Author Topic: gyne growing again  (Read 3824 times)


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I have had gyne for a few years now and the other month I saw a specialist who did all the tests and said there was no underlying cause.
I was asked if id like sugery and said yes
i heard nothing and then got into a terrible habbit of constantly pulling at it
When i went for the consultation the gyne was bigger on the left but now the right side is so much bigger and alot harder it feels like a solid tomato  this has crept up since i was told there was no cause!!and in two- three months
also it burns like hell
i went to the doctor and told her about my new habit and she said she would try and get my sugery prioritised
The thing thats confusing me is the doctors keep telling me there is nothing wrong with my hormone levels yet i took some test three months ago and when i was on it i had no gyne pain! i think thats more than a coincidence
Anyways what should my next move be? i have a doctors apointment next monday but man im in some pain here and im thinking the gyne is growing any ideas im lost as to what to do now?

Offline markashleigh1979

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Hi, sorry to hear about your problems. If you take nolvadex it should ease the pain and prevent more growth . Ask them the Gp to prescribe it until you get your operation....

Offline Worrier

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Well you say all the tests came back negative, did an endocrinologist do the tests? Have you asked the doctors why your gyno is still growing? do they agree with you that it is growing? I ask that because gyne can get in your head and mess your thinking up. It would be a mans worst nightmare to grow breasts and nothing could be found.
       This happened to me I believed they were growing ev en though I knew what caused it. Also pulling at it while not making it grow will make it really hurt. It is good you are seeing your doctors again , ask why nothing can be found  on the tests when your gyno is getting worse. This is not something you need to put up with.
It is quite rightly causing you distress, there are some quite serious problems that can cause gyno and you need to know one way or another.What do your family or friends say about this ?do they say it is worse? their opinion might be a good indication. Also surgery is not a good idea while gyno is growing crap i know. So  you need the growth to stop first whether by treating it or waiting for the growth to stop.

good luck man


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first reply i will ask the doctor for the nolva or tamoxifen on monday as you recomended as i doubt ill get to see a sepcialist again for at least another 4 weeks even if refered so good advise there consider it took

second reply

I was worried some one was going to say that about the surgery! i no people may say youd be better to wait than have to have it done again but you no what i dont feel like i would i want rid so bad!
The gyne is definately growing you can see the diference by eye and if i hold my arms above my head the right side is a pudding rounded breast shape
this wasnt the case when i went for consultation as they had a scan done on my left side as that was bigger

All said you are right i would like to no whats causing it im still thinking its something to do with hormones as why did they rectify the situation when took!(the pain that is)

also i asked my mother if she agreed it was worse and showed her the arms above head thing and she agreed the right is definately alot bigger

i have one other thing i got up the other night and there was a small amount of blood coming from my penis and in the morning i had a clot coming out of the tip although this may be unrelated i will be mentioning it

thank you both for taking time out to reply any 1 else have any views please coment
« Last Edit: November 16, 2005, 10:22:30 AM by kicka »

Offline markashleigh1979

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The gyne could be a underlining symptom  of something more serious , so please make sure you mention the bleeding. Don't be shy and  back out at the last minute.

Underlying conditions list: The list of possible underlying conditions mentioned in various sources for Gynecomastia includes:

Puberty - all adolescent males experience some male breast enlargment; it is often temporary.
Aging - more common in older men as male hormones reduce.
Obesity - may cause similar enlarged appearance.
XXY males
Liver disorders
Liver disease
Certain tumors
Estrogen-producing tumors
Testicle tumor - if it secretes estrogen
Adrenal tumor - if it secretes estrogen
Ectopic hCG tumor
Lung cancer
Chronic kidney failure
Breast cancer - can occur in males.
Neurofibroma (type of Neuroma)
Dermoid cyst
See also causes of breast swelling
Gynecomastia as a symptom: Conditions listing Gynecomastia as a symptom may also be potential underlying conditions:

Cirrhosis of the liver
Klinefelter syndrome
Progressive Spinobulbar muscular atrophy

I am only making a point of this as i was bleeding every time i went to the toilet ( anus) , thought it must have been piles.....( stupidly put it off three months) . Now i am getting cameras stuffed up left , right and center ...and any infection may have spead......hopefully it will be nothing .

Oh and one last thing, stop gripping your chest and it might stop hurting ;) .


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ye i try to stop messing with my chest i just did a whole day yet ive just been on the comp for an hour and ragged the hell outa it!! shame its a vicious circle as some one said on here b4
Just to point out again i was told there was no underlying problems

one thing i left out since i had these tests i was diognosed with hep C thats a liver disease isnt it!! hmm

still they did say there was no problem there and i no that you can live it with no efects for most of your life.

any more coments on this new angle??

ps good look on your camera thingy i hope everything goes okay
« Last Edit: November 16, 2005, 10:54:21 AM by kicka »

Offline markashleigh1979

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It's worth finding out....hopefully its just cos you keep grabbing it :) and the mental torture....

Have you thought about wearing mits with the one wide finger that fits four ? :) .....

thanks for the good luck.

Offline dr007

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You only mentioned in passing having Hepatitis C.  This is a hugely serious disease with life-long consquences.

A previous post also mentioned liver disease, disorders & cirrohosis on 3 occasions in his list of causes of gynecomastia (chronic hep C fits into all those catergories)

Depending how long you have had hep C and what serotype (some are more favourable for treatment than others).  I would suggest that this as a reason for you gynecomastia.

I also don't think playing with you moobs will make them bigger,  just the same as playing with your penis all day won't make it bigger :-/

Remember Occam's Razon -  simplest explaination is most likely to the correct one

I would also probaly worry more about your hep C than your gynecomastia if I was you

PS don't share needles


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Yes i can see it looked at though i mentioned it in passing in fact i didnt really want to disclose that info but i felt as you pointed out it could be a contributing factor
I was diagnosed with it in june as said before i have had tests on my liver and it is in no way chronic in fact i am going back a second time to see if the infection still exists i expect it to but there obviously is a chance it could of gone as there would be no point in the hospital recalling me.
You can lead a normal life with hep c you just have to watch your diet.
Well im not disputing that it may be the cause of my gyno reocurring i dont think it was the first factor though as i used steroids and then came off them and ended up on diazepam almost straight after so my test must of been so represssed.
Cheers for pointing out where this disease is linked to gyne though as i wasnt sure.

I will discuss all these facts and be asking for the nolva when i see the doc on monday.

Im abit dubious about reporting this hep c to the doc though i have had it diagnosed and now im thinking about long term factors will i ever be able to get a morgage if they no i have that? anyway no life= no morgage so i guess im worrying over nothing.

thanks again for the time to make coments

oh one last thing the gloves idea ye maybe that would work but i wouldnt be able to do my job very well with them on. Things are looking up though yesterday i only ragged it for an hour which is good and i took pain killers so i didnt think about it so much i will do the same again today . When i get this nolva maybe the burning will go away

I havent had any coments yet about why the testosterone i took stoped the pain? i still havent had a satisfactory answer of the doctors also it wasnt an endocrologist or whatever you call it who did it.

Thanks again

Offline Paa_Paw

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It sounds like you might be wise to seek an opinion from another Doctor.  You not only need an Endocrinologist, but one who specializes in reproductive problems.. You have two issues: liver function and Gynecomastia.  Each may require a different Doctor.
Grandpa Dan


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yes ill be giving a full report to the doctor and wont alow myslef to be fobbed of this time!
I can even answer why i yank at it because at first i felt like a ripping in there and some how i felt i was doing some good bye breaking it up!! (stupid i no)
but i think its my way of feeling i have some control over
ye the hep c bummer hu!
i think i caught it when me and pammy anderson last got it together!! hahaha

thanks for all the advise i think i have enough now to go on with i will post up how i get on with the doc on monday

thanks again
« Last Edit: November 18, 2005, 11:53:29 AM by kicka »


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