Author Topic: 2 Weeks Post Op -- Lumps(concerned!)??  (Read 4100 times)

Offline BayAreaLexo

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im 10 days post op thru a Kaiser Plastic Surgeon, he's not a specialist but says he has high hopes for me(along with hes done a fair share of these surgerys).

There was a bit of gland excision and some lipo since mine was "mild". The thing I fear though is that my chest doesnt have as much contour as I wanted it to and it also looks a bit like I still have very slight gyno. Should I start back on my cutting diet?(Im 10-11% @ 180 lbs., used to be 230)

I can also feel very hard lumps underneath the nipple and I can pull skin/fat/whatever away from the pecs. Along with, when I flex my pecs and bend over whats remaining collects in one area. Whats the deal?? Is this scar tissue along with whats left of the gland? Does everyone have gland left over after? Im to wear my vest for a nother MONTH!! he says so that the skin can reattach to the muscle...Please help.

Offline RottonDane

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I think you look pretty good.  Your only 10 days out, still healing, and if it didnt get any better, it looks as if some excercise could give you the shape you are wanting.  Plus you use to be quite larger than you currently are and skin takes some time to bounce back, the older you get, the longer it takes.  I would sit on your hands a while and see if it gets better with time, and dont become obsessive.  Time will tell and if not, go back to your PS and see what they say.

Offline BayAreaLexo

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Thanksss, BTW I was 230 about 2 years ago(im 19 now). How about the lumps under my nipps? Scar tissue? Left over gland? Also, I meant to say 12 days P.O.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2005, 09:04:27 PM by BayAreaLexo »

Offline bleon40661

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You also need to make sure that you wear your compression vest or garment.  This is critical in pushing all the fluid out of the chest and into your body for disposal.  This vest also helps the skin to contract.

Offline BayAreaLexo

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Yes, Dr. Grossman of Kaiser. What do you guys think about the lumps Im talking about?
« Last Edit: November 14, 2005, 04:06:42 PM by BayAreaLexo »

Offline BayAreaLexo

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im in the East Bay. The pictures are thumbnails. You have to click on them.


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