'll let you know - I see a PS early feb - and will talk to my doc re NHS funding after that.


PS any questions about the pit tumour just ask as i'm a bit of a veteran.  ;D (It's been a very positive experience for me, some negatives - but such is life!!)

Offline Paa_Paw

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I wish I could come up with something intelligent to say. Lacking that I wish I could at leat be witty.

Hypo has already covered the intelligent response quite well, and I'm not feeling too witty at the moment.

But I can wish you well,

Good Luck!
Grandpa Dan


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