Author Topic: Compression tee vs. a Bra  (Read 3394 times)

Offline Traveler

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While I’ve accepted that I need to wear a bra, for the most part, I’m still wearing a compression tee while working. I feel that while at work I’m a representative and should put my comfort second. I like this job and want to keep it. While wearing a compression tee is  uncomfortable, there’s no indication that it’s a bra. On the other hand, I’m big enough (D cup) that even with the tee I still look chesty. How do you handle work situations?

P.s. I have a work supplied tee shirt with logo, media weight, that I have to wear

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DudewithBoobs, nope. I’m a solid D and with the company tee shirt there’s no way to hide a bra. Also, I don’t see how I could sue, pretty sure Gynecomastia isn’t covered by the ADA. It’s a harmless inconvenience not a disability.

Offline curiousk

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I work in health care.    Prior to the pandemic, I wore scrubs and tops I wore didn’t show my bra at all.   Just my boobs were rounded underneath my scrub top.   Since the pandemic, we wear PPE gowns and they get pretty warm during the course of a shift so I wear a thin, t shirt to work.   I’m a 42C and I’m sure that my coworkers see my rounded breasts under my shirt but haven’t said anything.  Maybe once the pandemic is over, I’ll continue to wear them at work. I can’t hid C cup breasts, but I can be comfortable.

Offline Johndoe1

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You are correct dudewithboobs. If you have the deer in the headlight look, people can smell something is up. But an air of confidence in one's self really gives off positive vibs that only help you and people don't see any flaws.

Just the other day I had to quickly run out of the house braless to the store, and this was the first time in a long, long time I been out in public braless. Other than just physically uncomfortable from the movement and the rubbing of the shirt, I didn't really think about my breasts and no one paid any attention to the guy in the tee shirt with two moving mounts on his chest
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Johndoe1

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curiousk, do you normally wear male scrubs or unisex scrubs? Do you find you have more bust room in the unisex over the male?

Offline curiousk

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Johndoe1, I do wear the unisex scrubs as I find that there is more room is the chest.  I have a good size stomach too so the unisex tops help with that as well.  I am tempted to try the women’s scrubs I need a neutral color to see if they fit better.

Offline gynecoindia

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Dear this is the time of corona, there are lots of work from home like situations where you can work from home for a month..Make a decision and get it operated. You will get enough time resting at home and caring for yourself. 
Wearing bra or tee is not a permanent solution. 


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Gyneco India 
This is not a site where anyone instructs or  orders others what they must do.
Members must explore alternatives, make decisions and action them in their own time.
Just tone it down a bit

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Thank you DW20.

Dear Gynenco India,
I guess if all you have is a hammer, all you see is nails. Permanent is scars. Permanent is loss of feeling. Permanent is loss of $15,000 for basically a double mastectomy at my size. Permanent is the possibility of death over a cosmetic surgery. Permanent is your inability to see past your very closed minded opinion.


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I have been wearing a bra full time for over 30 years.  I would have to consider that a pretty permanent solution. I know that almost all women deal with their own breasts in a similar manner. 

I realized long ago that there was nothing wrong with having breasts. I have accepted mine. I have grown them completely naturally and they cause me no harm. Nowadays I can walk into a store and find a bra that fits and there is no issue.if I want matching panties I can wear those too. Unfortunately there are still a few busy bodies who think that they have the answer for something which they know nothing about. 

Offline OHboobs

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Odd that India's comment is "awaiting moderator approval" yet we can all see it.

Offline JohannK

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I also don't like his post much.

I'm not against a surgeon posting his professional opinion on the forums.  But outright pushing surgery like that and saying that there is no other option than lopping them off (especially in a subforum for people who chose not to do that) is a bit out of line.  Is someone decides to go the surgical route, that's their choice.  Assuming they have all the information of course (including risks).

This is pretty much like a surgeon saying I MUST get a heart transplant, because I was born with a slightly deformed wall between two chambers.  When in reality it just causes a VERY slight noise (under very specific conditions), and my pulse is a bit faster than normal.

Also, I don't know if any of you saw that, but in another thread he told someone that he has puffy nipples but not gyne, and that it can be fixed with surgery.  While I'm not a medical expert, are puffy nipples not caused by glandular development, and therefore gyne?  I suppose he probably meant minor gyne, but it struck me as odd, coming from a surgeon who specializes in the field.

EDIT:  OHboobs:  That probably means that his post was reported by someone.

Offline brock123

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While I’ve accepted that I need to wear a bra, for the most part, I’m still wearing a compression tee while working. I feel that while at work I’m a representative and should put my comfort second. I like this job and want to keep it. While wearing a compression tee is  uncomfortable, there’s no indication that it’s a bra. On the other hand, I’m big enough (D cup) that even with the tee I still look chesty. How do you handle work situations?

P.s. I have a work supplied tee shirt with logo, media weight, that I have to wear

For what it may be worth at this point since this topic seems to have been derailed, I'm nowhere near a "D" (and never was) but I am still very self-conscious about my appearance at work, when that event actually happens in 2020.  I've gone in with a compression shirt, I've gone in with a sports bra, I've gone in with nothing at all.  I always wear button-down shirts with pockets (for like 25 years now), which as far as I am aware has been all that has been needed to avoid any looks/comments, but let's be honest -- this is about how YOU feel, right?

I completely agree with the folks that indicate that your own confidence in your appearance is the main driver for how others may judge you.  If you are uncomfortable, that will be picked up fairly quickly and cause "the stare".  Putting something like a tight compression shirt on that needs regular adjustments/tweaking since let's admit it - they SUCK, is going to draw more attention to yourself since you will be doing things with your hands that are considered unnatural for a man to be doing.

In my experience, and please don't get me wrong that I think I know what you are specifically going through because I don't, people won't bat an eye at a person that is comfortable with themselves. Might they notice? Of course they will. Will they care? Unlikely.

I do notice men wearing bras, I do not notice men wearing compression shirts.  I don't think poorly of the men I notice wearing bras, on the contrary I am jealous of their self-confidence.  They have boobs and they look ... so GD comfortable.

Again FWIW, the only time I opt into the compression shirt these days is for swimming.  My daughter (6 y/o) loves the pool, and I happen to be much more comfortable with my appearance with a full-torso garment like a compression shirt under a regular t-shirt whilst wet.  On days where I'm feeling a bit too chesty but intend to stay dry I go with a compression sports bra.

I guess for me it boils down to is that you should do what feels right for you.  If I run into you and you happen to be rocking a hot pink Victoria's Secret 40D underneath it all, I would definitely notice it, but it would invoke an emotion of .. respect.  You do you.  F*** everyone else.


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Comfort comes in two forms, physical and mental. While I think that most of us here would agree that a proper fitting bra is very comfortable,  physically. That's why we most of us here either wear full-time or part-time. However we aren't all mentally comfortable with wearing a bra openly. We are concerned about "is my bra visible through my shirt ", "does this bra give me too much protection ", "uhh ohh!, did I just adjust my bra and did they notice?"

I can tell, from lost of experience that most people don't care or don't even notice. It takes a while to get used to being mentally comfortable with being physically comfortable with wearing your bra. I can say that it is a 1000 times more common for I guy to choose the comfort and support of a bra than it was 30 years ago. 

Even at the small mom.and pop boutiques that I shop at , they have dozens of guys who routinely shop for bras for themselves. 

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Thanks for your input. I’m now getting more comfortable out and about in my bras. I’m currently wearing a underwire minimizer by Dominique under a heavy weight tee, definitely an all day bra, and unless you really look hard (could be kidding myself here) you can’t say it’s screaming bra! It was cooler today and wore my tee tucked in, because of the change I was a little worried at first but after going to a farmers market, Walmart and a sit down restaurant. I didn’t get a second look. People really are wrapped up in their own world and if you present confident male, that’s all they see. Just don’t bend over in front of anybody. ;)


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