Author Topic: My Gyno - Side effect from prescriptions.  (Read 3055 times)


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Hello everyone, 

I am new here, and I would like to share my story.  I am glad I am not dealing with this alone.  I have learned so much from the posts I have read.  I feel like most everyone here understands what I am going through.  I learn something new every time I log in, and I hope my story will help someone else.

About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease.  My doctor prescribed me with some pretty heavy duty prescriptions.  I went on several rounds of treatment, mostly different cortisol steroids to suppress my immune system.  Nothing seemed to work.  I was taking medications for several months. That is when I noticed my breasts beginning to grow.  I soon after discontinued taking those prescriptions and went on to a natural solution that is now working.  I have lost about 10 pounds recently and it only seems to make my breast more prominent.  My breasts will get sore after working out or any physical activities.  My nipples show through every shirt I have, and they are sensitive from the friction against my shirts.  I have decided to not get surgery.  I have come to accept my condition, and I have decided it is time to do something about it.

I have been married 10+ years to my loving wife who has helped me through all of this.  After reading many of your stories we were encouraged to try something new.  I've decided to see if wearing a bra would help me, as it has many of you.  Recently my wife and I went bra shopping together to find me some bras.  We spoke to a bra fitter who measured me at a 40B to 40C.  We purchased a few bras, some in a 40B and some in 40C.  We choose the bras that we thought would be less noticeable under my shirts.  I have only been wearing them for a few days, and I am happy with the results.  No more sore breasts and nipples.  It is amazing how much they help all through the day, from daily activities to driving on bad roads, hiking on trails etc.  I've come to the point where the comfort they give makes them a necessary part of my wardrobe.  I find wearing a layer between by bra and my shirt helps to minimize the chances of it being noticed. 

I have attached a few pictures of my gyno.  I will also attach a few of me with some of my best fitting bras.

Thank you all for your help getting me to this point.

Be safe, and take care guys!
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 11:38:35 PM by JustJer »


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So here are a few pictures with my best fitting bras.

The Warner is a style 01056 in a 40B.

The Bali is an underwire, minimizer bra style 3385 in a 40C

The Soma Bra Tank is my favorite, as it is virtually invisible under my shirts.  It's a style 0519 Size XL

Let me know what you all think.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 08:48:40 AM by JustJer »

Offline Paa_Paw

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Welcome to the club no one really wanted to join.

Your story is not uncommon. My experience was different in that I was diagnose in 1949 at the age of 12. 

Over time, and for many different reasons, the condition becomes more and more common due to medication side effects and sometimes simply due to the effects of age. 

By the time men reach 70 years and more, the incidence reaches 70% more or less depending on which liar is telling the story.

An avid hiker and backpacker, I too found that a bra was a real blessing when engaged in those activities.  Though I personally have not found a bra especially helpful otherwise.

Congratulations for having a helpful and supportive wife.
Grandpa Dan


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Paa_Paw, thank you for your words, and for your contributions to this forum!  I have appreciated your posts very much.  

I honestly would have never considered wearing a bra to help me with my condition had I not found this forum and read how others had benefited from wearing one.  

Thanks to all those on this forum for your contributions.  You’ve helped me better understand and deal with this condition.  It’s easier when you know you’re not alone.  

Take care!

Offline Paa_Paw

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When it comes to hiking and backpacking, the need of a bra wa nominal on a relatively level hike the need was only a bit greater hiking up a mountain. But, when going down the mountain the benefit was clearly obvious especially on a steep trail where the pounding was a major discomfort without support. 

Offline blad

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Way back in my teens when I developed breasts, I too discovered how much more comfortable I was after trying a bra. I found wearing a bra was a game changer and became more at ease with having breasts. After all these years it is just second nature to wear one every day.

I have a number of Warners bras too for my every day wear.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline SideSet

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You belong in a bra as much as any woman does. You have female breasts and large puffy feminine nipples. Those bras look like they were made for you. I love them all, but especially the Soma on you. 

So nice your wife arranged and took you for bra fittings and trying on.  You must have gone to several stores. Where in addition to Soma?

Please tell us how your bra shopping went 


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Thank you, SideSet and Paa_Paw for your compliments and comments.

My bra shopping experience was great!  It was easier for me to have the courage to get fitted after reading about the experiences of others on this forum. 

We first went to Dillard’s, where I called ahead to the lingerie department.  I started to explain my situation to the fit specialist, and she said, “That’s right, didn’t you call last week?.. “. I told her that it was the first time we had spoken, and then she said, “It must have been someone else, I’ve helped a few men before so come on in and we’ll be happy to help!”  She told me what hours they were the least busy, so that she could take me back to the fitting rooms without attract too much attention.  I went the next day early in the morning.  My wife and I were the only ones there.  She took us back, made one measurement just under my armpits for my band size.  She brought back several different styles that she’d recommend that were underwire, wire free, t-shirt, and sports bras.  I purchased my first 3 bras at that store before I left.  She was so helpful and easy to talk to.  

After knowing my size, my wife and I went to Macy’s, and then Soma and bought a few more in my size. What I like about the Soma Tank Bra is how smooth it is under my shirts... no clips or hardware that stands out on my back.  They provide good support and I forget that I am wearing them at all.  I try to wear something loose and with a pattern when I wear a regular bra so that hardware doesn’t stand out as much.  They are all very comfortable.  

Like I’ve said before, I am so glad that I found this forum.  Thank you to everyone that has contributed, so that I could get some answers to my questions and find a solution.  

Offline SideSet

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 Thank you for sharing your experiences being fitted, trying on, and buying bras.  I am glad they were so reaffirming.  Also glad if our encouragement helps. 

You seem to have taken naturally to wearing a bra, and quickly become as knowledgeable about bras as most women. In fact, more knowledgeable than many :)

You have made a good start towards building the bra wardrobe you need now that you wear a bra like a woman does.  You need a bra to suit what you will be doing, wearing, and your mood each time you get dressed.

Has it already become second nature to put on your  bra when you get dressed?  Any reactions from your wife as you dress?

Thanks for sharing your shopping experience.  I am sure you will become a regular in places like Soma. Please share more 


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You have made a good start towards building the bra wardrobe you need now that you wear a bra like a woman does.  You need a bra to suit what you will be doing, wearing, and your mood each time you get dressed.

Has it already become second nature to put on your  bra when you get dressed?  Any reactions from your wife as you dress?

Thanks for sharing your shopping experience.  I am sure you will become a regular in places like Soma. Please share more
I am finding out what bras work best for the different things I do.  I am also still nervous that someone will notice that I am wearing a bra, so I try to wear something that will hide them.

Wearing a bra is getting to be part of my normal routine.  My wife will sometimes help me choose the right bra depending on what we are doing that day.  She will also tell me if my bra is noticeable or not.  

Offline SideSet

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Your wife seems very committed to you wearing a bra. What is she say about you being nervous?


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My wife tells me to not worry about it, and “nobody will even notice..”  She just wants me to be comfortable.  I’d prefer my coworkers and other family members didn’t find out. 


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